Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 951 Zhu Family’s Mexican Empire

The whole world knows that the US-Mexico War broke out in 1846. As the victor, the United States annexed 55% of Mexico's territory at one time!
"One day, Americans will pay for their greed!"

Charlotte's answer made Queen Mary Charlotte nod slightly and said.

"Yes, Your Highness, you will pay the price, but how will you pay the price?"

Turning her eyes to Empress Zhu of Ming Dynasty, Empress Mary Charlotte continued.

"We all know that a war between Ming Dynasty and the United States will break out in the near future! As an ally, Mexico is bound to get involved in this war. After this war is over, what will Mexico get?"

Queen Mary Charlotte's rhetorical question made Charlotte's pretty eyebrows slightly raised, and in an instant, she understood what the other party meant.

"Are you referring to let those areas become Youyang's fiefs in the future?"

After a pause, looking at Queen Mary Charlotte, Queen Zhu asked back.

"If Mexico gets involved in this war, then those lands will definitely be recovered by Mexico!"

"Mexico simply doesn't have that capability!"

Queen Mary Charlotte shook her head directly and said.

"Even if the Imperial Army of the Ming Dynasty contained all the American troops, Mexico would not have the ability to recover those areas from the Americans."

It's really not that Queen Mary Charlotte looked down on herself, what she said was the truth!
How did Texas become independent?
Tens of thousands of Mexican troops were defeated by more than 1000 American farmers, and even the president was captured, with abundant martial arts... This word has never belonged to Mexicans.

Taking advantage of the war between Ming Dynasty and the United States to regain lost ground... Get some sleep, dreams have everything!
As Queen Marie Charlotte was well aware, the peeing nature of Mexico.For her who wanted to keep the empire going, she was more inclined to regain lost ground in a different way than signing a meaningless covenant.

"After the outbreak of future wars, Mexico will definitely stand on Ming's side. But what role can Mexico play in the war? With Mexico's strength, it is God's blessing not to drag down the Ming Empire, but after Ming's victory, In return, the land ceded by Mexico will definitely be returned to Mexico, and Mexico will almost get something for nothing, Your Highness!"

Looking at the thoughtful Empress Zhu, Mary Charlotte continued.

"Perhaps, we can look at the problem from another angle. In the future, Mexico will maintain a tendency of neutrality. We will send our troops to the border to contain the Americans. As long as we don't declare war for a day, the United States will definitely need to use [-]. Even more troops defend us!"

He who knows himself knows!

Mary Charlotte is very aware of Mexico's strength, and of course, Daming is also very aware of this point. Even when the General Staff formulated a plan and mentioned Mexico's position, Emperor Zhu once said it.

"If Mexico remains neutral, it is equivalent to adding 10 divisions to our army; if Mexico joins the other side, we can handle it with 20 divisions; but if Mexico wants to join us, our army must spend 50 divisions." strength to protect it."

That's right!

Mexico is the "Italy" on Daming's side. It has plenty of martial arts and he can't be called, and it can even be described as "no martial arts".From Texas to the Mexican-American War, and from the Mexican-American War to the French War, Mexico has proven this time and time again.

"After the war, California and other places should be given to the second prince by His Majesty the Emperor as his feudal country. After marrying Sophia, California will merge Mexico into one country, and Mexico will naturally be "ruled by two kings". !"

It has to be said that Mary Charlotte, as queen, is more politically savvy. In her plan, what did she pay for it?

Title of Emperor of Mexico!
What did she get?
Not only won a solid and reliable ally, kept his daughter's throne, but also "recovered" the lost ground.

This is simply a great thing for a lot of money!Who wouldn't want to do such a business without capital?

And then what about Daming?

Daming... Daming's second prince and his descendants will be the emperors of the Mexican Empire!

This is Daming's harvest!

"This woman is not simple!"

After hanging up on Charlotte, Emperor Zhu couldn't help but praise the Mexican Charlotte.

"She is indeed very difficult. When France was about to withdraw its troops from Mexico ten years ago, she returned to Europe alone and asked for help from European countries. Although she did not succeed, few queens can do all this."

It is true that very few queens can do this. If she hadn't helped her, she would have suffered a mental breakdown like in history, but Emperor Zhu did not doubt that if she were in Mexico, she might go to the palace with her husband. die.

This woman is indeed a very difficult role.

"Will you agree?"

With her head resting on Emperor Zhu's lap, Eugenie asked.

"There doesn't seem to be any reason for my refusal in this matter."

In fact, in the past few years, in Ming Dynasty's "planning" for the future of North America, the positioning of the United States has been weakened as much as possible. Not only the North and South Americas, but also the western part of the United States will be divided and occupied in the future.

The positioning of Mexico has always been very contradictory. On the one hand, Da Ming is of course unwilling to let Mexico regain lost ground. On the other hand, Da Ming needs Mexico to contain the United States. If he wants to use them, he must use his interests to buy the other party.

But giving California and other places to Mexico is really not reconciled. As for supporting local independence, it is not the best option.After all, what Ming needs is a California influenced by Ming.

Because of this, on the issue of Mexico and California, Ming has never made a final decision.

But Queen Mary Charlotte's suggestion made Emperor Zhu see another possibility-why should California be handed over to others?
Not only does California not need to give up, but Mexico can also become Ming Dynasty, not... a part of China. Now Mexico only has 1000 million people, and California and other places only have a mere 200 million people. Even after ten years, Daming also had the opportunity to transform the local area into Chinese.It might be a better choice to Chineseize California and Mexico through immigration.

At the same time, his son would become the emperor of Mexico, and of course, at that time, Mexico was just...literally Mexico!

What reason is there to refuse the Huaxia Mexico?

And... on top of that, there seems to be an added bonus...

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