Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 954 Glory to the Emperor

Chapter 954 Glory to the Emperor (First update, please subscribe)
All night, Napoleon IV's heart was churning with anger!
The offense was thwarted again!

"Damn Tianfang people!"

Thinking of those heavenly people's desperate resistance, Ou Ren's heart was filled with anger.

An hour earlier, when he had opened his eyes from his camp bed, his first feeling had been exasperation.Now, when he looked at the khaki-yellow land in front of him, with almost no green in sight, and looked at the defense line of the Tianfang people in the distance, his anger churned even more violently, and his breathing became short of breath.

"No, it can't go on like this!"

Yes, it can't go on like this!
Those Tianfang people guarded Jerusalem like lunatics. Every time the troops advanced, they would encounter extremely stubborn resistance from the Tianfang people.

"If this continues, not only will Jerusalem not bring me glory, it may even become my disgrace!"

Thinking of this, Ou Ren felt a little nervous, this was definitely not what he wanted.What he wants is to be like Napoleon the Great, like...the Emperor Shengde of Ming Dynasty.

Once again, Emperor Shengde appeared in his mind. He led his legion to rescue Paris and save the French Empire. He...

If it was him, what would he do?
Ou Ren slowly adjusted his breathing, standing in front of the tent, squinting his eyes, recalling the conversation between the two after his father's funeral.

"A qualified commander conquers everyone with his charm. When Napoleon returned from Elba, what did he use to conquer his army? Is it guns? Or something else?"

Napoleon, Napoleon... Eugene, who had made up his mind, suddenly ordered his horse to be brought over, and then directly left a word.

"Let's go to the front line to see!"

Then, under the escort of hundreds of cuirassiers, they rode to the front line on horseback.Along the way, when the French officers and soldiers along the way met the emperor, they would always take off their hats to pay tribute, nothing else, just respect.

Because Emperor Napoleon IV was the only emperor who ate and lived on the front line with soldiers since Napoleon. In this regard, Napoleon IV is much better than his father.

"Long live the Emperor!"

When Eugene's figure appeared on the front line, the unkempt French officers and soldiers in the trench suddenly burst into roars of excitement after being astonished. For a while, roars of long live the emperor were everywhere.

These soldiers looked at the emperor who was on the front line in surprise, only to see that he was wearing a neat military uniform with field binoculars hanging on his chest.They were surprised by the emperor's arrival and cheered that the emperor came among them.

This was certainly something to cheer about, they never expected to see the Emperor here, in the trenches of the front.Who could have imagined it?
As the emperor, Napoleon IV came to the front line in this way. He looked at the officers and soldiers in front of him. He walked up to a bearded soldier, patted the dust on his body, and then he looked at the surrounding soldiers and said.

"Soldiers! I know you are all working hard. This battle is not easy. Those damn Tianfang people are like a group of lunatics. Why do they guard here like lunatics? It's because this is their holy place , but Jerusalem — even more our holy land, the holy land of Catholics that has been lost for nearly 700 years, and today we — French warriors, come to this holy land.”

Eugene pointed to the city of Jerusalem in the distance, and said in an excited tone.

"Now—for 700 years, no legion of the Lord has ever come so close to this holy city. My soldiers, follow me. For God, for our faith, for our glory, we will recover this Holy city, we will plant the flag of France in this city, then you can display your scars in honor, you can boast of your achievements, you - will be soldiers of the Lord!

When you are old, you are surrounded and respected by your fellow men.They listened with admiration to your account of great deeds.You can say with complete pride that I am also a member of the Imperial Army, which has twice entered the walls of Vienna in history, which has entered Rome, Berlin, Madrid, and Moscow—and now, this Imperial Army, has liberated conquered Jerusalem and regained our holy land!You will be able to say with pride: "I have freed the Holy City from the pagan occupation and washed it clean from the dirt.

Kudos to the brave soldiers!To our motherland, France!"

All in all, bursts of excited shouts immediately sounded in the trenches. Whether it was an old non-commissioned officer with gray hair and beard or a young soldier with an immature appearance, they all shouted excitedly there. At this moment, they were in the trenches. The emperor conquered them all with his charm, his speech.

Perhaps kings, emperors, and politicians have spoken to soldiers, but they have never been to the front, to the trenches, they have never stood by them like Eugene, like Emperor Napoleon IV. Before them, behind the trenches with them, speaking at the gunpoint of the enemy.

"Long live the Emperor!"

"Long live the Emperor!"

Amidst the frantic shouts of the soldiers, Eugene felt his muscles tremble convulsively, his lips were a little dry, the sun slanted down on his body, his cheeks were bathed in the sun, he felt a kind of Longing was throbbing there too, a voice telling him—onward, onward.

What kind of image does he have in the eyes of the soldiers now?

Ou Ren believed that at this moment, he was tall in the eyes of the soldiers, and he believed that his charm had conquered many people, looking at these soldiers who were shouting wildly.Enjoy their cheers, enjoy their worship.

At this time, Eugene seemed to understand why Emperor Napoleon preferred to be in the army, not only because his throne was brought to him by the Legion, but more importantly, this heartfelt cheer and admiration.

Who could not be fascinated by it, awakened by it?
As long as he has the support of the legion, he doesn't need to please the marshal and generals like his father, yes!

Father never won the adoration of the army!
Now... I will win their admiration and support!

Eugene understood why Emperor Shengde said that his father was fighting for other people, and also understood where his father failed - his father never really led an army to fight a war, even if it is the worship of soldiers, it is also the worship of those Marshals and generals are nothing more than the achievement of the reputation of marshals and generals.

From now on, all glory goes to the Emperor!

(End of this chapter)

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