Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 932 Tesla Rhapsody

Chapter 932 Tesla Rhapsody (Second Update, please subscribe)
As soon as the sun went down, it became even darker.Evening in the desert is just a few minutes away.Immediately afterwards, it was pitch black.

Although the sun has set, the street lights in the town are still bright, and the Institute of Mechanical Engineering is still brightly lit, and many researchers are still working overtime.

This is the most common thing.

"Steam turbine mainly includes three parts: boiler, steam turbine and condenser. The fuel is burned in the boiler, and the water is boiled into water vapor. The high-temperature and high-pressure steam enters the steam turbine through the pipeline, pushing the rotor in the steam turbine to rotate..."

In the laboratory, staring at the wall chart on the wall, Gu Hongming thought about the reason of the steam turbine again.

Although "steam turbine" has only one more word "wheel" than "steam engine", it is completely different, because the steam turbine is a rotor that revolves around the central axis at high speed and stably, unlike a steam engine that relies on the reciprocating motion of the piston in the cylinder.Therefore, compared with steam engines, steam turbines have the advantages of simple structure, compact installation space, light vibration, low noise, low manufacturing and maintenance costs, high heat conversion efficiency, and long life.

However, until now, these advantages have only been verified to a certain extent in experiments, and even until now, except for model machines, they still have not produced a practical steam turbine.

"Still working overtime here?"

Pushing open the door, Jiang Rushi saw Gu Hongming standing there studying the steam turbine.

"Yes, Mr. Jiang, there is too much new knowledge here. If I don't catch up quickly, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up with the progress, and it will drag everyone down."

"The new knowledge here is endless."

Jiang Rushi shrugged his shoulders, walked to the window, looked at the small town in the twilight, and said:

"Have you noticed that the level of technology here is generally ten to twenty years ahead of the outside world."

"I noticed, just like this steam turbine, the outside world probably hasn't even thought about it."

"Yes, that's it!"

Jiang Rushi laughed.

"So, your task here is to study and research at the same time. There are many books in the library. You can go to the library first and study systematically."

"I see! Thank you, Mr. Jiang!"

There is a library in each area of ​​the central laboratory. In addition to the technical books corresponding to the research in each area, there are also some technical books that Emperor Zhu collected from his "library". The selected ones are mainly books on the principles. Although they are just some principles, for these technicians, they can easily and successfully research the corresponding mechanical equipment through the principles.

Of course, if possible, Emperor Zhu will also buy some finished products, but the finished products are mainly small and medium-sized mechanical equipment, and the largest...but they are finished products such as tractors and trucks, and large-scale equipment such as steam turbines. It can only "introduce technology" through technical materials such as models and books.Compared with the former, although there is no real thing to imitate, this has greatly promoted the progress of Daming technicians.

Like many people who enter the library, before entering the library, Gu Hongming needs to hand over his handbag, and then get the key of the special cabinet.

"According to the library's regulations, the notes transcribed in the library are not allowed to be taken out of the library, and your notebook must be kept in a special cabinet."

"According to your level, you only have permission to read books below level six..."

There are many rules in the library, although it feels very strange, but soon, when Gu Hongming entered the library, soon, he was addicted to this sea of ​​knowledge, the knowledge in the books seemed to be more novel, it seemed to be more novel than outsiders. A little bit ahead, fresh knowledge is naturally more attractive, and of course Gu Hongming is inadvertently addicted to it.


Everyone's fate has changed. When Gu Hongming, a master of Chinese studies in another world, went to another road in Daming, on the campus of Nanhua University, Nikola Tesla, an international student, was seriously taking notes.He cherishes the opportunity to go to university very much.

Because the professor spoke German, there was of course no obstacle for Nikola Tesla from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Let alone German, even if the professor spoke Chinese, it would not affect his study.

And this Professor Weiers came to Daming who was hired by the university last year. He can only have simple conversations in Chinese, and German is still used in class. This is normal in Daming’s university. After all, Daming has been Insist on introducing talents from European and American countries. These people are not proficient in Chinese. It often takes several years for European professors to master Chinese proficiently.

In Daming’s universities, some professors use English, some use French, and some use German. However, this does not prevent the students of Ming Dynasty from studying. After all, each of them needs to master a foreign language proficiently. When taking elective courses, just pay attention to whether the professor can teach in Chinese.

Although he seemed to listen carefully, Tesla wrote something in his notebook from time to time.


In the past period of time, Tesla became interested in X-rays, which were discovered by Li Lun, a scientist in Ming Dynasty a few years ago. Now "X-rays" have been applied in some ways. For Tesla, This is both a new field of knowledge and one full of opportunity.

Although it is just an interest, he is very focused on research in this area.

"It could have more applications in medicine."

While this thought flashed in his mind, Tesla wrote on paper.

"The intensity of X-rays can be further enhanced..."

As a student, Tesla now has enough time to do research in this area, and of course there are enough technical materials and hardware in Nanhua University.

"Maybe, you can apply to the school for an experiment grant first,"

Looking at the drawn "X-ray machine" for medical use, this idea flashed in Tesla's mind.

Even in class, he wrote out the application for experimental funding, and what he wrote was very simple——

"The energy of the x-rays "that is, X-rays" that my instrument can produce is much greater than that produced by ordinary instruments."

On the same day, he finished the application and mailed it to the Imperial Science Foundation through the post office. Undertake various researches.

(End of this chapter)

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