Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 890 Dimensionality Reduction and Dimensionality Reduction

Chapter 890 Dimensionality reduction and then dimensionality reduction (first update, please subscribe)
"Heavenly gift, why do we have to fly over from Constantinople?"

On the airship, Colonel Nicholas looked at the city on the ground with some puzzlement. As far as their goal was concerned, there was absolutely no need for them to fly there.


Yang Tianci said with a smile.

"The role of the airship is not just a weapon, it is also a psychological weapon. Every time we fly over Constantinople, when the Turks sounded the air defense alarm, they fled to the air-raid shelter in horror, waiting for the bomb to fall It is conceivable that the psychological trauma they suffered may even exceed the bomb itself, so even if we fly a little more, it is worth it!"

Nicholas was dumbfounded by Yang Tianci's explanation, and he spoke after a while.

"Is this what you mean by the science of war?"

"War itself is the sum of all sciences, Nicholas."

Yang Tianci smiled.

"As soldiers, all we need is to make full use of the results of scientific research!"

"God! I pray we'll never be enemies!"

In the exclamation of Colonel Nicholas, a huge formation consisting of 110 airships has flown to the Sea of ​​Marmara.

A few hours later, the Turkish soldiers on the fort in the Dardanelles spotted dense airships in the sky.

"Sir, airships, lots of airships! Coming to us!"

The desperate cries of the soldiers rang in Lei Pujie's ears, and for a moment, the fort was filled with fear—the tragic scene of being burned to death appeared in their minds.

Fortress Previn was destroyed by airships!
Lei Pujie just stood blankly on the turret, looking up at the airships flying in formation in the sky, his mood was extremely complicated.

His task is to guard the strait and prevent fleets from other countries from entering the strait of Canakkale.

But now?
The Russians did not send their fleet, but their airships.

What should we do now?
He glanced at the 12-inch cannons on the turret, these cannons can't hit the airship!The rate of fire is astonishingly slow, and it takes three to five minutes to fire one shot. What's more, the elevation angle of all the cannons can't reach the airship. What's more sad is that his cannon's firing angle points to the west of the strait and the strait. The fort's The task is to prevent the enemy fleet from breaking in from the Aegean Sea. As for the Sea of ​​Marmara, it is the inner sea of ​​the strait barrier!
And the Russian airship just flew from...the Sea of ​​Marmara. Not to mention that the cannons couldn't reach them, and they couldn't even reach them. The cannons were useless at all!
At least when these forts were built, no one thought that one day they would need to consider the threat from the sky.

"Everyone, enter the bunker..."

Amidst the harsh air defense sirens, the Turkish defenders hid in the bunker in horror, and then prayed for the blessing of Allah in the bunker!
At the same time, the Russian airship began to dive.

"What are they doing?"

Repje, who observed the airship with a telescope, looked suspiciously at the airships flying from the direction of the Marmara Sea. When those airships approached the strait, they began to descend. The height of their descent was very low. In an instant, Repje even felt that the airships had turned into ships, and they seemed to be sticking to the water.

At this moment, clouds of water exploded from the sea below the airship.

"He, what did they drop?"


Standing on the airship and observing the water surface of more than ten meters, Yang Tianci said.

"Mine as much as possible, don't think about density, what we need is to completely seal off this strait!"

"That's right, as long as the British can't come in, Constantinople is ours!"

For a while, the airship was full of laughter.

Amidst the laughter, gunshots suddenly came from both sides of the strait. It was the Turks. Although their cannons could not attack the airship, the Turks still fired with their rifles one after another. As you can imagine, the bullets were on the airbags It's just a few small holes, and it doesn't affect the overall situation at all.

But only for a while, hundreds of airships of the Russian army dropped hundreds of mines in the Dardanelles under the watchful eyes of the Turks.

This is the first aerial mine-dropping operation in human history, and the most common mines are thrown. In order to ensure the success of the mine-dropping, they deliberately flew to a low altitude, almost close to the sea surface, and threw anchor mines into the Dardanelles. .

Almost less than an hour after Russia dropped the mine, a merchant ship was bombed and sunk in the Dardanelles. By that night, six incoming and outgoing merchant ships were bombed and sunk.

In just one night, the narrow Dardanelles turned into a sea of ​​death.

At this time, the British Mediterranean Fleet had just sailed through Crete, and they soon learned that the strait was blocked by mines.

Ever since, the mighty fleet of the British Empire was dumbfounded. They never expected such a result.

"When will those mines be cleared?"

Without even waiting for the British to get an answer, the next morning, the Russian airship force planted mines in the outer sea area of ​​the Dardanelles, and then announced to the outside world—"Require ships from all countries not to approach the war zone. If they are sunk by mines, Russia will No responsibility will be assumed! Any trespasser shall bear the consequences!"

Consequences at your own risk!

This is tantamount to telling the British—even if your warship sinks, it has nothing to do with Russia. If you have the ability, you can use your warship to break through!
This time, it was the turn of the British to be dumbfounded. In the next few days, more mines were air-dropped on the east and west sides of the Dardanelles.

The Dardanelles are completely sealed off!

Faced with this situation, who is really dumbfounded?
It was not the commander of the British Mediterranean Fleet, but Benjamin. Originally, he planned to send the fleet to Istanbul. Through the protection of the fleet, the Russians would retreat, and then use the good offices to lure the Russians to give up most of their targets. , thus disintegrating the imperial alliance.

But now?
The Royal Navy can only stare blankly in the Aegean Sea.

"Admiral, can this... airship be used like this?"

"Prime Minister, all I can say is that the uses of airships are far beyond our imagination,"

Admiral Mision is also very helpless. The airship can bomb, transport troops, and...but how can it lay mines?
If a war breaks out in the future, the airship forces of other countries lay mines on the Royal Navy's advancing will definitely be a disaster.

As soon as he thinks of this, Mision feels a headache. He originally thought that the explosive characteristics of the airship would greatly weaken the role of the airship. Now it seems that the airship not only cannot be weakened, but must be further strengthened. The purpose of that thing is really Too broad, as for hydrogen...compared to its use, it is simply not worth mentioning.

"Prime Minister, I'm sure that there must be military experts from Ming Dynasty in the Russian airship force. Otherwise, the Russians could not have mastered so many new airship tactics overnight."

It really made Mision guess right. When Daming delivered a batch of new airships to Russia, he naturally sent a group of officers to teach the Russians airship tactics, and air-dropping mines was just one of them.

"It's not important, the important thing is..."

Benjamin didn't continue speaking, he was heartbroken!
Everything is not important, what is important is that the Royal Navy's fleet can no longer reach Istanbul, which means that his plan has also been ruined!
"Can the Royal Navy defuse mines?"

Holding the last ray of hope, Benjamin looked at Admiral Mision.

"Yes, yes, but the speed at which we eliminate them is far less than the speed at which they drop bombs. Even if they don't continue to lay mines, at least in the next three months, we will not be able to clear all the mines."


Turkey is over!

In an instant, Benjamin's face turned pale, and he opened his mouth for a while before speaking.

"Damn Daming, it's him, it's him..."

(End of this chapter)

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