Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 927 The Road to Death

Chapter 927 The Road to Death (Third Update, Please Subscribe)
"...Death, just like that, the 15 troops led by Prince Gaston, the death scythe, fell from the sky, and the road turned into hell.

When everything was over, thousands of carriages on the road were burning in flames, and the explosive shells bombed the carriages into fragments. Within hundreds of meters of the road, there were corpses of people and horses everywhere, and no one counted them. How many people died, but in the end, less than a third of them fled to Sao Paulo. For Brazilians, this is a "road of death". "

Overnight, the name of "Road of Death" became famous with the news reports of the "New York Times", which of course intensified Americans' fear of airships.

The airship, as a weapon that has only been born for a few years, is amazingly powerful. Although it has not destroyed the world, it still makes the Americans fall into the "airship panic". After all, Ming...then But the potential enemy of the United States!


White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, USA.

At this time, a special arms conference is being held.

"The role of the large long-range airship is very, very, very important! Everything is proving this point. Since the Ming army invaded Brazil, the Brazilian army was not so much defeated by the Ming army as it was by the Ming army. Destroyed by the airship troops! From the outbreak of the war until now, apart from the fierce land battle between the Ming army and the Brazilian army in Montevideo, their tactic is bombing more often!"

General Grant, as the Minister of War, deliberately emphasized the tone.

"Bombing! Bombing on and on, and finally, the Brazilian army was actually decimated before their infantry went into battle!"

"and many more,"

President Hayes suddenly interrupted,
"General, I remember you saying that the airship is a very fragile weapon."

"Yes, Mr. President."

Grant explained.

"It's fragile because it uses hydrogen gas. As long as we can ignite it, it will be vulnerable, but as long as we can't hit it, it won't fall from the sky by itself! Only bombs will fall!"

The whole world knows that airships are fragile, but the whole world knows that airships are difficult to hit, because the shells will not explode when they hit the airbags, and the bullets will only make a small hole in the airbags.

"If we can't beat him, how can we resist airships? Even if we build a lot of airships, what's the point?"

"Mr. President, at least on the premise of having an airship, we will not be passively beaten. When they bomb us with airships, we can also use airships to fight back against them, um... Maybe, this is the balance of terror, of course , not only that, we will develop a combat airship, like the people of the Ming Dynasty, use a machine gun to pierce the airbag, and then use a signal gun to ignite the airship. Of course, we are discussing with arms dealers to design a special high-speed signal flare, Not only can it penetrate the airbag, but it can also ignite the hydrogen."

Grant's words made President Hayes frowned. He looked at the report on the construction of 300 airships that was about to be submitted to Congress for consideration, and then said.

"Since there is such a weapon, is it necessary for us to build an airship?"

"Balance, Mr. President, we must not only have combat airships that can intercept airships, but also airships that can bomb. After all, the Brazilian battlefield has proved this point. Any army without airships is doomed to fail! We can See, the Ming people turned the airship into an air cruiser. They searched for ground targets to bomb. They were like a pack of wolves. After finding the target, they rushed from all directions and killed each other. This is how Prince Gaston failed. .”

After thinking about it, Grant said again.

"And I have a guess, an educated guess!"

"Oh? What guess? General"

asked President Hayes.

"In the past few days, I've been thinking... Maybe the Ming people already have a new kind of telegraph, a telegraph that doesn't need cables!"

"A telegraph without cables?"

President Hayes was taken aback,
"Can telegraphs be sent without cables?"

"Mr. President!" Secretary of State William Maxwell Evarts answered the question,
"It's not impossible, of course, from our point of view, it seems like a fantasy, but considering the existence of Daming's "Imperial Central Laboratory", which has been leading the world's scientific frontiers for the past ten years, It is very likely that they have developed a telegraph that does not require cables! It may even have been used for several years, otherwise, there would not be so many coincidences-how did the local people of Ming Dynasty immediately know the events that happened overseas? and quickly dispatch their fleet."

"Yes, Mr. President, once is a coincidence, then it is absolutely impossible to be a coincidence twice!"

Before the Prime Minister realized the seriousness of the problem, Grant further explained:

"Mr. President, as we all know, large rigid airships have a very long air dominance time and a long flight distance. Large airships can fly continuously for hundreds of hours, and the flight distance can reach thousands of miles! If they have this kind of telegraph , the position of the discovered target can be notified in time to the patrolling airship and the rear base... This is also the situation faced by the Brazilians... Every move of the Brazilians is always under the monitoring of the Ming airship! As they march At that time, it suffered a devastating blow!"

How did the Death Highway become the Death Highway?
That's how it became the Highway of Death - an airship spotted, assembled by telegram, and the group bombed!
But for the world at this time, all of this is just their speculation, and even Grant is not sure that this speculation is true.

"Of course, this is just our speculation, but other than that, is there any other better explanation?"

Apart from this, of course there is no other better explanation, but just speculation is not enough. After thinking for a while, President Hayes asked.

"Are there any scientists who can confirm this? I mean those scientists who know enough about Ming, not those who don't know anything about Ming."

The reason why President Hayes emphasized this is because the vast majority of people in the United States don't know about Ming Dynasty. It can even be said that apart from the name and the crimes they committed, they don't have much clear understanding of the empire.Such a scientist certainly cannot give an accurate answer.

"I do know a person who may be able to give us an accurate answer."

(End of this chapter)

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