Chapter 945 (Third update, please subscribe)
1877 2 Month 3 Day.

The Imperial General Staff issued an order-into Rio de Janeiro to celebrate the New Year!

This year refers to the Chinese New Year, which is February 2 AD.

In other words, when the order is issued, there are still 10 days before the Chinese New Year!
Conquering the defense line with a depth of 10 kilometers and defended by hundreds of thousands of troops in [-] days-this is simply wishful thinking!

Since that day, all the troops have been gathering on the front line in Rio de Janeiro. This build-up is 3 days. In the past 3 days, the front line-no fighting.

In the early morning of February 2, although it had not rained all day and night, the heavy rain the night before made the air still a bit humid.

On the long front, there was not much noise.

Above the silent trenches, the flying flags and national flags were blown by the breeze, pointing to the enemy's trenches in the distance.

After measuring the wind speed with an anemometer, the officer picked up the phone and reported the weather conditions on the front line to the headquarters.

"The wind is 2 to 3 meters per second, the wind is east, 15 degrees north..."

This is the good weather I have been waiting for for three days!
Only ten minutes later, the order for the general offensive was sent to the frontline troops on standby through telegrams and telephones. The gunners took off the gun jackets and unscrewed the steel plugs at the mouths of the shells as soon as they received the order. , Screw the fuze on the shells, and the shells are placed flatly at a distance of only one meter from the gun position. On the mortar position at the front, the shells are taken out of the shell box one by one and placed on a flat surface. On the spread canvas, the safety plug of the fuze has been pulled out, and the guns will use the most intensive firepower to cover the infantry's attack as soon as they receive the order.

At the same time, in the trenches at the front, although the battle was about to start, the officers did not urge the soldiers to check their weapons, but distributed insurance policies and letter paper to them, and at the same time loudly reminded the soldiers of the importance of the military life insurance policy.

As early as 14 years ago, after the establishment of Nanhua Insurance Company, Emperor Zhu, who was still the big boss, purchased life insurance for the officers and soldiers of the company's security team. In the past ten years, this policy has been continued, and the insurance Compensation payments are also constantly increasing, and pensions are enough for their families to spend the rest of their lives comfortably after their deaths. Officers have the responsibility to remind soldiers to carefully fill out the insurance policy before the battle.

"Everyone must fill out the insurance form carefully. If you die, the beneficiary will get 600 yuan in insurance compensation. If you have no relatives, you can choose to donate to a foundation, such as the Imperial Military Survivors Foundation, which is dedicated to taking care of those who died in battle. The foundation of the survivors..."

"Everyone must fill out the will carefully, and hand it over to the monitor after writing it..."

The insurance and pensions given to soldiers by the army of the Ming Empire are extremely rich, and now they have exceeded 1000 yuan, which is almost equivalent to the income of ordinary people for 7 years. With the addition of subsidies for bereaved families, the Empire of Ming Dynasty gave the soldiers who died in battle the most lucrative allowances according to their own financial resources. pension.In addition, as early as seven years ago, the Imperial Invalides had been built. Disabled soldiers can directly live in the Invalids. Any disabled officers and soldiers who have fought for the empire can be taken care of there, and all the expenses will be borne by the royal family. .

Soldiers are loyal to the country, and the country is filial to them.

In Daming, there is never a word, and everyone knows this very well.

"Father is well, and the unfilial son is safe. Today, the troops received the general attack order. Although the troops have not yet marched, they are still alive. If the father reads this letter, the unfilial son must have already entered the martyr's shrine. Partner, enjoy the glory of the four festivals a year!

As a soldier of the empire, the unfilial son should be loyal. It is the honor of our soldiers to meet again at the martyr's temple!My son can repay His Majesty and the country with flesh and blood. It is a real thing to do. Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety cannot be fulfilled, and life cannot be filial. However, my father is still in his sixtieth year. , reprimanding him for being unfilial, if this can ease the grief of the father and the lord, the son will also smile in Jiuquan..."

When writing the suicide note, tears flowed from Wang Qingshan's eyes from time to time. His father was Wang Jianyun, the prefect of Bingzhou, and his grandfather was Wang Youling, Minister of the Household Department.

His Majesty's kindness to the Wang family is as great as a mountain, first he was kind to his grandfather for saving his life, and later he was kind to his father.

Unlike the Qing Dynasty, which emphasized imperial examinations, the Ming Dynasty emphasized military merits. If the children of high officials and dignitaries do not join the army, they will be looked down upon. Like many noble children, Wang Qingshan was admitted to the military academy after graduating from high school. He graduated from the military academy for one year. After being promoted to company commander, after the war broke out, he imagined dying to serve His Majesty and the country more than once, but now that he is really facing such a big war, he will inevitably feel a little worried in his heart. However, at the age of 20, his life has just begun. Concern, even regret, is natural.

When the tears flowed down, he wiped them away when people were not paying attention.Then he regained his former self-confidence.

It was quiet in the trenches, both officers and soldiers were lying there, writing their wills, or filling out insurance policies, perhaps, this is the most proud part of the Ming army - this is a powerful army. Cultural troops.Whether it is the compulsory literacy of new immigrants or the cultural classes in the army, this army has become the only army in the world that all have elementary school education or above.

The elementary school, which is almost the fourth grade of elementary school, seems to have very low academic qualifications, but in this era when compulsory education has just been popularized in various countries, this army is already considered an "educated" army.

The atmosphere in the trenches seemed a little depressing, no one spoke, everyone was quietly writing their letters, the last wills were put into envelopes, and then put into tarpaulin envelopes, and then they looked at the order The soldier took the envelope to the rear.

Soon, many of the letters in it will be sent out, and no one knows how many, but they know that once the war starts, what they need is to have no hesitation, to attack the enemy with the determination to die.

Life or death is a choice for everyone.


Wang Qingshan looked at the brothers in the company and said.

"Finally, I just want to remind you one thing - as a soldier of the empire, bravely kill the enemy, return to the martyr's hall, be respected by the world, and bring glory to the family! Or live like a coward, be ashamed by the world, and shame the family. It is up to you brothers to decide, Wang hopes to meet you again at the Martyr's Shrine, and honor the imperial Suzaku flag with our flesh and blood!"

After saying these words, Wang Qingshan gave a military salute to his comrades.

"Goodbye, Martyr's Shrine!"

The soldiers replied with a neat but not loud voice.

 dizzy... anxious...

(End of this chapter)

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