Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 905: Ming’s Aircraft Carrier

Chapter 905 Daming's Aircraft Carrier (First update, please subscribe)
The recovery of Montevideo did not cause any waves in Daming.

Even the newspaper office did not issue an announcement, and there was no victory parade, because everyone knew that the fall of the city was only a matter of time.

"The Imperial Army killed 1049 and wounded 4172. The enemy defenders killed more than 29000, wounded 7820, captured 11238, and missing 7651..."

On the way to the shipyard by car, Liu Kunpeng couldn't help admiring the figures in the newspaper.

"The combat power of the imperial army has stepped up to a new level! The death toll ratio is nearly [-] times, the bravery of the imperial army can be seen!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the secretary sitting in the co-pilot's seat said.

"Director, in the final analysis, it's still artillery. One of my classmates is on the front line. They said that the military has been besieging but not attacking these days. At least 30 shells have been fired. I guess this is also the reason why there are so many missing Brazilians. It was hard fried and turned into ashes..."

"Oh, this is how the imperial army fights. In terms of cost, shells are always cheaper than people. Cheng Zhe, what is the cost of each immigrant brought by our immigration department? 7.32 yuan to 7.81 yuan, even if it does not count casualties. Training expenses, pension expenses, just the cost of transporting from China to Linhai, can almost buy five or six shells. If the training cost is included, the cost of a soldier is at least 20 yuan, which is [-] shells less. If pensions are added, at least five or six hundred yuan will be spent for each soldier killed in battle, which is hundreds of shells. In fact, war is the same as business, and the cost is always calculated. Compared with weapons and ammunition, in fact, people the most expensive cost!"

The reason why Liu Kunpeng has such a view is that Emperor Zhu has instilled them in them over the years. The reason why he emphasizes the supremacy of manpower is because Daming lacks manpower!
For Daming who lacks human resources, shells can be manufactured at any time, but people cannot.

"Besides, in terms of time, it will take at least four months for us to recruit a person from Huaxia, transport him over, and then complete the recruit training before he can go to the front line. In four months, if it is childbirth, it will take at least four months for him to go to the front line. It takes 18 years to reach adulthood, but how long does it take for our factory to make a shell?"

The answer is obvious. The director's words made Sun Chengzhe think for a while, and then he remembered that as early as in Nanhua, His Majesty had always emphasized that "Nanhua's human life is more valuable than shells" and "I would rather exchange a hundred shells for one." human life".

"The humble job has been taught."

When the secretary nodded approvingly, Liu Kunpeng leaned on the seat and half-closed his eyes, talking to himself.

"Actually, in the final analysis, my Ming Dynasty has a well-developed industry and commerce. If it is replaced by other countries, even if they want to shoot hundreds of thousands of shells, they must have them!"

Yes, in the past ten years, Daming's industrial output has ranked third in the world. Although the iron output is only 200 million tons, which is only equivalent to 10% of the world's output, the steel output has exceeded 400 million tons. Off, accounting for 70% of the world.

The only weakness is coal, but only 2800 million tons, and 80% come from the North Sea Governor's District. In addition, it needs to import 700 million tons of coal from the Cape Town Colony every year.So in Daming, the most sought-after merchant ships will always be ore carriers.Of course, there is the immigration ship.

The former is under the control of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, while the latter is under the control of his immigration department.

In the final analysis, the reason why it is so popular is that Daming needs to transport tens of millions of tons of coal from overseas every year, and at the same time needs to introduce a large number of immigrants from China.

Today, Liu Kunpeng went to the shipyard to participate in the launching ceremony of a new immigrant ship - the launching ceremony of the 1.7-ton "Henan" immigrant ship.

"Henan" is the second-generation large immigrant ship of the Ming Dynasty, with a tonnage of 17032 tons, a length of 227 meters and a width of 22.3 meters. It is the largest ship in the world except the "Great Oriental". It is equipped with two triple-expansion reciprocating steam engines. It was the largest steam engine of its kind at that time, capable of generating 15000 horsepower, propelled by twin propellers, with a design speed of 18 knots and a maximum speed of 19 knots.

"With 1.85 beds and 16 immigration ships of the same level, we can transport almost 200 million immigrants to Daming a year..."

Throwing the "Victory Wine" in his hand, it hit the left string of the "Henan".The gate of the dry dock opened, and the large immigrant ship floated steadily amid scattered cheers.The ear-piercing sound of the ship's whistle sounded, reminding the onlookers that he was about to go to the sea and sail to the country.

Of course, he still needs to carry out outfitting—installing immigration cabins, those immigration cabins are similar to containers, and even the "Henan" is somewhat similar to container ships. 1200 immigration cabins can be installed in the spacious cabin, and each immigration cabin can Accommodates 20 people, if not for the need to arrange dining rooms (study rooms) on each floor, more people can be transported.

But even so, it is already the limit. When every immigrant ship leaves from Huaxia with a full load of immigrants, it is the time when he, the immigration director, is most worried. Scared!Fear of shipwreck!Once something happens, it will be the biggest shipwreck in history!
Fortunately, this route is a deep-sea route, so there is no need to worry about dangers such as reefs.

"Director Liu, as soon as June next year, the "Henan Class" of the three major shipyards will be delivered. With them, immigrants can increase by at least 200 million per year!"

Li Weier is the most famous ship engineer in Ming Dynasty. He is a naturalized citizen of Irish descent. When he was still called Will Laws, he participated in the construction of the "Great Eastern". Nanhua's first batch of [-]-ton ship was designed and built by him.

Of course, his fame is not because he presided over the construction of the first batch of [-]-ton ships in Daming. The most fundamental reason is that one-third of the ship engineers in Daming came from his disciples. Patriarch".

"Li Gong, 200 million is a lot...but it's still not enough!"

Liu Kunpeng said with a smile.

"There are tens of millions of compatriots in China waiting for us to bring them back!"

What does Huaxia have the most?
Of course it's people.

China's population is the capital of Ming Dynasty's struggle for world hegemony.This is well known, but this capital must be transported to Daming to become Daming's capital, otherwise it is nothing.


Looking at Liu Kunpeng in surprise, Li Wei said.

"Director Liu, you can't think of transporting them all here in a year!"

There are a lot of people in China, of course Lewell knows, but can't they transport tens of millions of immigrants a year?
"The more immigrants the better..."

Staring at the immigrant boat at sea, Liu Kunpeng said in a rather sighing tone.

Just like what His Majesty said, the disaster in China is a "once-in-a-lifetime" opportunity for Daming!
"The appearance of this ship is quite different!"

Indeed, its appearance should be regarded as strange in the eyes of everyone: the forecastle and the funnel are located in the middle of the merchant ship, but they are concentrated on the right side, occupying only a quarter of the width of the deck, and the wooden blow-through deck is from end to end. More than 200 meters long, such a spacious upper deck can be used not only as a playground for immigrants, but also as an open-air classroom. In short, it is very useful.

This is also the goal of its original design-this is the idea of ​​Emperor Zhu.

This is Daming's "fast immigration ship", an epoch-making immigration ship. If its photo is taken to another world, some people will be shocked and say... This is clearly an aircraft carrier!
That's right, to some extent, it does look like an "aircraft carrier". Even Emperor Zhu's original conception was based on an aircraft carrier. After all, it has a spacious cabin, a large deck, and can accommodate many containers... …In future wars, if the technology matures, they will naturally be the first batch of aircraft carriers of the Ming Navy. Simple improvements are needed to be used as aircraft carriers. The performance will definitely not be inferior to the escort aircraft carriers of World War II To some extent, in fact, the world's first aircraft carrier was also an improved civilian ship.

And now, they are Daming's immigration ships!

(End of this chapter)

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