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Chapter 933 The Roots of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 933 The Roots of Ming Dynasty ([-]rd update, please subscribe)
The fate of people will always change drastically due to history. Even Emperor Zhu did not expect that the dignified master of Chinese studies took the "wrong path" in Daming and became a mechanical engineer. As for this famous master at the meeting What kind of results can be harvested can only be left to the future.As for Tesla, no one knows how far he will go.

For the former, Emperor Zhu didn't even know his existence, he didn't even know that the master of Chinese studies was in Daming, but for the latter, he was very concerned. After all, Tesla was almost the most famous Now that he is an inventor, Emperor Zhu is very much looking forward to what kind of fruit he can produce in Daming.

But despite paying attention, Emperor Zhu also knew nothing about Tesla's application for funding from the Imperial Science and Technology Foundation. Paying attention... is just paying attention. Compared with paying attention to a Tesla, he cares more What matters is how many Ming scientists can be incubated by the Imperial Science and Technology Foundation.

"By setting and providing grants, scholarships, and fellowships, encouraging basic scientific research and education, by rewarding and funding scientific and technological personnel, promoting academic exchanges, popularizing science, cultivating talents, and transferring scientific and technological achievements, and promoting the scientific and technological progress of the empire to adapt to scientific The challenges of technological development and the demands of technological progress imposed by the development of the imperial economy."

This is the purpose of the Imperial Science and Technology Foundation of the Ming Empire. In the six years since its establishment, it has not only funded the basic science education of the Ming Dynasty, but also funded tens of thousands of young scholars. The level of science and technology has been developed by leaps and bounds.

"In the curriculum reform two years ago, the foundation provided substantial funding for more than 1 research groups and research projects, including the Physical Science Research Council, the Primary and Secondary Mathematics Research Group, the Biological Sciences Curriculum Research Program, the Primary and Secondary Chemistry Curriculum Research Program), Imperial Science Education Research Program and other projects. Last year, the foundation provided 1960 million yuan for basic research and education programs and other projects, of which 1200 million yuan was used for basic research and 760 million yuan for educational programs..."

In His Majesty's study, Jiang Hongwei, the vice president of the Imperial Science and Technology Foundation, reported to the emperor one by one the work of the foundation last year.

These figures may not seem very eye-catching, but they are absolutely amazing in the world. Almost 2000 million yuan is used to encourage and promote the development of science and technology. In this era, this expenditure is absolutely astronomical—no The financial revenue of even a small country is not so much!

"Close to 2000 million!"

Emperor Zhu nodded, and then said.

"However, the investment in the education plan is still a little less. Let's increase education by another 10% this year. After all, the future of the empire lies in education."

1960 million!
430 million pounds!
At this time, the British government's fiscal revenue was only 8500 million pounds, and Daming almost invested 5% of the British fiscal revenue in the promotion of science and technology.This shows that Ming Dynasty attached great importance to science.

However, the reason why Daming was able to spend this money was entirely due to the income from the state-owned farms—the income brought by hundreds of millions of acres of state-owned farms, which kept Daming’s finances in a very loose state—a lot of money!
It is precisely because of the large amount of money that Emperor Zhu was able to burn money continuously in education, industry, and infrastructure, and relied on burning money to make Ming a technological powerhouse.

To a certain extent, burning money is the best way. With sufficient funds, Daming can hire scholars from all over the world to teach in Daming schools. With sufficient funds, Ming scholars can work on many scientific research projects. research.

Burning money has indeed changed the situation of Daming's technological decline to a large extent. Of course, this kind of "burning money" is compared to this era. How is the scientific research funding in this era guaranteed?
Except for universities relying on official or unofficial funding, European and American countries rely on commercial funding or personal investment, which directly limits their invention and innovation, especially the latter. Many scientists rely entirely on their own salaries to support their experiments.

Compared with European and American countries, Ming Dynasty adopted a relatively mature "state support system" in another world, which allowed scholars to obtain sufficient funds for scientific research through official funding, which greatly promoted the scientific and technological level of Ming Dynasty.

To a certain extent, in the scientific arena, Da Ming is competing with the national team and individual teams from Europe and America. Such a result is conceivable. Besides, Da Ming also has the golden finger of Emperor Zhu as support.

Although the support of various official channels has made Ming's science and technology develop by leaps and bounds, Emperor Zhu also has some opinions on this.

"Education, we need to increase science education, especially the promotion of primary and secondary research programs. We need to cultivate a large number of students with scientific spirit and innovative spirit. Only in this way can Ming Dynasty win the competition in the future national competition. After all, the competition between countries and civilizations is essentially a scientific competition. After all, science and technology are the primary productive forces. In the future competition, the party that is behind in science and technology is doomed to fail, and The party without the spirit of innovation will also fail, and it is extremely necessary to increase investment in science education."

Jiang Hongwei immediately agreed.

"Your Majesty's words are true. In fact, I have always had an idea. I don't know whether to say it or not."

"You said."

"Chen thought that in order to increase the excitement of middle school students about science, a science competition could be held, and students would be encouraged to participate in the competition by providing bonuses."

"Science Competition!"

Emperor Zhu's eyes lit up, thinking of the competition in another world, of course he agreed.

"This can be coordinated with the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Education can also join in."

After a pause, Emperor Zhu Dahou said.

"This competition is carried out across the country, and all students can sign up to participate. In addition to providing a certain bonus, it can also be linked with universities and encourage universities to provide full scholarships to winners."

The universities in Daming are basically free - but the so-called "free" is not really "free", but free through the way the university provides scholarships. Among the universities in Daming, 75% of the students can get scholarships of different levels , for college students in Ming Dynasty, the scholarship is the best opportunity for them to study in college.

For many people, the full scholarship means that the family does not need to bear any expenses for studying in college. Such a reward is naturally enough to attract many ordinary students to participate in the competition. In the end, the students get an education and the country gets talents...

(End of this chapter)

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