Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 912 My lord, now is the era of cars

Chapter 912 My lord, now is the era of cars (fourth update, please subscribe)

If you look at the ground from the air, you can see that there are trucks everywhere on the ground.

From the Mato Grosso plateau to the grasslands in northern Uruguay, there are cars everywhere, at least tens of thousands of trucks, full of soldiers and supplies, or towing cannons, driving on this vast land.


That all changed two years ago with the opening of the first car production line.

Originally expensive cars have declined in a straight line, while production has continued to rise. Last year, the production of Jiefang trucks exceeded 3.5!

Judging by 1876 levels, this is an absolute miracle.

The army has become the largest user of cars. In fact, compared with the civilian population, the army has always been the most important supporter of cars.

There is no other reason, it is cheap!
Even when the first batch of Jiefang trucks rolled off the production line, the army still generously took over 2800% of the orders, even though the price was as high as 80 yuan per truck.But even so, the military still finds it cheap and cheap.

Why is this happening?

Because cars are indeed cheaper than horses, on the surface, the price of a draft horse is only about 20 yuan, but the problem is that raising a horse is expensive!

Unlike a car that does not move, there is not much cost. Even if a horse is left unattended in a stable, it will eat a lot of hay, feed and salt bricks. Not only that, the horse also needs someone to sit and wait on it.According to the standards set by the army, the annual cost of raising a horse is as high as 500 yuan!
Compared with "delicate" military horses, cars can be called "cheap iron horses". Although they look expensive, they are cheap to use. The car only needs basic maintenance if it is not driven. Even if it is driven, it consumes some cheap Gasoline, two yuan per ton of gasoline, is enough for a truck to drive three to four thousand kilometers. During the period, only a few parts need to be replaced, and the cost is... just a few yuan.

However, if it is replaced by military horses, the horse food consumed for three to four thousand kilometers is second. The most important thing is that if there is a little carelessness, the horse will be injured or die, which will affect the combat effectiveness of the troops.

And what about the Iron Horse?

All you need is oil and spare parts!
As a result, iron horses, which are so cheap to use, have become the favorite of the army. After declaring war on Brazil, the military directly issued an order for [-] cars, which is almost equivalent to three times the annual output of the Maxima Automobile Company. .

Although the 6 vehicles on the order are still a long time away from being completed, after the outbreak of the war, relying on the [-] trucks accumulated before the war, the Ming military has actually achieved a certain degree of motorization... No, it should be called motorization.

After receiving the order to march, nearly 30 Ming troops marched towards Brazil from three directions. For a while, the land was full of wheels rolling.

This is the first motorized march in human history. The 30 troops are either carried by cars or on foot, marching at an unimaginable speed in the past.

Although, not everyone can get on a truck, but for search pioneers, their cars can still be guaranteed.

Wearing a steel helmet, Li Haodong sat in the passenger seat of an open-top truck, looking left and right from time to time. The car left some ruts in the knee-deep pasture. Although there is no road on the grassland, but... the car is too heavy , It became the road, the rifle spoke casually between his legs, one hand was holding the handrail, and the other hand was holding the fruit picked from the nearby orchard to his mouth.

When the convoy was driving on the prairie, he could occasionally see low wooden houses on the prairie, which were the houses of Brazil Cong. He knew that those Brazilians must be watching them from the houses on the side of the road.

Think of them as conquerors.

Yes, they are indeed a group of conquerors.The fighting in the area was over before a single shot was heard.

The resistance of the Brazilians was extremely weak, because the speed of the Ming army was far beyond their imagination. Before they could react quickly, they found that they were in danger of being surrounded, so many border troops were retreating.

Suddenly, Li Haodong heard laughter, and it was the driver Zhao Dong who was laughing there.

"Dongzi, what's so funny."

"Company Commander, I was thinking, do you think we will run all the way to Sao Paulo, and we won't even be able to fight!"

"Haha, don't say it, I think so too, those Brazilians can run faster than rabbits."

The soldiers in the carriage all laughed loudly, and their tone was completely contemptuous of the Brazilian army. After all, few people could look up to an army that would only run away.

Finally, the convoy of five trucks stopped in the rolling hills. As soon as the cars stopped, soldiers jumped out of the trucks and walked towards the top of the hills.

"Pay attention to the surroundings, this is a more suitable ambush."

When leading the soldiers in the squad to the top of the hill, Ma Yukun held his rifle and occasionally joked with his brothers.

When he reached the top of the slope and looked ahead, he was suddenly dumbfounded!

In front of the slope, there was a regiment of Brazilian troops. The blue uniforms converged on the grassland to form a long blue dragon, winding forward on the grassland.Several teams of cavalry with spears ran on both sides to keep vigilant. At this moment, Sergeant Ma Yukun was so scared that he broke out in a cold sweat.

"Quick, report to the company commander, the enemy is found one kilometer ahead..."

Li Haodong was dumbfounded by his subordinate's report.

"How far is it now?"

"About one kilometer, the enemy has about 2000 people."

one kilometer!

2000 people!
These few words made Li Haodong's brows furrowed into a ball.

"Company commander, let's..."

Before the deputy company commander Yu Song finished speaking, Li Haodong slapped the car body hard and spit out a word.


In an instant, everyone was taken aback, only to see Li Haodong pursed his lips, sneered,
"From the time we drove into Brazil, we didn't fire a single shot. Letting go of this group of deserters would make it too easy for them to escape. No matter what, let them have a longer memory!"

"Isn't that the truth?"

Yu Song also agreed.

"It's just a group of deserters who lost their courage, it's no big deal!"

"That is, no matter how many people lose their courage, they will have nothing. Why don't we let us chop melons and vegetables!"

"However, company commander, they have quite a lot of troops!"

The reminder from the platoon leader Zhao Cheng made Li Haodong nod his head.

"Well, we have a little less people, but it doesn't matter if we have fewer people, we're not fighting them hard..."

Staring at the undulating slope, and then at the car, Li Haodong said.

"Drive our truck to the reverse slope of the slope, and if they approach, we will retreat! Anyway, horseshoes can't outrun cars..."

(End of this chapter)

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