Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 950 The Conspiracy of the Queens

This is the hot summer.

What is certain is that at the Villa Royal Beach, every day is filled with passion.

Especially with Guis approaching, almost every day, every moment is like a fire that always burns.

The flames here are burning fiercely, even on the way to Nanhua's factory, in the luxurious BMW limousine, in the well-closed compartment.Dry wood and fire will also burn.

The car was driving on the road, and Sissy's moans sounded from her throat. At this time, she fully demonstrated the qualities that an excellent female rider should have. Finally, with a suppressed scream, everything was over , She lay on Emperor Zhu's shoulders, rested for a while, and then she came back to her senses. Then, as if she remembered something, she looked forward, and the baffle behind the driver completely isolated the compartment into A mobile room.

"You bad guy, that's what cars are built for, isn't it? But I like it."

Caressing Sissi sitting on his waist, Emperor Zhu asked.

"Oh why?"

"Because, only here, you belong to me!"

Looking at the man in front of her, Sissy said in a soft tone.

Holding her slender and strong waist, Emperor Zhu said seriously.

"You can stay if you want, after all..."

Historically, Sissy has been traveling—in fact, wandering. Vienna has never been her home. Only after her son committed suicide and died, she returned to Vienna, attended the funeral, and left again.wandering around europe
Among all the queens, she is the most unique and unique.

"At least here you will be very free, no one will disturb you, and no one will interfere with you."

Facing Emperor Zhu's invitation, Sissy thought for a while, and then said.

"Let me think about it! You know, some things are not as simple as we think."

The car continued to drive, and after about half an hour, the car drove into the Nanhua Shipyard. The reason why Emperor Zhu accompanied Sissi alone today was to visit the shipyard at her request. There is an Austro-Hungarian ship under construction here. warship.

Of course, the so-called visit is just a reason for two people to be alone. Of course, Eugenie turned a blind eye to this. In fact, even Queen Charlotte turned a blind eye to them. It's all very clear, it's just that it hasn't been exposed.

When Emperor Zhu was enjoying the beauty of the car beauty, in the Royal Manor of Yingtian, the two queens Charlotte were enjoying afternoon tea. While drinking tea, Mary Charlotte looked at the Said the daughter who rode a pony with the second prince Zhu Youyang in the distance.

"Your Highness, it seems that the Second Prince likes Sophia very much."

As the Empress of the Mexican Empire, Mary Charlotte's purpose of this trip is very simple. It is to facilitate a marriage with the Ming Empire and marry her daughter to the Ming Dynasty... No, it should be said that the Prince of Ming and his daughter are married. After all, Sophia is her Only daughter and future heir to the imperial throne of the Mexican Empire.

"Sofia is a very beautiful girl and any boy would be smitten with her."

Charlotte is telling the truth. Her mother, Queen Mary Charlotte, is also a well-known beauty in Europe. If she is the queen of Europe, she will be as famous all over the world as Eugenie and Sissy, and her daughter will also inherit Mother's beauty.

"Your Highness, if possible, I hope they can keep in touch with each other for a long time. It would be great if Sophia can get the care of the second prince during her study in Daming."

As for Queen Mary Charlotte's thoughts, how could Charlotte not know that before the guy went to accompany his two queens, he had already told her the other party's thoughts.

"Youyang is a child who is very good at taking care of others, and he and Sophia also hit it off very well."

Smiling and looking at her son in the distance, Charlotte has no objection to marrying the Mexican royal family. After all, the other party is the only heir to the throne, and Zhu Youyang is only the prince of Ming Dynasty.

"So, Empress, I think their relationship can become closer..."

Staring at Empress Zhu of the Ming Empire, Empress Mary Charlotte said.

"I hope that the second prince can become Sofia's husband. Sofia is my only daughter and the sole heir to the Mexican throne. She will become the next Mexican emperor in the future."

Of course, this is with Daming's support!

Charlotte thought in her heart, as Daming's empress, of course she knew about the other party's plot—Da Ming!
Queen Mary Charlotte's scheme is very simple, she hopes to obtain the protection of Ming Dynasty through marriage, so that her daughter can secure the throne.

This is of course no problem.

But Daming has done so much, he can't just be an imperial concubine, beautify his wife and teach his children in the palace.

But before Charlotte could speak, Queen Mary Charlotte continued.

"But Sophia has always been a very naive girl, and Mexico cannot tolerate any naivety. In the future, her husband will need to shoulder the responsibilities and obligations of being a member of the royal family..."

Queen Mary Charlotte certainly knew that compared to Daming, Sophia had almost nothing except her title, and even her title needed the protection of the Ming Empire.

"So, after Sophia succeeds to the throne, the Mexican Empire should be ruled by two kings..."

There is never a shortage of people who know the times in this world, especially for these nobles, they know very well what they need.

They marry the nobles for power, and they marry the rich for money.

And what does the Mexican empire need?

Of course, it is the all-round support of the Ming Empire!

With their support, the rule of the Mexican Empire can last for a long time, and finally be recognized by the Mexicans.

"Two kings rule together?"

Charlotte looked at the Mexican queen in front of her, her eyes full of doubts.

"Yes, after all, Spain has such a history of two kings co-ruling. If there is a suitable reason, I don't think the Mexicans will refuse."

"A good reason? Mary, what do you mean?"

Charlotte is a little curious. She has always admired the Mexican queen who once went to Europe alone to ask for help from various countries, and the suggestion she made now has to be said to be very exciting.

After all, Charlotte was also a mother, and one of her sons was destined to be the emperor of the Ming Empire. As for the other, it would be a good thing if she became the co-lord of the Mexican Empire.

Of course, there is a premise that this must be the co-owner who holds power, not just relying on Queen Victoria's support to hold power like Queen Victoria's dead husband, rather than having power by itself.

As a royal, she knows all too well the difference between the two.

that power!

It is extremely important to the nobles, and the nobles who have lost their power are not nobles at all.

Mary cast her eyes on her daughter who was not far away, and said softly.

"Your Highness, Mexico lost half of its land in the war between Mexico and the United States 30 years ago!"

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