Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 928 America is the Loser

Chapter 928 The United States is the Loser (First update, please subscribe)
New York was lit up because of Edison... This is of course impossible. After all, in this world, the electric light has been invented long ago, and even movies have become a big stick for the export of Ming culture. Inventions like the phonograph have long made Eddie live in the shadows.

But Edison is Edison. Two years ago, Edison successfully persuaded Morgan. After returning to New York, he established the Edison Laboratory in Menlo Park, recruited hundreds of young and outstanding college students and engineers, and created a new scientific research in the United States. chapter.

But... That's it, it's different from when the New York newspapers were advocating the "Edison Laboratory" two years ago, praising Mr. Edison's righteous deed of abandoning Daming's rich income and luxury cars, and returning to the United States without hesitation. .In New York now, not many people remember this laboratory.

"Could it be that all the inventions of human beings have been invented by the people of Ming Dynasty?"

On the train to Washington, Edison frowned in the carriage, closed his eyes, and recalled the speech given by the chairman of the Society of Engineers at the end of the year.

"...Almost all scientists believe that the current human technological civilization has reached its peak. In the nearly a century since Watt improved the steam engine, human civilization has reached an unprecedented height. Human beings have conquered the sea, the sky, and the world. Night, in the past few years, we have sadly discovered that human technological progress seems to have stopped, at least to some extent, perhaps, the current world has reached the limit of human beings..."

Has it really reached its limit?
There was a big "?" in Edison's heart, but as an inventor, he had to admit that... there are too many practical inventions invented now, especially Ming... Simple is a "Invention Factory", no, it should be called "Invention Nation", a large number of inventions emerge every day.

And what about his laboratory?
Although all kinds of small inventions emerged one after another, none of them could cause a sensation. Many inventions were not so much inventions as plagiarisms, which were just modifications of Daming's inventions.

Even if a company from Daming raises an objection and initiates a patent lawsuit, there is nothing to worry about. After all, this is a lawsuit in the United States, not to mention that patent lawyers can turn white into black. until their patent term expires.

But the problem is that the rate of return for such modifications is too low. Moreover, Edison has been eager to prove his success to the world through a great invention.

"It's really difficult, maybe, I should have gone to the central laboratory first..."

Once again, Edison regretted it a bit. If he had naturalized as a Daming person, he might have entered the inventor's "temple" long ago and saw the true appearance of the temple, but what about now?

Amidst the exclamation, the train continued to move forward. As the train moved forward, thinking of the reason for going to Washington this time, Edison was a little excited again.

"The President summons!"

Why did the president summon himself?
Edison was also very curious, but besides being curious, he was more excited. He even thought that a news would appear in New York newspapers in a few days——President Hayes had an appointment with the most famous man in the United States at the White House. Inventor Thomas Edison.

Those newspapers don't publish this news?

Impossible, just give the reporters a red envelope.In terms of commercial hype, Edison, as an inventor, is definitely a master among them, not inferior to any businessman, because he is a businessman himself.

A few hours later, the train pulled into Washington Station.

As soon as he got off the train, Edison took the car directly to the White House.

White House, Oval Office.

Sitting behind the resolute desk that symbolized the "British-American Friendship" presented by the Queen of England last year, President Hayes looked at Edison, the most famous "patriotic inventor" at the moment, and said.

"Mr. Edison, based on your experience working in the Ming Empire Telephone and Telegraph Company, is it possible for the Ming Dynasty to have a telegraph that does not require cables? And can it be installed on warships and airships?"

A telegraph without cables?
The president's question surprised Edison, but his eyes also lit up—a telegraph that doesn't need cables!
Is there such a telegraph in this world?

It can be used on warships, airships, and... One thing is certain, its market must be extremely broad, and, once it is invented, it will definitely shock the whole world!
But now the president asked him the question that Daming did not have such a machine.

Did the Ming Dynasty have a telegraph that did not require cables?

This Edison had never heard of it, but it was only in an instant that he realized that this was an opportunity!
Edison as a businessman saw a golden opportunity!

"Is it "wú xiàn diàn bào"?"

In an instant, Edison "invented" a Chinese vocabulary - wireless telegraphy.

"What? What is "wú xiàn diàn bào"?"

Secretary of State Evarts asked rhetorically.

"It's a telegraph without cables!"

Edison replied slowly.

"It's like this, Mr. President. When I was working in the laboratory of the Ming Dynasty Telephone and Telegraph Company, I had contact with some Ming scientists. I heard them mention that there are scientists in the central laboratory who are developing "no Telegraph machine for wires", at that time, their work was coming to an end..."

For businessmen, what are they best at?

Of course I took the opportunity!

When faced with an opportunity, an outstanding businessman will never miss it, just like now, although Edison has never heard of a telegraph without wires, it does not prevent him from "inventing" a Chinese word to tell Americans—— Daming owned wireless telegraphy.

This is of course a lie. In fact, Edison didn't even know whether Daming had "wireless telegraphy".

But the problem is that he needs to convince the US government that Daming may have this kind of machine.

"Now, perhaps, they've done that, Mr. President, though I don't know personally whether they have such a machine now, but it's safe to say that wireless telegraphy is the most important invention of the century, With wireless telegraphy, ships sailing on the sea can keep in touch with the land at all times. Whether it is in war or in navigation, it has a very wide range of applications. No matter which country masters it, it will definitely master the world. microphone!"

Frowning, Edison said in a helpless tone.

"Unfortunately, now with the official support of the Ming Dynasty, the laboratories of the Ming Empire have left us far behind in all aspects."

Looking at the President of the United States, the Secretary of State and other officials in the Oval Office, Edison paused slightly.Then he said more emphatically.

"And in the future, they will still leave us far behind. After all, we are fighting and competing with the best scientists of the entire Ming Empire. In this unfair competition, the United States is doomed The party that will lose!"

(End of this chapter)

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