Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 894 Strategic Bombing

Chapter 894 Strategic Bombing (First update, please subscribe)
When the French army landed in Beirut and the Austro-Hungarian army entered Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ming's army also began its final attack on Montevideo.

In fact, after a long period of shelling and bombing, the attack on Montevideo was not difficult at all.

For Emperor Zhu, the battle ahead in Montevideo did not hold him back. After returning from the hunting ground, there were one meeting after another and endless work.

Just like everyone said, the preparation work is impossible to be perfect no matter when, even if they have made a plan for today a few years ago, in fact, all the plans have such and other deficiencies in the end .

According to the plan, the Army Department of the Ming Empire needs to complete the task of recruiting 1876 million recruits from 77 to 100. 70% of these recruits are from new immigrants, and 30% are from local recruits. New immigrants need to receive literacy education, and their training has not yet been completed. .

The 150 million rifles that Russia and France ordered from Daming also needed to be delivered, and Daming also ordered 50 rifles. In Daming's weapons warehouse, there were only 150 million rifles in stock. In order to maintain the relationship between allies, Ming had to allocate 30 of them to Russia and France.

Faced with this huge order, even if all private factories are mobilized, it will take at least two years to complete it.

The mobilization of military supplies will take time, and it may even wait until the end of the war, and the order has not been completed. However, this does not matter. According to Emperor Zhu's plan, after the war, Ming will buy Russia and France at a low price. order", after all, the next war will break out soon.

"...According to intelligence, since the outbreak of the war, the Brazilian army has conscripted more than 100 million troops, 70% of which were "free men" recruited from various plantations, and imported more than 1000 million pounds of arms from the United Kingdom, Now that their army has completed initial training, we have reason to believe that they will deploy the main force in Casador and Santa Maria..."

In the combat map room, Sun Hu pointed to the deployment of the Brazilian army on the military map, introducing the deployment of both sides.

"And what about our situation?"

"As of now, we have deployed only 15 troops in Paraguay and Uruguay. In terms of military strength, Brazil has 1.5 times the strength of our troops in the south. We do not rule out that when our army launches a general attack on Montevideo , they will attack the rear of our army from Santa Maria..."

When Sun Hu's words fell, Jiang Bailiang, the deputy chief of staff, said directly.

"So, I hope to mobilize the airship troops to carry out an air strike on the rear training camp of the Brazilian army!"

"Oh? Rear camp?"

Emperor Zhu said.

"Tell me what you think,"

"Your Majesty, the conscripts of the Brazilian army are mainly concentrated in thirteen camps west of Sao Paulo. These camps are all located in the wilderness. Except for a few officers who live in wooden houses, most of the conscripts live in straw huts. I think that if We use airship troops to bomb these training camps, and I believe that we will be able to cause effective damage to the maximum extent!"

Zhu Xianhai nodded in agreement with Jiang Bailiang's suggestion.

"Yes, since the war has broken out, then our airship troop cannot be idle, and we must give full play to the role of the airship troop. After all,..."

After all, if you want the United Kingdom to take advantage of it, you must first let the United Kingdom see the combat effectiveness of the airship!
Besides, strategic bombing!
It had been a long time since Ming Dynasty had carried out strategic bombing, and the previous bombing of Montevideo could only be called tactical bombing at best.What is strategic bombing, of course, is the depth of the enemy's rear.

"After all, in a war, we have to make full use of every ounce of power in our hands. Well, we can also bomb cities including Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. Since it is a war, let's completely destroy them! "

For the airship unit, Emperor Zhu still has confidence, not only because Daming is the pioneer of the sky business, but more importantly because of the advantage of crossing the ages!

During the Franco-Prussian War, Ming's airship troops were just newborn calves, but they still brought unprecedented damage to the Prussian army.

What now?
The airship troop of the Ming Dynasty has undergone qualitative changes six years ago, and it is time to show the glory of the airship troop of the Ming Dynasty.


When he received the order from the military department, Li Du, the commander of Ming's airship troop and Viscount Versailles—yes, his title stemmed from the bombing of the Palace of Versailles led by his airship troop. Earl of Bridge, Daming has a Viscount of Versailles.

Tat for tat, Emperor Zhu has always been a small-hearted person, especially the kind who holds grudges.

"Notify the chief of staff to activate the No. [-] scheduled plan."

As the commander of the airship force, Li Du has long been prepared for the war. Whether the war is limited to Uruguay or expanded to Brazil, he has different plans to deal with it.

Of course, the chief of staff also formulated some targeted combat plans.

"Yes, sir--"

After the adjutant left, Li Du walked quickly to the map. He looked at the Brazilian military camp on the map, and then said to himself.

"This time it's your turn to be the stepping stone of the airship force!"

Although, as the commander of the airship force, Li Du knew that the airship had come to an end, it did not mean that he would give up on the airship. After all, his title was closely related to the airship, and Li Du had extremely deep feelings for the airship. , so compared to eliminating, he is more eager to use practical actions to prove that the airship still has its value.

Now, this war with Brazil is undoubtedly the best stage for the airship. He needs to prove the role of the airship to the world through a beautiful victory. Even if it is the eve of his elimination, let him stage it once wonderful performance.

"Now, it's finally our turn!"

Staring at the map, Li Du wished he could go to the battlefield in person. After all, since the outbreak of the war, apart from sending some officers to Russia and France to guide them in combat, the airship troop had never played a role in Montevideo. their power.

Now is the time!
This time, Ming's airship unit is going to shock the world again.After all, after long-term training and technological innovation, the combat effectiveness of the current airship troops has far exceeded that of the past.

"Sixteen camps..."

Staring at the training camp of the Brazilian army on the map, Li Du's eyes burst into some kind of fanatical gaze.

"There are 4 to [-] people in each camp. This time, we must blow you up to ashes..."

(End of this chapter)

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