Chapter 938 Daming Family Village (First update, please subscribe)
The military dependents' village is a unique settlement in Ming Dynasty. It itself is a part of the military base. In fact, it is the dormitory for officers, non-commissioned officers and their families, so it is called "Dependents' Village".

The Ministry of the Army and the Navy has also established a service command directly under the Central Government to manage military dependents' villages and logistics facilities.Compared with ordinary settlements, military dependents’ villages have more complete exclusive living facilities, including hospitals, schools, guest houses, shops, post offices, movie theaters, and even churches—because many military family members are of European descent. They believe in Catholicism, of course they must take proper care of their beliefs. They have always been open-minded about their beliefs, but there are special things to do. If you don’t eat this one, you can’t eat that one, and you have to be respected by others instead of others. Daming is definitely not welcome.

Although most of the facilities in the military dependents' village are open to the residents, the military dependents' village is strictly restricted, and the residents' access is always restricted.

After driving to the army base in the western suburbs of Yingtian, when entering the military dependents' village, even though Chen Yangsheng had indicated his identity as the president of the Federation of Labor Forces, he still needed to register. After all, the military dependents' village itself was part of the base.

After the car drove into the military dependents' village, what came into view was a single two-story building with a flat lawn and a beautiful garden in front of the building.

Seeing the chairman appreciating the chic houses on both sides, Cheng Gongjie explained.

"The military dependents' village, to a certain extent, will always be the benchmark of life. There is no apartment here. Whether it is an officer or a non-commissioned officer, as long as they get married, they can apply for a family dormitory, which is the kind of house outside. Basically, a base has How many officers and non-commissioned officers are matched, even if there is a shortage, according to the regulations, it needs to be resolved within half a year, otherwise the chief officer will be held accountable, and the public facilities here are twice that of ordinary communities..."

The status of the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty has never been "the status of imperial soldiers is sacred" in the text, but is reflected in many aspects. Soldiers and their families live in the "family village" with the most complete facilities, and their children can enter the nearby The best public schools, outside of the compulsory education period, the military will fund their tuition.

"Swimming pools, libraries, clubs, and other facilities are all available, and they also shop at military welfare institutions, where food and other daily necessities are generally 20% lower than those in the market, and general commodities are also 5% cheaper. About %, um, soldiers and their family members go to the hospital for medical treatment, which is also free of charge.”

Chen Yangsheng didn't feel uncomfortable about the preferential treatment enjoyed by soldiers. After all, soldiers sacrificed their blood and sweat for the safety and expansion of the empire.

"It is precisely because I, Da Ming, treat soldiers so favorably that the soldiers of the Empire are willing to serve the country with all their loyalty!"

Many things are not without reason. What is the most fundamental reason why Ming soldiers march forward bravely on the battlefield?
It is because they know that even if they die in battle, their family members will not be impoverished or destitute because of their death in battle. Continuing sponsorship to their families in the name of the Crown, unmarried spouses of deceased servicemen, unmarried children under the age of 18, disabled children of any age, children aged 18-23 attending government VA-funded schools, belonging to Both parents of low-income deceased military personnel can receive lifetime support.

This subsidy is a uniform standard, everyone is equal, and has nothing to do with military rank or military age; if the spouse remarries, the monthly payment will continue until death, and if the spouse remarries, it will be terminated; if there are children, each child has its own quota, and if there are more people add up...

In addition, the survivors of the deceased soldiers also enjoy the survivor support plan, which is one-third of the basic salary during their lifetime.

In a word, Ming Dynasty would never treat its soldiers badly. Emperor Zhu even once said, "If a country's military families fall into poverty because of the death of their sons and husbands, it will undoubtedly be a shame to the whole country!".

It is also based on this point of view that the Ming Dynasty formulated a subsidy covering the life of the bereaved soldiers who died in battle - the soldiers were loyal to the country, and the country performed filial piety on their behalf.

This is the Empire's promise to all Imperial soldiers.

Of course, this is also the reason why the "Eastern Warriors" are not imperial soldiers, because... they really can't afford it.Consumables, of course, can not be regarded as the same.

The lives of soldiers of the Ming Dynasty are very valuable, so the officers of the Ming Dynasty are very good at using steel to save blood, and fight steadily step by step.

"Soldiers are loyal to the country, and the country will be filial on their behalf!"

While they were talking, they happened to see some passing women walking towards a house. Seeing that scene, Cheng Gongjie, who used to serve in the army, became a little low-key.

"They should have gone to accompany the hostess of this family, and her husband should have died in battle..." In the dependent village, there are many rules different from the outside world, and the family members of soldiers also play their role. When the neighbor's husband was killed in battle, they would go over to comfort her as soon as possible, help her do what she could, and take care of her children.

In the army, soldiers are brothers, and their families are sisters.As for the children, they are, of course, brothers and sisters.


With a long sigh, Chen Yangsheng touched his arm. He...has also been on the battlefield. He lost an arm in the battle of the gold mine. Later, with the grace of His Majesty, he went all the way from the warehouse guard who guarded the gate to the current "Empire" President of the Federation of Labor Forces.

In war, people always die, even if the Ming army is willing to use bombs, shells, and even wish to use bombs and shells to raze everything to the ground, but it is inevitable that some people will die in battle!
On the next road, the two of them didn't speak any more. The car drove forward along the road of the military dependents' village. After a while, they arrived in front of a chic two-room small building, looking at the plants in front of the building. Rose, Cheng Gongjie said.

"President, we are here!"

After the car came to a complete stop, Cheng Kejie got out of the car quickly, and then walked in front of the president. As soon as he reached the door, he heard the sound of the piano in the room.

"Well, she should be home."

Cheng Gongjie knocked on the door, and at the same time that the sound of the piano stopped abruptly, a five or six-year-old boy opened the door, looking at the visitor and saying in surprise.

"You are……"

Then a beautiful Jiefa lady came over. Her expression seemed a little nervous at first. After all, at this time, if a guest suddenly came to "visit", it would always make people a little worried. What if she sent a death notice What about?
It wasn't until he saw Cheng Gongjie that his nervous expression eased.

"Hey, Gongjie, why are you here? Who is this gentleman?"

 At present, the throat is very uncomfortable, and the family members have already started to have a fever.I guess it will only be today and tomorrow, I hope to pass it safely... It is best to be pain-free and burn-free, and I will definitely thank you more when the time comes!
(End of this chapter)

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