Chapter 939 Battlefield Labor Corps (Second Update, please subscribe)
"Sister-in-law, this is your chance, your chance to come back again!"

Cheng Gongjie, who once served in the army, lives not far from here. They are not only neighbors, but also friends. He used to be Si Dongjie, that is, a subordinate of Christina's husband. , I am afraid he is still serving in the army.

Of course, that's why he knew.How beautiful this sister-in-law's singing is, and that's why he would recommend her to the president.

"Gongjie, I haven't been on stage for several years, and I haven't thought about it, you know..."

Looking at her daughter who was practicing the piano, Christina thought for a while and said.

"As a woman, it is the person who takes care of the family at home. Besides, Brother Ni is now with the West African Army Corps. The children always need someone to take care of them."


Comeback again!
In the past few years, she occasionally had such thoughts, but when she chose to marry Si Dongjie, who was still a sergeant at the time, she had already made a decision in her heart-to be a good wife, to be a good wife Mother.

Maybe she likes music, but she loves her family more.As for singing, that was before she got married, and now nothing is more important than family.

As for paying again, she never really considered it at all.

"It's only a few days. It's a holiday now, ma'am. The soldiers on the front line are fighting for the empire. We are in the rear. We always have to do something. I think if the chief is here, he won't object."

Chen Yangsheng also persuaded.

"And from the perspective of my wife's career, this performance will also benefit my wife's return to the stage. After all, now my Ming Dynasty is not only economically developed, but music and other arts are also deeply loved by the people. Music has penetrated into thousands of households."

In the past, people could only listen to live performances in opera houses, pubs and other places, but a few years ago, with the advent of record players and records, everything changed. Although record players are not cheap, but slowly Entered thousands of households.

Corresponding music has also been popularized to ordinary people. Only one record is needed to hear the performance of the best bands and the singing of the best singers.

"If Madam can come back again, it will also allow everyone to listen to Madam's natural voice again."

"Chairman Chen is absurd."

"Madam, this is not only your career, but also the desire of the frontline soldiers!"

Faced with President Chen's persuasion, Christina turned her attention to the little daughter who was playing in the yard outside the house, looked at the child, and she said.

"Chairman Chen, I'm already a mother of five children. Come back? Going to the stage again. I really don't have this idea, and I like the current life very much. Isn't it the duty of a woman to care for her husband and teach her children?" ?"

"Sister-in-law, isn't what elder brother likes most all the time to listen to your singing? If you come back, there will definitely be a record company willing to engrave a film for you. At that time, elder brother can hear your singing even in Africa. "

Cheng Gongjie's persuasion was more exciting than any comeback or longing. Thinking of her husband who was on an expedition in Africa, Christina immediately had no reason to resist.

Yes, if there is a record, he can hear himself singing in front of him, which seems good!
Under the persuasion of the chairman of the Federation of Labor Forces, Christina finally agreed. After making arrangements for the child, she went to the front line with the field condolence team to condolences to the officers and soldiers on the front line.

In order to express condolences to the frontline officials before the new year, with the help of the Federation of Labor Forces, the military even sent several airships to transport the condolences to the frontline. After all, airships are the fastest.

There were no soldiers in the Ming Dynasty whose main business was dancing and singing. As for the troupes that performed for the soldiers, they were all domestic song and dance troupes, drama troupes, and other literary and artistic societies.Although there were many stars in the condolence group, Christina still attracted the attention of many reporters.

"It is the responsibility of all of us to go to the front line to condolences to the soldiers who fought bravely!"

When the airship was about to board the ship, Christina answered the reporter's question in fluent Chinese.

Eight years ago, she was the most famous singer in Buenos Aires, a guest at high society balls, and a distinguished guest invited by politicians and generals.

Similarly, she is also the dream lover of writers and poets, they will write poems for her, compose songs for her, they are willing to be driven by her,

During the invasion of the Southern Confederacy, she also went to the front line to condolences to the Argentine army.

Someone even wrote a song "The Wrath of Argentina" just for her...

However, all of this is in the past. Now, she is the wife of Major Si Dongjie of the Great Ming Empire Army and the mother of five children.

And now, she stepped onto the stage again, singing for the soldiers as a military wife.

"I hope they can accept themselves!"

Although it was very fresh to take the airship for the first time, she was thinking about what songs to sing along the way. She even had to pick up a pen and retranslate many Spanish songs into Chinese, and then repeated them in her heart Chanted repeatedly.

In fact, Christina has not sung a few Chinese songs, but she still uses her personal talent to translate those songs she is good at into Chinese. ,
Christina also came to the front line. Although she is not well-known compared to movie actors, and she does not have the unrestrained and provocative dances of song and dance actors, her singing is beautiful and beautiful.

Whether she sings in Spanish or in Chinese, when her singing is over, the soldiers will applaud vigorously and cheer for her. This long-lost scene is indeed very lingering, but whenever the performance ends , her only thoughts are her children and her husband in Africa.

Everywhere she goes, while singing for the soldiers, she will also mend clothes for the soldiers with other actresses, which is no different from ordinary military wives.

The week-long frontline tour of condolences finally came to an end before the arrival of the Chinese New Year. Christina finally set foot on her way back. Let's get started.

The army moved to the front again.

"The army seems to be on the move!"

The people in the airship also noticed the movement on the ground. People looked through the portholes and watched the thousands of troops moving on the ground. They didn't know that just a few hours ago, the Imperial Army Staff issued an order I issued the final order-into Rio to celebrate the New Year!

 There are only two updates today... I hope it will return to normal as soon as possible!
(End of this chapter)

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