Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 893 Fighting for Hegemony Acceleration

Chapter 893 Acceleration for hegemony (fourth update, please subscribe)
"Because of the drought, victims from all over Shandong fled famines, caused famines or prayed for rain. But praying for rain was of no avail. There were starving people everywhere, and many died of their wives selling their children. The suffering was unspeakable..."

Looking at this report on "Da Ming Daily", Emperor Zhu couldn't help but heaved a long sigh. Although the news report was only two or three hundred characters long, he had a certain understanding of this "Ding Wu Qi Famine" .

The drought began in 1875.This year, most of the northern provinces showed signs of drought, and the Zhili area showed signs of disaster in mid-spring.There is still little rain until winter.At the same time, Shandong, Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu and other provinces all experienced severe droughts after this autumn.

This year, the drought has intensified and the scope of the disaster has further expanded.With Zhili, Shandong, and Henan as the main disaster areas, Liaoning in the north, Shaanxi and Gansu in the west, and Jiangsu and Anhui in the south, an unprecedented vast drought area has been formed.

Although the disaster seems to be extremely serious now, it will only get worse next year and the year after that. After all, this is a severe drought that has affected hundreds of millions of people.

"According to the official statement, tens of millions of people starved to death, in fact, it must be multiplied by at least two!"

When he was talking to himself, Emperor Zhu himself didn't believe this number, even if it was multiplied by two, it would be difficult to convince people. With the habit of those officials in my Qing Dynasty who whitewashed peace for the sake of red tops, they If it doesn't shrink by [-]% or [-]%, I'm sorry for their red caps.

This is also the reason why Emperor Zhu dared to introduce so many immigrants, because the introduction of a large number of immigrants led to the reduction of Han immigration in Northeast China and other places.

After all, those people themselves were going to starve to death in history. He said that the introduction was an introduction with a relief nature. Through large-scale disaster relief, more people were rescued, and then they were brought to Daming. They were all reduced to starvation and died on the way to flee famine.

In this drought, there was almost no relief in the Qing Dynasty. In history, it relied on donations from merchants in Jiangnan and Nanyang, but what about this time?It depends on Daming!

In order to relieve those victims, Daming not only purchased millions of shimi from Nanyang, but also transported millions of tons of wheat, corn, etc. bring back.

Bring those compatriots who would have starved to death to Ming, and they will become the cornerstone of Ming's national strength.With them, Daming can truly rise.

"2000 million!"

Facing Liu Kunpeng, the former general of the Ming Dynasty in Haizhou and the current director of the Immigration Affairs Department, Emperor Zhu said.

"This time, we will strive to transport 2000 million people to Daming! We will strive to introduce 700-800 million immigrants from China every year in the next two years, and by the time of the ninth year of Shengde, we will almost reach 2000 million. target!"

Using the "Dingwu Qihuang" to introduce 2000 million immigrants is the goal that Emperor Zhu set for himself.In fact, this is also the reason for the annexation of Brazil.

"With these 2000 million immigrants, we have the confidence to digest the fat of Brazil. Brazil...but only has a population of tens of millions. After the war is over, the black slaves are liberated and sent back to their hometowns in Africa. But it's only sixty-seven million, we have an advantage in population, so..."

Staring at Liu Kunpeng, Emperor Zhu laughed.

"Director Liu, you have a heavy responsibility! Whether Da Ming can make Brazil a part of Da Ming depends entirely on whether you can accomplish this task!"

After all this is completed, what Daming will get is not only Brazil, but may even be the whole of South America!

"Your Majesty, this requires a ship!"

Liu Kunpeng said directly.

"At present, Ming's immigration ships can only meet the needs of 250 million immigrants each year at most. According to the situation in Huaxia, the Immigration Department has purchased more than 36 merchant ships with a total of 18 tons from abroad, and converted them into immigration ships. After the modification, it can add 50 immigration ships, but even so, the annual increase in capacity is only about 180. To complete this task, at least [-] million tons must be added to the existing immigration ship tonnage ..."

An increase of 180 million tons of merchant ships in two years!

For Daming, this is definitely an unprecedented challenge!

Don't say Ming can't do it, right now there is no country in the world that can do it.And this is not a matter of adding hundreds of merchant ships. It also needs hundreds of captains and tens of thousands of crew members.Not just boats

"Then continue to build ships and buy ships. In short, what I need are people!"

In fact, as early as five years ago, Emperor Zhu had already begun to prepare for this "China's southeast migration"-in the past five years, the number of students enrolled in the Ming Dynasty's merchant shipping school has increased by five times, and the tonnage of merchant ships has also increased steadily .

More importantly, there are a group of immigrant ships under construction on the Daming slipway, and the most important are sixteen large immigrant ships with a displacement of up to [-] tons. They are a symbol of the strength of Daming's shipbuilding industry.It was also the reason why Emperor Zhu pulled people from Huaxia.

"The first batch of new [-]-ton immigrant ships should be launched at the end of the year. You can go to the shipyard to supervise them. After all, immigrants! But the fate of my country depends on Ming!"

Immigration is the destiny of the country!
From the day Emperor Zhu arrived in Nanhua Bay, these words became the foundation of Nanhua's survival, and also the foundation of Ming Dynasty's foothold in South America.

Why are Europeans able to gain a foothold here?
It depends not only on the muskets in your hands, but on people!
A steady stream of people, a steady stream of immigrants immigrated from Europe to this land. In North America, tens of millions of white Europeans immigrated, turning the United States and Canada into white. In Central America and South America, white immigrants mixed with Indian women. , mastered that piece of land, in Brazil, millions of European immigrants and Indian women, and female black slaves multiplied, making Brazil a so-called melting pot of races.

And what about the natives of the vast new continent of North and South America?Either "integrate" into it, or disappear, and in the end there are only a few pitiful aborigines left.

In the final analysis, guns were only the beginning of the European conquest of America, and immigration was the key. They relied on millions of immigrants to turn America into their new continent, their paradise, and even European civilization Localized version in New World.

Now, it's Huaxia's turn!

Perhaps in South America, those whites came a little earlier than the Chinese, but it doesn't matter, as long as the population is large enough, everything is not a problem, and the population will solve everything.

Just like the current Ming Dynasty, although there are more than 200 million whites and mixed races, so what?They only account for 10% of the population of Ming Dynasty, and they will eventually integrate into Ming Dynasty little by little in terms of language, tradition, and customs.

After those who speak Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese die, this land will truly become the "homeland" of Ming Dynasty

"China's southeast crossing!"

After Liu Kunpeng left, Emperor Zhu walked to the map. He looked at the vast ocean on the map and said to himself.

""Dingwu Qihuang" may be a tragedy in the world, but it is the capital of Ming Dynasty's struggle for world hegemony!"

This capital is people!
Only with people can there be other possibilities...

(End of this chapter)

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