Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 891 Father and Son

Chapter 891 Father and Son (Second Update, please subscribe)
it's him!
That's right, it was Daming, and everything was planned and operated by Daming, but so what?

After September 1876, the general trend of the world is developing in the direction expected by Emperor Zhu with unstoppable momentum.

After the Dardanelles were blocked by mines, hundreds of thousands of Russian troops advanced all the way, and their soldiers pointed directly at Fort Alidri, which was the gateway to Istanbul. Once it fell, the fall of Istanbul was only a matter of time.

At the same time, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which had always been very ambiguous, finally sent their troops to Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia, which was under Turkish occupation, also declared independence like Bulgaria and Romania.

When the Turks frightened and mobilized troops from various places to resist the attacks of the Russian and Austrian troops, the Imperial Alliance Fleet stationed in Tripoli was dispatched, accompanied by more than [-] merchant ships and more than [-] soldiers in North Africa. The battle-hardened French army.

The French Emperor Napoleon IV also set out with the ship, the target - the port of Beirut.

"The jersey of the Crusaders is on me once again, for the glory of God! For the recovery of the Holy City..."

In the prayers of the Pope, in the impassioned speeches of the Emperor Napoleon IV, France entered the war.

The general trend of the world is no longer ready to go, but out of control.

In any case, at the end of 1876, world history has entered a new stage.

When he received the telegram from the fleet, Emperor Zhu, who was far away across the ocean, was enjoying the family happiness, hunting with several older sons in the hunting ground, except for the prince Zhu Youlin and the second prince Zhu Youyang In addition, there are Zhu Zhenwen, Zhu Zhenming, and Zhu Zhentao. Among several children, Zhu Zhenwen, who is 15 years old, is the oldest. He is the real eldest son of the emperor. His mother is Elizabeth. Monica, they are 13 years old.

They are all older than the crown prince. Although the 12-year-old Zhu Youlin is over 1.7 meters five, he is still a young man. His youthful nature prevents him from being compared with Zhu Youyang, Zhenming, and Zhentao. .

On the other hand, Zhu Zhenwen, who has just turned fourteen and less than half a year, looks like a little adult, just by his father's side.

"How was school? Are you still used to it?"

Zhu Xianhai looked at his eldest son and asked, he passed the high school academic ability test at the age of 14, but he did not apply for a university, but was admitted to an army school. Mom's surprise.

"There is nothing suitable or unsuitable. The life in the military academy is simpler and purer. Apart from learning, it is training."

Zhu Zhenwen replied.

"Well, indeed, life in the army is the same. It's simpler. Although your mother is unhappy, she is still the one who loves you the most. If you are on vacation, go back and spend more time with her."

Because her son went to the military academy, Elizabeth was very unhappy. She even had a big fight with her son because of this. Zhu Xianhai also had a headache about it.

"The boy knows."

Nodding his head, Zhu Xianhai said again.

"Just like what I said before you entered the military academy, the army is just a process in your life. You are my eldest son. This is an unchangeable fact. The company and the country are my life's painstaking efforts. In the future, Yu Lin Will inherit the throne, but the company must be inherited by you."

Looking at the eldest son who was already acting like a soldier by his side, Zhu Xianhai said.

"Go to the army to hone for a few years first, and then go back to the company. Your mother needs help!"

For his children, Zhu Xianhai is fair. Perhaps due to his status, Zhu Zhenwen cannot inherit the throne, but the company will belong to him.As for other children, they will also get their wealth and status.

Even with the child in Europe, Zhu Xianhai prepared a gift for him. In short, in front of these children, he is just a father.

"Father, I know."

Smiling, Zhu Zhenwen looked at his younger brothers in the distance, and then said.

"The reason why I joined the military academy was because the country was in wartime. As young men of the empire, I was born and grew up here. I always want to be loyal to the country, father..."

Looking at his father, Zhu Zhenwen pursed his lips and said.

"If our generation doesn't take the initiative to go to the front line, how can we persuade our next generation to defend the empire? Besides, father, I am your son, and it is also my responsibility to go to the front line!"

When the voice fell, he looked at Zhu Youlin who was competing with his brothers.

"After all, the brothers are still too young."

Looking at his eldest son, Zhu Xianhai sighed.

"Zhenwen, you are a child too!"

You are not yet fifteen years old!
However, the only thing that told Zhu Xianhai was that he knew that at least this war would end soon.

In the following time, Zhu Xianhai hunted in the hunting ground with them in front of the children, played the guitar and sang songs with the children in front of the campfire. In short, like all fathers, he was just a father. Father.

But the time of joy is limited,
Just when they ushered in the morning sun of the next day in the tent, Emperor Zhu received a telegram from the fleet from the attendant—the French army was dispatched.

Emperor Zhu's mood became extremely complicated in an instant. Finally, at this moment, the stone that had been hanging in his heart fell down. After being relieved, Emperor Zhu's mood became a little heavy again.

Now that the general trend of the world has finally inevitably moved in the direction he expected, what does it mean for France to send troops?

Not victory, nor the partition of Turkey, but... world war.

The demise of Turkey is doomed. While the countdown to Turkey's demise has entered, the world war will also enter the countdown.

ten years?

or shorter?
Emperor Zhu didn't know it, but he knew that the First World War in another world lasted for four years. A total of 30 billion people from more than 15 countries were involved in the war, and the war caused 3000 million casualties.

These numbers are just cold numbers in the book, but they are living lives. Tens of millions of lives died on the battlefield.

Those young lives are fixed at the most brilliant moment of life, and they are no longer getting old.

Gazing at the rising sun in the distance, Zhu Xianhai's expression became more and more solemn, he silently lit a cigar, and then said to himself.

"Every empire rises by stepping on..."

What are you stepping on?

Not only the corpses of several countries, but also the corpses of countless young people.

This may be cruel, but... it is inevitable!

Staring at the rising sun, Emperor Zhu's eyes became more resolute than before...

(End of this chapter)

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