Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 946 The Fog of Death God

Chapter 946 The Fog of Death (First update, please subscribe)
When the soldiers in the trenches made their final farewell.

In front of the trenches, the engineers lying on the ground had already connected the detonators. In front of them, wooden sticks more than a foot high were tied with strips of fine cloth, blown by the wind, slightly pointing towards the defense line of the Brazilian army. .

The engineers and soldiers kept their eyes on the front, and occasionally they would check their watches.


As the time approached, the orders of non-commissioned officers and officers sounded in the trenches. Standing in a trench that was more than one meter deep and full of muddy water, the soldiers who had been waiting in the middle of the night looked up at the top, waiting for the order to attack.

God, it's clear!
The sun is coming out!
The soldiers in the trenches knew very well that maybe this would be the last dawn in their lives, and maybe they would never have the chance to see the sun rise again until they died.

Perhaps this is the last moment of their lives.In fact, as soldiers, they are prepared for this moment.

"Go on the bayonet!"

At [-]:[-] in the morning, the officers in the trenches issued this order at the same time.

When the soldiers loaded the bayonets on the rifles, the trenches echoed with the sound of metal clashing when the bayonets were installed, and then the soldiers held the rifles, all of them looked a little anxious and excited without exception, but more expect!They were looking forward to jumping out of the trenches and attacking the Brazilian positions.

Waited for a while, February 2, 6:5!
Suddenly, the silent battlefield was broken by a series of explosions. On the tens of kilometers long front, the explosions sounded like firecrackers. Amid the continuous explosions, thousands of people standing like people The steel cylinder suddenly spewed out clouds of thick smoke, and the green smoke drifted towards the Brazilian army's position under the blowing of the wind.

The green smoke is thick!
The moment it spewed out, the earth was shrouded in a cloud of thick fog. The thick smoke was like a mist, moving forward under the blowing of the wind, but it did not disperse, but stuck tightly to it. Touching the ground, it keeps rolling forward. Its movements seem to have an extremely unique beauty. It just wriggled like countless green elves. They suddenly jumped out of the ground, and then landed on the ground. Dancing gracefully, without making any sound, the wind caressed the thick green elves. Accompanied by the wind, they twisted their bodies and swam towards the northeast.

The green fog looks beautiful and enchanting.With a fairy-tale beauty!
"Look, what is that?"

Kanel, who was standing in the guard post, looked at the thick green fog rolling in front of him, his eyes were full of doubts.

For him who grew up in the plantation, he is no stranger to the fog in the plantation. After it rains, the sugarcane field will always be filled with similar mist.

But this is obviously not water mist, it is green, with yellow in the green, it looks like a fairyland described in a fairy tale - dazzling and beautiful!

The dense green fog, like elves flying out of the forest, danced on the ground. Such a beautiful scene attracted everyone's attention. People hiding in the trenches stood up one after another, and they stared dumbfounded. With the approaching fog.

The green mist looked so beautiful that everyone couldn't help but marvel at it, and if they weren't just a bunch of slaves on the plantation, maybe they would have written a poem for the others.

As for those white or mixed-race officers, they also stared at the green fog with surprised eyes.

what is this?
No one knows, but also no one is aware of the danger.


How is this possible?
How could there be any danger in such a beautiful fog?

The Brazilian officers and soldiers in the trenches all looked at the enchanting green mist like a forest elf with admiring eyes.

These Catholics seem to have forgotten one thing - when Satan is alive, he usually puts on the most beautiful coat, just like this green elf, under the reflection of the rising sun, the green mist rolling against the ground reflects something weird The brilliance, it looks so beautiful.

But who would have thought that such a beautiful mist would be the appearance of Satan?

Several military officers even took photos of the beautiful fog with a seagull camera made in Ming Dynasty. They even felt that this was a rare meteorological spectacle once in a hundred years!

Finally, in the exclamation of the people, this extremely rare meteorological spectacle finally rolled in front of them slowly. Its tentacles passed through the barbed wire first, and after swallowing the barbed wire, it rolled towards the trench again. While in the trenches, some even stretched out their hands, trying to touch the rare green mist.

Just as they happily felt the green mist with their hands, a pungent smell came over.

"What does it taste like?"

"Cough, cough... this smell... so bad!"

Before the yellow-green smoke almost two or three meters high entered the trenches, some people with a keen sense of smell could already smell the strong and pungent smell in the air!
But it was too late at this time, and when they were puzzled, the yellow-green smoke suddenly "falled" into the trench, covering everyone in it.


In the irritating and choking smoke, the people in the trenches continued to cough violently. On the defense line, the coughing became denser and louder.

Amidst the violent coughing, there were also terrified shouts from many people.

"Cough...cough...this...what's going eyes, my eyes..."

No one knew what happened, and being in the yellow-green smoke that could not open his eyes, Kanel felt his eyes burning, and when he screamed in horror, he felt that he was out of breath When the breath came, he felt extremely stuffy, breathing hard, but what he inhaled into his lungs was choking poisonous mist.

"Cough, cough..."

The gasping for breath resulted in more severe coughing. For a while, the trenches were full of Brazilians lying there coughing continuously. At this time, they all fell into despair without exception—a strong sense of suffocation made them feel sick. They tried their best to breathe, and the poisonous gas they could breathe made it even more difficult for them to breathe.

Amidst the violent coughing, many people's lungs were coughed out, and the people in the trench fell down in pieces. They fell to the bottom of the trench, breathing eagerly, while they were breathing desperately. , more poisonous mist was inhaled by them, and in the end, they didn't even have the strength to cough anymore, they just panted desperately, their breathing became more and more rapid, and the god of death came faster and faster... …

(End of this chapter)

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