Chapter 903 Banner (Third update, please subscribe)
What are the rules of the game?
In essence, the law of the jungle is still preying on the strong, but in the past this rule was formulated by the British and Europeans, but what about now?

Daming will also become the maker of the rules of the game, and even become the leader.

And rely on what to lead?
Of course it is by force!
Cannons are axioms!

Bombardment, bombardment!

In the past days, Daming either bombarded with heavy artillery or bombed with airships.

In the past three days, the shelling of heavy artillery has become the only sound here.

This is the front line in Montevideo. After a few heavy rains, the trenches turned into mud puddles, water and mud everywhere, and rats swimming in the mud puddles.

Like all the soldiers on the front line, Zhao Zhuokun squatted at the bottom of the muddy trench, smoking a cigarette in the mud, waiting for orders.

The 23-year-old Zhao Zhuokun was a commoner in Ruzhou of the Qing Dynasty four months ago, struggling with hunger on the verge of life and death. Later, like many people, he jumped on the train and immigrated to Daming by boat.

Now he is a first-class soldier in the 20rd Battalion, 73th Company, [-]nd Platoon, and [-]st Squadron of the [-]rd Regiment of the No. [-] First Division of the Third Army of the Ming Empire.

The military pay is ten yuan per month, and the field allowance is one dime per day...

Even until now, Zhao Zhuokun is still able to recite his military salary back and forth.When I was in my hometown in Ruzhou, not to mention the military pay, I couldn’t earn a dime even if I was exhausted for a day. Besides, there were meals here, three meals a day, not to mention full meals, and meat every day.

After a few months, Zhao Zhuokun, who was originally sallow and thin, not only turned rosy, but also gained a lot of weight and became stronger.

This is a parallel trench less than 300 meters away from the frontier position of the Brazilian army. In front of it is the defense line of the Brazilian army. Under continuous shelling, there are bomb craters everywhere near the trench of the Brazilian army, and the bomb craters destroyed everything.

All barbed wire fences, trenches, and bunkers were destroyed in shelling and bombing.

When he just arrived here, Zhao Zhuokun once stood on the trench and looked at the situation on the opposite side. There were barbed wire fences, neat parapets, and fortifications everywhere, but now?All they saw were ruins.

"I don't know, when will we be able to kill them!"

Standing in the ankle-deep muddy water, Yue Zhuokun heard the squad leader complaining there.

"I just have one thought now, kill them, kill those slave owners, and then take a good hot bath."

"I'm still taking a bath, if I can soak my feet, we'll be content..."

On the battlefield, the requirements of the big guys have been reduced to the minimum. At the beginning, there may be such thoughts, but now?Washing your feet has become a luxury.

Just at this time and space, there was another sound like the "Howling of the Wild Boar".

"It's a 240 mortar!"

The reason why this kind of mortar is called "Flying Pig" in the Ming Army is because when its shells fly, they make a sound similar to "Howling Wild Boar", which is the sound of 81.6 kg shells piercing the sky.

This large-caliber mortar is the largest caliber mortar of the Ming army. Although the range is only two kilometers, its power is amazing and enough to destroy any fortification.

In the next moment, in the earth-shattering violent explosion, dozens of huge clouds of smoke exploded from the position of the Brazilian army. The distorted trenches became even more distorted. In the smoke of the explosion, some Brazilians were blown into the sky. Soldiers, they are like rag dolls, torn and thrown into the air...

The shelling became more and more intensive.

Just then, the battalion commander came.

"Everyone get ready, the attack will start in half an hour!"

The attack started, although before this, everyone was looking forward to the attack, but when the order was issued, people became a little nervous, Zhao Zhuokun's palms were sweating nervously, he saw the platoon leader standing on the ladder, looking up above the trenches.

Suddenly, accompanied by a violent explosion, shaking of the ground, and a gust of wind blowing over their heads, Zhao Zhuokun felt the impact of the 240mm shell explosion for the first time, and several comrades even sat down on the ground without paying attention.

"Damn it, I knew it, that's all the fucking thing about mortars... they can't be accurate!"

The old horse sat up from the mud and carefully wiped the mud-stained rifle clean with his sleeve, cursing while wiping.

"That thing, if one misses, it will kill our men!"

Goudan, who was covered in mud, was holding a rifle and staring nervously at the trench.

Suddenly, the ear-piercing sound of bugles rushed over from several directions, and the Suzaku flag with the company number printed on it was raised from the trench, and the company platoon leaders raised their revolvers and yelled loudly under the Suzaku flag.

"Quick, quick..."

At this time, there is no need to listen to what they are yelling. Everyone knows that they are about to leave.

"Brothers, come with me!"

The squad leader roared loudly, stepped onto the wooden ladder beside the trench, held on to the edge of the ladder with one hand, and held the rifle in the other, and jumped out of the trench three times. During the shelling and bombing, the defense line full of bomb craters had long been bombed.

On the endless front, soldiers rushed out of the trenches like ants, and countless red-ground Suzaku flags danced and rolled on the black ground. At this moment, the squad leader ran to Zhao Zhuokun's side and kicked him :
"Turtle son, why are you in a daze, follow me, hurry up."

Everyone ran forward in skirmish formation, and the goal was the Brazilian trenches. As long as they rushed there and occupied the trenches, they would complete their mission.

The distance of 200 meters is not too far.

In front of them were covered with large and small bomb craters, many of which were filled with rainwater.

"Boom! Boom..."

Almost as soon as they came out of the trenches, the Brazilian mortars started to speak, and the shells exploded among the soldiers from time to time, and the muddy water and debris flew across the battlefield.

The bullets from the Brazilians in front of them came like raindrops, falling on the ground and splashing mud pillars one after another. Several soldiers fell down just after rushing more than ten meters. The body of the flag bearer holding the military flag suddenly paused. Just fell to the ground.

The moment the flag fell, Zhao Zhuokun thought of what the officers said when he was in the new barracks, the flag cannot fall!The military flag is flying!

The flag, the flag cannot fall, looking at the fallen military flag, Zhao Zhuokun stepped forward to pick up the flag without hesitation, he rushed over in just three or two steps, and then raised the Suzaku flag again - that was their war flag. flag.


Zhao Zhuokun, who was holding the military flag, held up the military flag, turned around and shouted like a fallen flag bearer, his expression was excited, and the Suzaku flag he held high was turbulent in the wind.

Holding the flag in his hand, he suddenly accelerated and rushed to the front of the whole company.

Standard bearer!

It is the soldier with the highest death rate.

The standard bearer is the forward and must rush to the forefront.

Moreover, the flag bearer is still the priority of the enemy. Everyone knows that when the flag falls, the morale of the enemy will also fall.

In the twisted and deformed trenches, the Brazilian guns flashed breathtakingly in front of the constant soldiers. Zhao Zhuokun, who rushed to the front, only felt the bullets whizzing past his ears, hitting his face and feet.

The bullets seemed to be aiming at him, but they were all avoiding him.It seems that Suzaku Banner is protecting him.

But at this moment, he felt a heat in his chest, as if something had penetrated into his body, there was no pain, no other feeling, when it flew out, he only felt that his whole body was being squeezed When it was taken out, people fell down involuntarily.

At a distance of 40 meters from the enemy's trench, Zhao Zhuokun was shot, and he fell to the ground. He didn't fall, but knelt there leaning on the flagpole.

He knelt there like that, holding the military flag in his hand, like a statue that could not fall down. The military flag fluttered in the wind in the smoke, and in the next moment, the soldiers passed by his side and killed the Brazilians. , a soldier passing by him raised the military flag again, and the raised military flag continued to advance in the smoke, and no one in the world could stop his progress...

(End of this chapter)

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