Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 895 The sky is falling

Chapter 895 The sky is falling (4600 chapters, please subscribe)
Shengde seven years, October [-]th.

In the early morning, when the sun shone on the west bank of the Uruguay River, dispelling the elf-like mist on the river, Ma Guangming, the commander of the Fifth Floating Air Wing, had already put on a flight jacket—a dark brown horse leather Jacket, he wore a military cap without bone support on his head, and a revolver in his waist. After walking out of the tent, he looked at the airship field.

The so-called airship field is actually a large piece of wilderness on the grassland on the west bank of the Uruguay River. This field was selected by the airship force as a temporary airship field a few months ago.The vicinity is guarded by officers and soldiers of the airship unit, and even the surrounding large grassland is a military restricted area.

But it's just a temporary airship yard. After the troops are stationed, they are busy with construction.At present, all the facilities in the airship field were built by the soldiers in a month and a half. In the airship field, the most important thing is the mooring tower and various supporting warehouses and maintenance workshops.

Compared with officers' dormitories, dormitories, etc., these are the most important, so officers including Ma Guangming live in tents.

The most important facility of the airship field is the ground support facility. In addition to the mooring tower, various warehouses need to be established—hydrogen cylinders, hydrogen recovery machines, gasoline, ammunition, and spare parts for various parts need to be stored separately. Not only that, but they also need to be scattered to ensure that even if an accident occurs, it will not affect the combat effectiveness of the troops.

Among all the equipment, the hydrogen cylinder seems to be the most dangerous, but in fact, it is almost as dangerous as ammunition. After all, unless it is hit by a bullet or shell, the cylinder is basically It is safe, but in order to ensure the combat effectiveness of the troops, all spare parts are stored in multiple warehouses in batches, and an explosion-proof wall must be built with sandbags around each small warehouse to prevent the explosion from affecting the surrounding facilities.

Beyond that, what's the most important thing?
It is the repair shop that looks similar to a stadium—every time the airship completes a flight mission, it needs to be maintained and repaired immediately. The steps that look like seats are the area where the ground crew checks airbags, engines and other equipment.

One thing that is certain is that in the past few years, Da Ming's airship force has not only possessed six powerful floating wings on the surface, but what is more important?It has formed a set of scientific operation management system.

In fact, airships seem to cost less to manufacture and use than warships, but without strong industrial strength, reliable technicians and engineers, an airship full of flammable gas may be more dangerous to one's own people than to the enemy!

Today is the time for the floating troops to attack!
Ma Guangming, who came out of the tent, looked at the airship in front of him. In the take-off and landing field with only 72 mooring towers, the [-] hydrogen airships did not surround the mooring towers in a cross shape as usual. Instead, they lined up in an open field.

Under each airship, there are trucks driven by ground crews carefully loading bombs onto the airship... This should be the most dangerous thing. Although the bomb's insurance is not released, no one can afford any accidents.

After Ma Guangming came to the airship take-off and landing area by car, Wu Chengyang, the deputy captain, hurriedly suspended the work at hand, and Ma Guangming asked without waiting for him to salute.

"How long will it take to leave?"

Wu Chengyang quickly reported:

"Sir, the troops have completed the routine inspection before takeoff, and the loading of ammunition is basically completed. Among the 72 airships in the team, 56 are ready! The troops can set off in 10 minutes at most!"

Slightly nodded, Ma Guangming said.

"Let's go when you're ready! This time, we're going to teach them a good lesson."

Although the airships of Ming Dynasty were born during the Franco-Prussian War, they almost blinded the eyes of the military of all countries in the world. Although the land and navy of Britain, France, Russia, Austria and other countries were equipped with a large number of airships, their use of airships in combat But there are great limitations, they only use the airship for reconnaissance, bombing, or else like throwing aviation darts.

In a word, there is no innovation at all.

The army is also a place that needs an innovative spirit, especially in war. Only an army with an innovative spirit can win a war.

In this regard, it is no surprise that the Ming army is innovative.

The reason why both France and Russia asked Ming to send military advisors after the war broke out was that they wanted to learn from Ming to master more airship warfare techniques.

Even now, after the outbreak of the war, many countries, including the United Kingdom and the United States, have also sent their observation teams over, just to see how Ming's airship works with their own eyes.

Just like now, the British observer in the Fifth Wing is an old acquaintance of the Imperial Security Bureau-Major Brian. As early as last year, Brian had already been on the surveillance list of the Imperial Security Bureau.

Of course, as a "friendly country" during the war, Ming Dynasty would definitely not refuse the request to send observers. Just like the French observers can go south with the Brazilian fleet, as long as war is not declared, it is a friendly country.

In addition to Bryan, there is also Captain Arthur MacArthur from the United States. As a military attache stationed in Daming, although he has just arrived in Daming, he still requires observation with the army. As an army officer, he did not accompany the army. Instead, he took the initiative to ask to accompany the airship troops to watch the battle.

"Will they allow us to go aboard, Major?"

Once again, MacArthur looked at Colonel Ma Guangming with some concern.

"Did they have a reason for refusing?"

Brian looked at the huge airships and said.

"We are all friends after all!"

Yes, as long as there is no declaration of war, they are all friendly nations... MacArthur was thinking about it in his heart. He stared at the airship with only one thought in his mind. He wanted to see for himself how powerful the airship was!
After all, the United States is likely to go to war with Ming Dynasty in the future, and the enemy always needs to know first!
As they talked, they walked towards Ma Guangming. Seeing these two allies approaching, Ma Guangming said with a smile.

"Hello, Major Brian, Captain MacArthur! What's the matter?"

"Sir, we know your troops are preparing to go, and we hope to be able to act with you!"

"Yes, sir, the reason why we came here is to witness the strength of your country's airship force with our own eyes!"

Compared to Bryan, MacArthur spoke politely.

"I see!"

Nodding, Ma Guangming, who had already been instructed, did not refuse.

"Okay, but you can't go into other cabins!"

Refusal is definitely not going to be rejected.After all, this is a strategic deception plan related to Daming.The key to whether this strategic deception plan can be successfully implemented is whether the European and American powers can see the powerful combat effectiveness of the airship.Accompanying visits are of course the most effective way.

Of course, a certain sense of mystery must also be maintained.The more mysterious, the more eager they are.

"Please rest assured, sir, we will only operate within the range you specify."

At this moment, the siren sounded in the airship field.

Ma Guangming looked at the two of them and said.

"Two, this is the signal for the crew to board the boat... In 10 minutes, we are going to attack!"

Then Ma Guangming smiled at MacArthur and said:

"Captain, you will take the No. [-] boat with me later, and my boat will be the vanguard!"

Then he said to Brian,
"Major, you are on boat No. 53, you can observe the bombing effect from the rear!"


As one airship after another rose into the sky, 72 white airships that looked like clouds soon appeared above the airship field.Driven by propellers driven by gasoline engines, these airships flew towards the northeast of Brazil.

After the airship took off, it quickly flew to an altitude of 500 meters.

The 12-cylinder engine was very noisy when it was running, and the cabin of the airship was naturally extremely noisy. The roar of the engine and the roar of the propeller all merged into a thunderous noise in the air.

However, this did not affect Ma Guangming and Brian while watching the scenery while drinking coffee.

If there is no surrounding noise, their behavior will only make people think they are in a coffee shop.In fact, the cabin of the airship is not spacious, and it can even be said to be a bit crowded. There are as many as ten crew members just to operate the airship, but there is a separate small room at the end of each cabin—this is a lounge. The Kunpeng-type airship is the latest airship of the Ming Dynasty. It is different from ordinary blimps in that it has a semi-rigid shell structure and uses a large number of balsa wood structure trusses to greatly increase its structure. Compared with the original blimp, it has a The larger and more wind-resistant, it is more suitable for patrolling on the ocean. Because of its great endurance, it can fly continuously for several days and nights. The crew naturally need a rest room so that they can take turns to rest.

Now it's Brian's cabin.

"Major, you can directly observe the ground from here. You see, the line of sight here is very good. It can be said that it is second only to the cockpit..."

Looking at the closed cabin, Brian, who was wearing a flight jacket, was also very helpless. He thought he could enter the airship to find out, but he never thought that he was trapped in this rest room like a prisoner, but he could What do you say?

"Mr. Ma, may I know where our target is?"

“Brazilian boot camp!”

Ma Guangming replied directly.

"Our target is to bomb the boot camp, expecting..."

Looking at his watch, Ma Guangming said.

"Arrive in an hour! At that time, you can see how we fight from here very intuitively."

Can it be seen from here too?

Brian was skeptical, but what could he say?

After Ma Guangming left, Brian looked at this cabin. Except for a small table and six folding beds, it looked very simple here. The airship soldier has never been a happy soldier, just like the one in the current body. Being at a high altitude, he only felt that the cabin was very cold, even the leather jacket was icy cold.

"I'm afraid this trip will be in vain!"

It’s not just Brian himself who feels this way, MacArthur is also the same, he is trapped in the lounge like a prisoner, he can only lie on the folding bed, and then observe the sky, clouds, and the ground outside the cabin through the porthole rivers, grasslands and forests.

I don't know how long it took, but MacArthur felt that something had changed in the cabin. The originally noisy roar suddenly became much quieter. Looking outside the cabin, he could see that the two engines in front had been shut down, and only the tail engine was still running. run.

"The speed seems to be much slower, what are they doing?"

When MacArthur looked out of the cabin in confusion, Brian in the pilot boat also noticed this. He was just looking out of the cabin with a confused face, and Ma Guangming in the cockpit was right The deputy chief ordered.

"After arriving near the target, turn off the engine and use the wind to fly over the target."

The noise of the airship engine is very loud, and it is easy to expose the target. In order to hide its whereabouts as much as possible, as early as two years ago, Ming's airship troops developed the tactic of "quietly approaching the enemy". Some of the engines move with the help of the wind, and when they reach the target area, all the engines are turned off.

The sound of the engine is the biggest weakness that the airship exposes itself, but after the engine is turned off, the airship is almost a "floating cloud" in the sky.

After another ten minutes, the sound of the engine disappeared, and both Blair and MacArthur looked out of the cabin in surprise.

Why would they shut down the engine!
Suddenly, both of them seemed to understand - because of the sound!
"The Brazilians can't find them at all!"

Although it was far away, Brian still saw the Brazilian military camp on the ground-the so-called military camp is a camp area covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of acres, where Brazilians from all over are training. Not everyone, at least for Noah and Roger, who are volunteers from foreign countries, live in wooden houses.

"Oh, damn it, I didn't know there were so many niggers!"

"Yes, and it's actually in the same army as us."

As usual, Noah and Roger, who were standing under the balcony of the corridor, looked at the black slave soldiers in the straw shed. Like other volunteers from the United States, most of them looked incomprehensible.

"We're here to defend the whites, but we're going to fight with the blacks, God can be kidding..."

Who is the most underprivileged person in America today?

Of course it is the blacks. The defeat in the Civil War and the division of the United States have made many Americans blame the blacks for the division. If it is not because of the damn blacks, how can the United States be divided?How could there be millions of deaths?

Thousands of mistakes are the fault of black ghosts. Before the war, there was a market for black people in the northern United States to support their freedom. But after the war, black people became the object of anger from all walks of life, even in many places including New York. There have been many riots (tu) against black people (sa).

Noah and Roger, who are members of the Native American Association, are hostile to blacks. Now they are in an army with a group of black slaves. Of course they feel a little uncomfortable.

"It's just a bunch of cannon fodder."

Several white soldiers who were playing cards turned to Noah and the others and said, while they were playing cards, there were two black soldiers standing beside them, listening to their orders at any time like servants.

For these black slaves who had just left the plantation, they were used to it all.

And more black soldiers are busy on the training ground. They are learning how to march and how to line up. The empty training ground is crowded with recruits...

Carrying a rifle, Darciva would occasionally look at the distant sky when he followed the command of the white officer.

The sky seems to be different from usual.

Those clouds are moving, it must be blown by the wind. Whenever he is upset in the plantation, he will look at the clouds in the sky. However, he does not long for freedom. Freedom is not a good thing, as the masters say In that way, the blacks in the northern part of the United States even fled to the south, because in the north they were killed at will like wild dogs, and in the south, at least they had masters who would protect them.

No, the cloud seems to be moving?

No, the cloud fell!

Staring at the rapidly falling clouds in the sky, Dar Siwa suddenly had a thought in his heart—the sky, the sky is falling!

The sky is falling!
It's not just a cloud that's falling down, it's the sky, and many clouds in the sky are falling down!

Dar Siwa, who was walking, stared blankly at the sky. He just stopped and almost tripped over the soldiers behind him.

"Darsiva, you idiot, what are you doing?"

"Master, God, God..."

Pointing to the sky, Dar Siwa said in horror.

"The sky is falling!"

(End of this chapter)

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