Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 930 We meet again

Chapter 930 We Meet Again (Third Update, Please Subscribe)
Far away in New York, Edison, who was rejoicing to sign this big contract with the Navy, had no idea what kind of disturbance his one lie would cause in Ming Dynasty on the other side of the world.

But what is certain is that on the side of the Ming Empire—the Imperial Security Bureau immediately sounded the alarm, and the agents of the Security Bureau immediately took action and began to investigate suspicious objects.

In Daming's intelligence system, apart from the three foreign intelligence agencies of the Imperial Investigation Department, the General Staff Intelligence Bureau, and the Naval Intelligence Bureau, the Imperial Security Bureau has just established only two agencies, and the first three are specialized in overseas intelligence work. Different, the task of the Security Bureau is very simple. They are responsible for domestic security work, and counter-espionage is their full-time job.

Compared with the battlefield, this battlefield is invisible and extremely cruel.

Almost as soon as the Security Bureau received the intelligence report, they immediately organized effective agents to investigate the laboratory of the Telephone and Telegraph Company.

"It's impossible!"

In the special case team office of the Security Bureau, Jing Zaigui looked at the clues written on the blackboard, threw the chalk away, and said.

"What's impossible?"

Team leader Wu Zhentai asked back.

"It is impossible for the people that Edison came into contact with to come into contact with the "radio station". Although the radio station is a product of the Imperial Central Laboratory, it was developed by the special product department. In the past few years, no one has been in Area 32, which means that they cannot have access to Area 32 products."

Jing Zaigui paused for a moment, and then said very affirmatively.

"So it is impossible for Edison to obtain information about the "radio station" from the people he contacts!"

"Then, do the people he has contacted have any chance of indirect contact with the products of Area 32? I mean indirectly!"

The group leader's rhetorical question made Jing Zaigui speak directly.

"There are at most three people between people. If there is indirect contact, there will definitely be, but more than two people will be meaningless. Judging from the current information, there is no connection between Edison and Area 32." Direct or meaningful indirect connection, I think, no matter how much we investigate, we can't find out why, so I think the focus should be on..."

After thinking about it, Jing Zaigui said.

"It should be put on counter-espionage, this matter..."

"This matter must be investigated to the end!"

Wu Zhentai ordered directly.

"If this leak is not dug up, the military department will definitely not be able to sleep well. At that time, we will definitely be blamed. After all, our Security Bureau is in charge of counter-espionage! Now that there is such a big leak, we If we can't check it out, how could the military department let us go..."

After all, Wu Zhentai said in a low voice.

"It is said that the Ministry of the Navy is very unhappy. The director confessed that if the leaker is not found out and the leaker is not found out, it is estimated that the Naval Intelligence Bureau will send their agents to directly participate in the investigation. You said that this matter is just hitting us. face! In short, the director's order is very clear, that is, to investigate to the end!"

Once checked to the end, how to check?
Facing the team leader's order, Jing Zaigui even missed the work in the interrogation room a little bit. Compared with the work here, the work there is simpler and more direct. It's like this, check it again and again. Is at a loss.

Facing this case with no clue at all, Jing Zaigui had a headache.

But there is no way, the chief has an order, so let's check it!

To continue to look down.

Of course, all of this was done secretly, and the outside world knew nothing about it, but for the military attaches in the embassies of various countries, they still learned of Ming's ongoing counter-espionage operations through various channels.

As for Brian, who had just returned to Yingtian from the front line, he immediately fell into panic. In the past few years, he has been engaged in intelligence work with Daming, and even his return this time is because of a piece of information.

Can I go now?
Brian hesitated a little, but despite his hesitation, he finally made a decision.

"John, I have to see him once, this time at the front line, I learned a secret!"

Facing his subordinates, Brian said in a rather excited tone.

"The military of the Ming Dynasty has equipped a new type of machine gun. Unlike the Gatling machine gun, this machine gun needs to be hand-cranked or an electric motor. It uses a very special principle, which can shoot continuously and is very light. I The contact person told me that there is indeed such a weapon..."

"Major, are you crazy?"

Before Brian could finish speaking, John interrupted him.

"Now the whole Yingtian knows that the agents of the Imperial Security Bureau are investigating spies everywhere, and many people have already been arrested. If you meet him now, you are looking for a dead end. If that guy is released by the Security Bureau bait, you will be finished by then!"

Staring at the boss, John specifically reminded.

"Major, although you are working in the embassy, ​​according to the current law, military attaches do not have diplomatic immunity for espionage. If they arrest you, you will definitely be imprisoned or even executed!"

"If I don't go, we may miss the last chance to get that kind of weapon. God can testify that if the people of Ming Dynasty really have that kind of weapon, we must have it too."

After that, Brian put on his top hat and said.

"John, I will hide in the trunk of the car in a while, you just need to go to Yangtian Department Store."

Ten minutes later, a black Maxima car drove away from the embassy. After the car left the embassy, ​​a Maxima car also followed. Looking at the following car from the rearview mirror, John did not Ignore it, but went to Yangtian Department Store according to the plan, parked the car casually on the side of the road, and John entered the department store. After almost half an hour, Blair, who had been hiding in the trunk, quietly left the trunk. Walk towards the agreed place.

After arriving at the park, Blair saw the chess field in the park, and his connector was sitting there, as if studying the remnants of chess on the table, so he walked over.

"Can I accompany you to the next game?"

"Of course!"

When two people were playing chess, the other party quietly sent out a file bag, and then said.

"Everything you want is here."

Blair put the portfolio away with a smile on his face.Almost at this moment, someone suddenly rushed towards him.At the moment when Bran was overwhelmed, before he could recover, he heard what the other party said.

"Major Blair! We meet again!"

(End of this chapter)

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