Chapter 904 (Fourth update, please subscribe)
War always takes many lives!

The battlefield has never been romantic. The so-called "blood" itself has no romance at all. Even if there is, it belongs to a few people.

Gold and wealth are the root of all wars. Even if you have never been to Serbia, it does not prevent Lin Yili from being familiar with this Serbian proverb.

In fact, before the troops set off, his father wrote him a letter in Serbian. Until now, his father can't write Chinese. As a shoemaker, he can only speak some simple Chinese.

It's not because he resists Chinese, but because he really doesn't know it. In fact, his father has always been grateful to Daming. After all, in the past, his father was just a craftsman in the manor owner's manor. For farming, but the owner of the manor had nothing but rented him a house.

At least after Daming came, my father could rent a house and start his own business, but Chinese is too difficult to learn...

"In war, the politicians provide the ammunition, the rich provide the food, the poor provide the children! When the war is over, the politicians take back the remaining ammunition, the rich plant more food, and the poor search for the graves of their children. "

Silently recalling the words in his father's letter in his heart, Lin Yili looked at the corpses in front of him, his expression was a little downcast.

"Squad leader Lin, that flag bearer is someone from your class!"

"Yes, platoon leader."

"Well, the company commander has already given him credit. He is really a good soldier! He is very brave. He is a new recruit this year, right? He is from China?"

"Yes, I just came here, less than half a year!"

"Any addresses for his family? I'm going to write a letter to his family."


It was a letter that could never be sent because his family had long since died.

Soon, the soldiers' corpses were put into coffins, and then carried on trucks. The corpses will be sent to the rear, and according to their last wishes, they will be sent to their hometown cemetery or the Martyrs' Shrine for burial.

The vast majority of soldiers choose the Martyrs' Shrine, which is a place of glory for the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty.

"Let's go!"

Watching the coffins containing the corpses of his comrades being carried onto the truck one by one, Lin Yili silently gave a military salute, and then he turned and left. When he left, he looked back at the coffins and nodded, as if What did you say……


The battle, from the fall of Montevideo's outlying positions, came to an end temporarily, and the troops finally entered Montevideo, which was once the capital of Uruguay. Although there were two fortresses outside the city, it was under siege. Under the bombardment of heavy artillery and heavy aerial bombs, it had long been turned into ruins. When Lin Yili's troops marched to the fortress, all they saw were ruins.

The soldiers sat with their legs outstretched on the bunkers and trenches near the ruins. The fierce fighting made the soldiers so tired that they didn't even want to open their eyes. There were hundreds of corpses of Brazilian soldiers lying around, including whites and blacks. Now, it's all just dead.

Some soldiers would look for weapons of war on the corpses. In fact, there were no spoils of war, at most a revolver or a dagger.

During the break, the soldiers took out compressed biscuits from their backpacks, took a mouthful of biscuits and cold water, and the water had a strong smell of chlorine, which was the smell of disinfection pills. Although the taste was very strong, compared to ordinary raw water, This kind of water is safer, and it is the water purification and disinfection tablets that make diseases such as dysentery tend to disappear in the Ming army.

And the Brazilian army... still has thousands of deaths from common dysentery, unclean drinking water and poor camp sanitation have always been the army's worst enemies.

When the soldiers were resting, on the ruins of the fortress behind them, the words "No. Cheering there with military flags and weapons, the photographers accompanying the army will record all this with cameras and video cameras. On a certain day, when the movie "Conquest of Montevideo" is playing in the cinema, this shot will appear.

All this is always very enviable, but for Lin Yili and his comrades, they just want to rest for a while now.

While they were resting, there were gunshots coming from the direction of the city. In the buildings on the edge of the city, the Brazilians were still resisting, but more people were surrendering. Many Uruguayans either deserted directly or chose to surrender when attacking. As for those "free men", most of them also surrendered directly, but what awaited them was the crime committed against them in Paraguay. The reckoning of atrocities.

Daming is vengeful!

Of course, there were also some tenacious Brazilian soldiers who fought to the end. Even in a building in the city, hundreds of Brazilian soldiers not only fought to the end, but even when the building was conquered, they chose to die together.

After learning about the bravery of the Brazilian soldiers, Liang Wu, the commander of the Third Army, couldn't help but praise the bravery of the Brazilian soldiers.

"What a group of brave fighters! A group of respectable fighters!"

After praising, he ordered the military observers from Britain, the United States, France and other countries present to be dumbfounded.

"In order to show respect for them, I don't think there is any need to persuade them to surrender! Soldiers, you should give them enough respect!"

The so-called respect, that is - let them die!

And this operation!

Faced with such an operation, Major Montgomery, a British observer, immediately protested.

"General, it is against humanity not to persuade you to surrender."

"What humanity? That's just the morality of ordinary people!"

Liang Wu said directly.

"What is the morality of a soldier? It is the highest honor for a soldier to die for the country. If they voluntarily surrender, we welcome them. If they want to stick to the end, out of respect for them, of course we have to fulfill them! You don't understand, In the east, to die in battle is the glory of a soldier!"

After saying these words, Liang Wu couldn't help giving lessons to Montgomery, Johnson and de Gaulle.

"You guys, you have been in Daming for so long, and you don't understand the soldiers of Ming Dynasty at all. Do you guys know what a soldier's soul is?"

Looking at the bewildered foreign observers, Liang Wu explained.

"The soul of a soldier is to regard death as home, and to win righteousness from benevolence! Our Ming soldiers, every time we go out to war, are proud of the "meeting at the martyr's shrine". The way to respect the enemy is to fulfill their loyalty and bravery on the battlefield! I think Cavalcanti If the general knows about my decision, he will definitely thank me!"

If General Cavalcanti knew about is estimated that he would have surrendered faster. In the morning of the next day, facing the reality that the Ming army had already invaded Montevideo, General Cavalcanti, the commander of the Brazilian garrison, directly ordered to surrender. white flag.

Facing the white flag raised high, Liang Wu was also very melancholy!

"General, you seem very disappointed!"

Captain de Gaulle, the military attache of the French embassy and an observer with the army, looked at him and said.

"Hey, you don't understand!"

Liang Wu said with a sigh.

"If you have time, you should go to the Martyrs' Shrine. Maybe you will understand when the time comes..."

(End of this chapter)

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