Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 955 Greatness and Glory

Chapter 955 Greatness and Glory (Second update, please subscribe)
All glory to the emperor!

Yes, that's the ultimate purpose of waging war, getting through, getting through and being with the soldiers.Let them worship the emperor, admire the emperor, and finally follow the emperor.

Amidst the cheers and shouts of the soldiers, his eyes turned to a flag, which was the tricolor flag of the French Empire.

Looking at the fluttering tricolor flag, at this moment, Ou Ren resolutely made a decision in line with the temperament of his ancestors.

Amid the cheers and shouts of everyone, he suddenly climbed to the top of the trench, and stood there under the dumbfounded gaze of everyone, and then pulled out the flag from the soil. See him yelling.

"Soldiers, please go forward with me, for France, for glory! For God!"

After that, he waved the tricolor flag and raised him high.

"Long live!"

After a moment of astonishment, suddenly the French soldiers in the trench let out a cry that had never been seen before. All the soldiers seemed to be crazy. They shouted "Long live the emperor", and then jumped out of the trench desperately. !

The tricolor is on its way!

The emperor himself held that flag high, and amidst the hail of bullets from the Tianfang people, he was the first to rush out of the trench, holding the tricolor flag high.

"Crazy, crazy..."

The generals all looked at this scene in astonishment. What they saw was not only the tricolor flag held high by the emperor, advancing towards the defense line of the Tianfang people, but also thousands of Frenchmen behind him. Soldiers, they all shouted frantically, rushed out of the trench with their rifles in hand, and followed the emperor towards the Tianfang people's position.

"They're all crazy, everyone's crazy..."

In this world, no one can stop their enthusiasm, just like the oil painting "Liberty Leads the People", except that it is not the Statue of Liberty who guides the soldiers to attack at this time, but Emperor Napoleon IV.

The reporters on the battlefield also saw this scene, and they all recorded this scene with their cameras. This is a great scene.

So much so that some reporters couldn't help saying excitedly when they saw the tricolor flag raised by the emperor.

"From now on, I am a Bonapartist!"

"Now, I finally understand why they are willing to follow Napoleon!"

Yes, many people understand that they may have opposed Napoleon and the royal family. They may be Orleanists or republicans, but without exception, they all desire glory. Facing the glory that Napoleon brought to France, they Everyone kneeled there like a dog licking, kneeling and licking.

They are opposed to taking three and do not support taking four.

Not because of anything else, but because they did not bring France the same glory as Napoleon.

Yes, what they are objecting to is that no matter whether they get three or four, they have never brought glory to France!

Greatness belongs to Napoleon, glory belongs to France.

But they can't see the glory of France... Of course they don't support it.

But now, everyone saw it, they saw it, they saw not only the tricolor flag held high in the hands of the emperor, they saw an emperor who was somewhat similar to Napoleon.

This is exactly what they craved and what they expected.

In fact, the French are not a nation that lacks those brave hearts. They always seem to lack a brave heart. They have more than romance but not enough courage.It seems that this is the impression the whole world has of him.

But when the French overthrew the Louis dynasty, when the French faced siege from various countries, when people took spears to resist the intervention forces of various countries, when the people of Paris set up barricades on the streets again and again to oppose the king when.

Who could ignore their courage at that time?

It is not that the French lack a brave heart.

But no one to awaken their brave hearts!
During the Great Revolution, the courage of the French was awakened, and they sent the king, the nobles, and even the revolutionaries to the guillotine.In the chaos, Napoleon awakened the courage of the French, and they took almost all of Europe.

Now, once again, another Napoleon hoisted that tricolor, and on the field of battle he was unstoppable.On the battlefield, he is full of courage.On the battlefield, glory to France, greatness to Napoleon!
The tricolor flag under the sunshine is advancing. In front of them, the guns of the Tianfang people are roaring, and of course the guns of the French are also roaring. The French artillery seems to be crazy. Cannonballs were dumped on the people's positions, and the officers kept shouting. All of them knew that now... it was no longer a war!
But glory!

The glory and disgrace of France is at this moment.

The soldiers were fighting and charging, and some journalists, like crazy, also charged with the army. They followed in the footsteps of Napoleon, and they watched him hold the tricolor flag high in the hail of bullets. As he charged forward, soldiers around him were constantly shot and fell down, but he seemed to turn a blind eye. Like all the standard bearers, he charged at the forefront.

The battlefield has become a broad background. On this battlefield, everyone has become a warrior, not only Napoleon, but also his soldiers. It seems that only the tricolor flag is left in the whole world.

Lonnie, who followed the emperor, finally took a photo of him in profile. In the camera, he saw a man with a firm expression. He held up the flag of France and led the soldiers forward. surrounded him.

This photo will soon be published in important newspapers in Paris, France, and even the whole of Europe, with the headline "The Emperor Leads France"!
No one will refuse this news, everyone will be conquered by Napoleon, whether he is a citizen, a peasant, an Orléanist or a republican.

All cheers for Napoleon!
Whether the war is won or not is no longer important!
Lonnie knew that the French were romantic at heart, and they worshiped Napoleon because of his victories, his legend, and the glory he brought to France.And now?The romantic French saw a new legend.

Here, the flag raised by the emperor is a legend, a legend that is enough to make all the French crazy.

It seems that on this day, God favors Ou Ren, perhaps because there is always someone standing in front of him to block the bullet for him.

Sometimes courage is truly miraculous. Although the attack seemed unprepared, half an hour later, the tricolor flag was really planted in the position of Tian Fangren.

When the tricolor flag was flying on the Tianfang people's position, McMahon, who had already rushed to the front line, turned his head and said to the generals around him.

"Do you believe it?"

McMahon turned his face, looked at the tricolor flag in the distance and said.

"From now on, the army is the emperor's army..."

Everyone nodded silently. They knew that at this moment, they were no longer the marshals of the army, but the marshals of the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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