Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 889 The Emperor's Great Chess

Chapter 889 The Emperor's Great Chess (Fourth Update, Please Subscribe)

Emperor Zhu had a smile on his face.

He's included the Jewish people from the time he planned it all years ago.

"Not to talk about an agreement, but to give the Jews a hope."

Emperor Zhu said while playing chess.

"For the Jews, what they dream of is nothing more than a country that belongs to them. In the past, no European country has given them this promise, but France can give them!"

It was not given by France, but by Emperor Zhu who persuaded Napoleon IV to give it.

"With this promise, all the Jews of the world will support France in this war against Turkey, but this is not the most important thing. The important thing is that those Jews have to choose between the country where they live and Israel. "

As a destroyer of order, first of all, we must use all available forces to turn those forces into our own help, rather than get the opposite.

This is also the reason why Emperor Zhu chose the Jews. The Jewish control of the financial industry in this era far exceeds the imagination of later generations. Who would have thought that eight of the top ten banks in the UK were founded by Jews, and the top ten banks in France were founded by Jews. There are six, and Germany has seven.

Jewish capital, after centuries of accumulation, has successfully controlled the financial industry in Europe, and finance... is the root of war.

"But, Your Majesty, the Jews are not reliable!"

Hu Xueyan specifically reminded.

"There is a proverb in Europe - even if the Jews have made a contract with the devil, they will tear it up at any time. For the Jews, they will never betray, only interests!"

Hu Xueyan's reminder made Emperor Zhu laugh.

"Haha this is the smartest part of the Jews, they will always make the right choice, at least some of them will make the right choice. Why are there always some seemingly invincible cities in the wars in Europe city ​​suddenly forgot to lock the door?

Why, after Constantinople had been besieged for so long, suddenly one day, a gate was pushed open.

If the country is in trouble, there will be chaos!
Betrayal has long been engraved in the bones of the Jews, which is why I chose them, because for them...betrayal is what they are best at, just like now, a Jewish state can make them sell Britain, The interests of Germany, at least in this war, the Jews ... will be our allies!Of course, next time, only God will know, but right now, France needs them, and we need them to trip Britain.Give us a fight for time! "

To gain time!

Fight time for the next war!

This is the value of the Jews. As for whether the Jews will betray them in the future... It's none of Daming's business. On Daming's side, let alone Jewish banks, there is not even a pawn shop. These industries have their own admission system, maybe Before that, Argentina and Chile had them, but now, those Jews are either obediently working as clerks in Daming’s banks, or obediently working their jobs. As for banks and insurance companies, they don’t even think about it.

After playing a game of chess with Hu Xueyan and asking some questions about bond issuance and other aspects, Hu Xueyan resigned. Standing in the pavilion, Emperor Zhu looked at the gloomy twilight, and then said to himself.

"It's almost time to start action over there!"


The general trend of the world is changing day by day. When the situation in the world is being stirred up by Turkey, and Turkey is in a precarious situation, the fall of the Pleven Fortress and the capture of Osman Pasha are extremely blown to Turkey. disastrous.

After the fall of the Pleven Fortress, all Istanbul could rely on was the army led by Suleiman Pasha. However, compared to the hundreds of thousands of Russian troops, Suleiman, the commander-in-chief, only had 10,000+ troops. What should Turkey do with the powerful Russian army advancing triumphantly?
Just when the whole of Istanbul fell into panic due to the fall of the fortress of Pleven, and the Russian army's triumphant singing, the British Empire's statement gave the native chicken hope!

The British Empire is coming!
For a while, everyone in Turkey was very excited. In their view, Turkey was finally saved!
"Thank God, with the help of England, we will surely repel the Russians..."

Abdul Aziz I, who was in the Sultan's palace, said to his confidants a little excitedly.

He didn't know that in history, he should have been overthrown in June, but the Russian invasion kept his life alive and made a coup d'etat vanish invisibly.

"Honorable Sultan, the British fleet will arrive here soon. With the help of the British, we will surely win this war..."

At this time, no one would say bad news such as France's declaration of war.

"Thanks be to Allah, Allah will not begrudge His favor to His followers!"

Abdul Aziz I said proudly.

"Soon, we will be able to celebrate our victory here. This time Russia will definitely suffer a more tragic defeat than the last war!"

Just as they were celebrating, suddenly, there were bursts of shrill sirens in the air.

"Air attack! Come on, Sultan, the Russian airship is coming!"

The Russian airship has arrived. In the past few days, the Russian airship has flown over the city many times, bombing Istanbul and nearby cities.

After several air strikes, the Turks already know how to deal with it, how to deal with it?
Of course they hid in the air-raid shelter, in the basement!
The way of war has changed since the day airships were put into battle.

Under the attack of the airship, there is no so-called safe rear, especially since a month ago, the Russian airship unit began to use 30mm Gatling cannons to attack the trains of the Turks from the air, despite the accuracy of the bombs It was impossible to accurately destroy the railway, but the attack on the train by machine guns successfully blocked Turkey's rear transportation.

Not only that, the bombing of the city has also severely damaged the morale of the Turks again and again, but what is different today is that those airships did not drop bombs in the city as usual, but over the Bosporus Strait Fly over, and then fly directly to the Sea of ​​Marmara.

The Turks on the Istanbul Air Defense Observation Post saw that the airship didn't drop the bombs, but just swaggered towards the west like that, and they couldn't help becoming a little dazed.

"What are they doing? Where are they going?"

(End of this chapter)

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