Chapter 913 (First update, please subscribe)
Sometimes, fate always has such a coincidence that two troops with very different strengths meet in a certain position inadvertently.

The god of fate brought them to a collision, and this collision between blue and green was far more intense than both sides imagined.

"It's here!"

Lieutenant Colonel Edson Prior observed the hills and slopes in the distance with a telescope. There were some sparse trees growing on the slopes, and those trees could just build fortifications. As the head of the No.20 Third Regiment, although he retreated from the border Yes, but it does not mean that he will give up his responsibilities.

"Major, the Ming army is still a day away from here, and we still have one night to prepare our positions."

The answer from the deputy head Antonio made Edson nod, and then he ordered again.

"Tell everyone, this is for our honor, we must use our actions to tell the world that the Brazilian army is not a coward who only wants to run away!"

They can only run away. In the past days, everyone was running away, and they were frightened—Da Ming's airships have been bombing the military camps on the border, and even the fleeing troops. Now, what do they need?
To prove their mettle to the world, of course.

"That piece of hilly land is a good ambush site, we can build a defensive position there, about one night's preparation time..."

As he spoke, he looked up at the sky, which was overcast with clouds.

"This is a fine day for fighting!"

Rainy days mean that the airships of the Ming army will not be dispatched, they will only be dispatched in good weather.

"Yes, tomorrow, maybe we can teach those Daming people a good lesson!"

Not every Brazilian is a coward!
At least the soldiers of the 23rd regiment are not cowards!
After receiving the order, these soldiers carrying the British No. 1 rifles speeded up. They had to dig trenches and build fortifications before sunset, and then lay in ambush here, waiting for the arrival of the Ming army.

"Okay, tomorrow I can teach those Ming people a good lesson!"

"Haha, I can finally fight with them!"

Just as their words fell, some soldiers with sharp ears heard what seemed to be a strange voice in the air.


It's gunshots!
The dense sound of gunfire made everyone aware of an ambush!
Before they came back to their senses, the bullets fell!


In just a few seconds, the soldiers of the search company fired more than 200 bullets. Although they were separated by 600 meters, the bullets still hit dozens of people in the marching queue.

"There is an ambush!"

Those Brazilian soldiers lay down in the grass one after another, picked up their rifles and shot towards the hills.

Lieutenant Colonel Edson Prior, who was lying in the grass, took a telescope to observe, and soon he made a judgment.

"It's a small Ming army, probably a company."

Then he ordered.

"Anthony, you lead a battalion and attack!"

Under his order, a battalion of Brazilian soldiers immediately bowed their waists and launched an attack on the slope. When they attacked, the Brazilian mortars also opened fire.More than a dozen mortar shells were fired, and several columns of smoke immediately exploded on the position. The artillery fire was not violent, but it still made the soldiers lying in the foxhole feel the threat of death for the first time.

However, when the enemy came up, the soldiers still aimed and shot as if they were shooting on a shooting range.Although the rate of fire of the first-year rifle was very fast, those Brazilians rushed over desperately.

Soon, hundreds of Brazilian soldiers rushed into the hundreds of

"They're up!"

On the sloping ground, Cheng Qianqian held the grip of the six-year-style machine gun and aimed at the enemy in front of him. The corners of his lips were raised slightly, and the moment his brows were furrowed, he pulled the trigger.

"Tom, tom..."

In an instant, the rapid sound of machine guns rang out, and the dense rain of bullets enveloped the Brazilian soldiers like raindrops. In an instant, countless bloody flowers erupted on the grassland.

This is the debut of the six-year-old machine gun!

The first time it was put into the battlefield, it was so amazing. The seemingly 100-meter distance has become an insurmountable moat for the Brazilian army. The dense rain of bullets enveloped them, and the bullets tore their bodies. Their arms and legs were broken, and the bullets flying across them sent one person after another to hell.

The Brazilian soldiers who were caught in the rain of bullets moved forward. It was difficult for them to advance half a step. The bullets were constantly harvesting their lives, and they fled backward. The bullets were like life-seeking charms, chasing them.


The dense bullets, in an instant, plunged all of them into death. When they tried to escape, the bullets hit their backs as if they had eyes.

In this way, in just 1 minute, the attacking Brazilian army left hundreds of corpses, and the emperor fled back.

"Quick, get out!"

Almost at the moment when the Brazilians fled, Li Haodong yelled, and then hurried to the truck with his rifle in his hand, while the machine gunner ran onto the truck with a heavy six-year machine gun. The soldiers just jumped onto the truck , the driver slammed on the accelerator and fled towards the distance.

Almost when they were less than [-] meters away, the dense shells fell like raindrops on the positions they had previously held.

However, they did not retreat very far, but retreated to another slope between the valleys, where the soldiers once again lay on the slope, they watched the previous position shrouded in artillery fire, fortunately, they Load the weapon again.After a while, before the Brazilians rushed to the top of the slope, before they could celebrate their victory, gunfire rang out again.

This time, the distance between the two sides seems to be a bit far, more than a kilometer, and when you are shooting back and forth on both sides, no one notices, a truck quietly detours from the left flank to the Brazilian army At a distance of 600 meters from them, Cheng Qianqian pulled the trigger again—there was a blue sky in front of them, and those Brazilians behind the slope never thought that the Ming army would be in front of them. In such a short time, they detoured behind them and launched an attack from the rear.

This time the machine gun fire lasted only two to three minutes. After knocking down hundreds of enemy troops, the trucks immediately evacuated at full speed. Even when they left, the Brazilians hadn't reacted yet.

"Damn it, they actually used the truck on the battlefield..."

Looking at the piles of corpses around him, Lieutenant Colonel Edson Prior cursed loudly.The truck just ran away after a simple strafing, leaving only corpses everywhere...

(End of this chapter)

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