Chapter 926 Prey (Second update, please subscribe)
War is full of parting, but more of it is death!
War itself is destruction, death.

No one knows this more deeply than the Brazilians, who have fought a completely asymmetrical war since the outbreak of the war.

This war is a war they have never experienced before, and they have never thought of it. The rules of war have completely changed.

"During the Paraguayan War, we fought with the Paraguayans with bayonets, rifles, and cannons. We could see our enemies, but now?"

Beneath the canopy, Prince Gaston, on his horse, complained again.

"We don't even know where the enemy is, we can't even see him, you see..."

Pointing to the sky, in the blue sky, there are three airships flying slowly.

"Arakan, you see, they only need to stay in the sky to destroy our army with bombs, and they use airships to divide us into isolated individuals, except waiting in the trenches for their attack, As long as we act, their bombs will fall on our heads, but we have to act, but the damn airship..."

The airship is right above their heads!

Chief of Staff Arakan sighed helplessly after listening to the prince's words.

"Your Highness, we must use the night march as much as possible."

Gaston nodded and said.

"If it's just at night, by the time we arrive at St. Paul, the place may have already fallen. We must hurry up, and the troops will continue to march after the airship leaves."

After waiting for almost 10 minutes, the airship finally disappeared from their sight.

"The airship flew past!"

After several airships flew away in the air, the Brazilian who was hiding in the rainforest was relieved.

"Order the troops to move on."

Observing the airship in the distance with a telescope, Prince Gaston, commander of the Pakistani army, ordered that, as the son-in-law of the Brazilian emperor, he once led the Pakistani army to occupy Paraguay. That was the most glorious moment of his life, but what about now?
He found himself turned into a gopher—in order to avoid the bombing from the airship, they were as cautious as mice, sometimes hiding in the rainforest, and sometimes marching at night.

However, it was precisely because of his caution that after retreating from the front, his army did not suffer much loss.

"Damn it, why are their airships all over the sky?"

Once again, Prince Gaston stared at the sky and cursed.

"Hurry up, we have to get out of this ghost place before they find us!"

Although Prince Gaston looked very cautious, it was extremely difficult for this army of 15 people to completely conceal their whereabouts. Although they evaded, the airship cruising in the sky still found some traces , just when Prince Gaston thought he had escaped the airship army, he didn't know that he and his army had been exposed—at an altitude of [-] kilometers away, observers discovered this large-scale airship with a high-power telescope. Huge troop.

"Da da da……"

In the quiet cabin of the airship, the ticking sound of the telegraph is very pleasant. Although the radio station has only been invented a few years ago, it is still top secret, but in order to cooperate with the "safari tactics" in the air, Da Ming still equipped each safari team with one radio.

Following the transmission of the telegram, the "safari" airships in the air, like sharks smelling blood, adjusted their course one after another and gathered towards a target. An unprecedented airship force assembled in the air like this with.

When the airships were gathering towards a target from all directions, the mighty army on the ground was still looking at the sky vigilantly. Although under the careful command of Prince Gaston, they did not encounter many air raids, but they were also attacked by air raids. A few times, they, who knew the harm of silent attacks, did not dare to relax at all. Everyone knew very well what it meant to relax their vigilance on the battlefield!

In the mighty march, thousands of carriages and gun carriages lined up in a line several kilometers long, and Brazilian soldiers in blue uniforms formed two long blue lines on both sides of the carriages and horses. When they were marching, they would always look up at the surrounding sky from time to time.

For the Brazilians, the most terrifying existence in 1877 was definitely not the devil, but Ming's airships. Those airships were condescending hunters, and they... were just prey.

Although Prince Gaston sent a large number of lookouts to defend against airships, it is not easy to find airships at an altitude of more than 2000 meters. Because of the distance, those airships painted with aviation camouflage are easy to hide in the sky. The blue sky and white clouds blend together.

What's even more frightening is that they came without the slightest sound, similar to the usual attacks. When they flew into the sky of the Brazilian army, they began to descend rapidly by deflation.

While the airship was descending, the bombs were dropped, and dozens of airships dropped thousands of cluster bombs.

Once again, when the cluster bomb exploded in the air, tens of thousands of small bombs the size of carrots fell like hail.

"Airship, airship..."

The Brazilians who were marching on the ground found the airship. After screaming in horror, they fled in all directions, but their speed of fleeing couldn't keep up with... the spread of the bomb.

Suddenly, there were violent explosions and bombs fell on the ground, and the blue marching column was immediately swallowed up by gunpowder smoke. Those Brazilian soldiers who were running were knocked to the ground by howling shrapnel as they ran.

The moment the howling shrapnel flew out of the gunpowder smoke, it knocked down groups of Brazilian soldiers. Amidst the explosions one after another, there were "chirp" whistling sounds everywhere, accompanied by "bang, pull bang", "puff!" "Puff"" and the like, the former is a bit like the muffled sound of a ripe watermelon being smashed, while the latter is like the sound of a bayonet piercing the body. Although the sounds are different, no matter it is the former or the latter , When those voices sounded, the body of the fleeing Brazilian twisted a bit, accompanied by splashes of blood and brains, and then fell down like a rag doll.

Everything happened in an instant, what happened in this instant?
In the violent explosion, the originally chaotic marching column turned into hell—the people who were walking suddenly fell from the world into hell.

The god of death came silently like this. Amidst the sound of explosions one after another, desperate cries sounded in the explosion. The injured people clutched their wounds, lying in a pool of blood, struggling and howling...

(End of this chapter)

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