Chapter 929 The Edison Who Pulled the Wool (Second Update, Please Subscribe)
In this unfair competition, the United States is doomed to lose!
Facing Edison's warning, the Oval Office suddenly fell silent.

Although Edison did not give definitive evidence that Ming possessed "wireless telegraphy", the new vocabulary of "wireless telegraphy" is proof—proving that Ming started research in this area a few years ago, and now, everything It all makes sense.

Of course, Edison's warning also made the senior officials of the US government in the Oval Office, including President Hayes, all see the danger. When they frowned, they lit up cigars one after another, as if Thinking about something.

After a moment of contemplation, Hayes looked at Edison and asked.

"Mr. Edison, has your laboratory carried out research in this area?"

"Mr. President, I hope that I can carry out research work in all aspects, but as I said earlier, the individual cannot fight the country, gentlemen..."

Looking around at the people in the Oval Office, Edison said.

"Why did it take only a dozen years for Daming to transform from a ranch into a powerful industrial country? Why is their technology ahead of other countries in the world? The reason why I went to Daming was to find the answer. "

After a pause, Edison turned his attention to President Hayes.

"In the United States and in Europe, when our inventors are fighting alone, but in Ming Dynasty, there are hundreds of laboratories and tens of thousands of inventors. They are jointly engaged in various aspects of invention and innovation. One exception is all funded by the government, or even directly established by the government, such as the mysterious "Imperial Central Laboratory". Half of Daming's inventions originated from this laboratory, and his source of funding comes entirely from government funding. , scientists only need to immerse themselves in inventing and creating, while in the United States... many scientists and inventors even need to worry about bread, Mr. President!"

Looking directly at President Hayes, Edison said directly.

"A country that makes its inventors worry about bread is doomed to be a loser in this race!"

What did Edison say so much for?
Without him!

It's all about the money!
He saw an opportunity and saw an opportunity to get government funding. If he can get government funding, his laboratory can be further expanded and more scholars can be recruited.

Facing the gaze cast by Edison, after a little thought, President Hayes said.

"Mr. Edison, the U.S. government will not sit idly by. If your laboratory can start to develop "wireless telegraphy", I think the Department of the Navy will be very happy to fund you to carry out this experiment!"

What can a lie do?

Whether it will bring about changes to the scientific research system in the United States, Edison is not sure, but what is certain is that in the next time, he finally got a golden thigh thicker than a Momo. This golden thigh is who?

Of course the U.S. Navy.

U.S. Navy!

In the past few years, the U.S. Navy, which has been engaged in an arms race with Ming Dynasty, is a real rich man!With the funding from the Navy, Edison's laboratory is bound to skyrocket!
When he came to Washington, Edison was annoyed about returning to the United States, but when he left Washington, Edison was already full of fighting spirit-now, with the support of the US Navy, how could the laboratory not grow stronger!
Amidst the excitement, Edison even forgot the contract he signed with the U.S. Navy to develop radio stations. Of course, after returning to the laboratory, he will definitely recruit people and start researching wireless telegraphs. It's up to God!

Almost on the day Edison signed the $20 "wireless telegraph development contract" with the U.S. Navy, the naval intelligence officer of the embassy of the Ming Empire in Washington received this information.

After obtaining this information, Gao Tianwei was stunned for a long time. In his astonishment, he believed that a serious leak had occurred in Daming, so he immediately sent the information back to China. Only a few hours later, the telegram was sent to the Secretary of the Navy. In front of Li Nanlin.

"Wú xiàn diàn bào?"

Faced with the name in the information, Li Nanlin was stunned for a while before speaking.

"Is the information accurate?"

The reason why he has such doubts is because... this is completely a transliteration of Chinese!
Different from Huaxia, as early as more than ten years ago, when Nanhua was first built, in order to facilitate the literacy work, Emperor Zhu introduced the Chinese Pinyin. After more than ten years of promotion, others said it was those students, just like People like Zuo Zongtang, who have never been educated in pinyin, know some pinyin.

"There is nothing wrong with the intelligence, and it has been confirmed by the investigation department."

Li Nanlin's brows were furrowed by the answer of Wei Yunlei, chief of the Naval Intelligence Department. He looked at the report in front of him, and then he spoke for a while.

"According to the transliteration, if the information is leaked, then it should be called "radio station" or "radio", and this information is called "wireless telegraph". The article in the one-word gap is huge!"

After pondering for a moment, Li Nanlin continued.

"It stands to reason that if there is a leak, they will never use this Chinese transliterated name in order to keep it secret, and they also made a typo on purpose, which is a bit weird!"

"Master Shangshu, could it be the old cloth maze?"

The intelligence personnel's instinct made Wei Yunlei also feel that this matter is definitely not that simple, and there must be some conspiracy.

"Is it to make us misjudge?"

"It is indeed possible"

After thinking for a while, Li Nanlin asked.

"Didn't that Edison stay in Daming? Contact the Imperial Security Bureau and check the people who have been in contact with the place where that guy stayed. You must check it out."

There must be no sloppyness on the issue of confidentiality. After issuing the order directly, Li Nanlin added.

"If it is found that someone leaked this information to him, he must be severely punished and brought to a military court for trial!"

Daming is a country ruled by law.If someone breaks the law, they have to be severely punished by the law.Of course, compared to ordinary courts, military courts have harsher penalties. Since it is a case involving military secrets, it must be tried in a military court.

"Master Shang Shu, don't worry, the next official will not disappoint you."

The subordinate's answer made Li Nanlin shake his head and said.

"Not to let me down, but not to let the country down! Well, go down! I'm waiting for your good news."

(End of this chapter)

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