Chapter 956 God's filial son France (first update, please subscribe)
The emperor has awakened the spirit of war in France!
Inspired by the tricolor flag raised high by the emperor himself, in the next few days, the Red Trousers Legion of the French Empire turned red all at once, as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

While the artillery entertained the Tianfang people with fierce artillery fire, those red trousers regiments who had been weak in the attack finally got rid of the situation of the "moon diameter regiment". Not only their trousers were red, but they were all red from head to toe.It suddenly became awesome, and it was still the kind that soared into the sky.

In essence, the Tianfang Legion is a group of nomadic tribes. Even if they are equipped with modern weapons, they will not change their nature. They have more than enough courage and other shortcomings.History has proven this point time and time again, they are only good at fighting with the wind, relying on barbarism to show off for a while.

Except at the beginning of the rise, relying on barbarism to rule the roost for a while, in the end it was the Mamluks of Egypt, the Kurds of the north, the Turks, and... Anyway, there are absolutely no such people from heaven. things.

Facing the fierce artillery fire of the French army, especially the courage of not giving in half a step in the face of barbarism, it was only a matter of time before the defense line of the Tianfang people collapsed.

On February 2th, under the repeated ravages of airships and heavy artillery, the defense line of the Tianfang people finally collapsed. The Tianfang army, which had clamored for a "jihad", was scattered in all directions just like when they came. Facing these defeated troops, The French army's response was also extremely quick-it directly dispatched nearly 16 armored vehicles, chasing the defeated soldiers everywhere, and even drove them into the desert under the guidance of the airship.

In the end, it is unknown how many of the 20 "Saints" returned to their homes alive, but at least [-] corpses were left in Jerusalem and the surrounding land.

I don’t know how many grandfathers, fathers and sons died in Jerusalem, and they went to meet their true God as they wished!

Of course, it was this battle that established France's prestige in the Middle East. People in Tianfang will always only submit to the strong.

However, all of this is something for the French. What do they really care about?
It's Jerusalem!

2 month 16 day.

Finally, on this day, the flag of France flies in Jerusalem. On this day, from Jerusalem to Constantinople, from Constantinople to Moscow, from Moscow to Paris, from Paris to Madrid, to Lisbon, all The church bells are ringing.

Whether they were Catholics, Orthodox Christians, or Protestants, they were all there cheering for the recovery of Jerusalem.Overnight, the name of Emperor Napoleon IV spread throughout the world.

Although before that, the Russian tsar regained Constantinople and destroyed Turkey, making this European threat... er, it has long been gone, making the mass bells of Sophia Cathedral ring again, and making Europeans I was so excited, but that's it. After all, Europeans are basically indifferent to the Roman Empire... well, they prefer to call it the "Eastern Roman Empire".

But Jerusalem is different, but all believers know that it is their holy land.

The Holy Land is there, but unfortunately it is in the hands of pagans.

Although they will not launch a "Crusade" for the Holy Land, it does not prevent them from cheering for the recovery of the Holy Land.Excited by this, of course they also did not hesitate to praise words.

Glory belongs to France, greatness belongs to Napoleon!
Almost all the newspapers are full of praise, to praise Napoleon IV, the young emperor, overnight, the "poor descendant of the Corsican dwarf" became "Europe's wisest, bravest, simply It is Napoleon reborn", people praised, praised the emperor.

Everyone is blessing him.


Napoleon IV became a great emperor overnight!

At the same time, Pope Pius IX, the longest-reigning pope in history, gave a speech in the Vatican with excitement, and presided over the mass, and complimented Napoleon IV fiercely. While he and his legions were described as "the sword of God," he announced to the world that he would sail immediately to Jerusalem.

Nothing but flattery!

After all, if there was no Napoleon III, the Papal State would have been destroyed by Italy long ago. Back then, the Papal State was restored with the help of the Napoleon Army. Now the Pope’s backer is so powerful that he has given the city of Jerusalem—the Holy Land to regained.

Whether in public or private, Pius IX had to go over in person to congratulate him.So almost the next day, Pius IX boarded a warship of the Papal State Navy—the current Pope State is not the country with the smallest area and population in later generations, but a country that has occupied more than half of its land, but still has 1.7 square meters The "big country" of [-] km, in Rome and the Lazio region to the west, is still the territory of the Papal State. With access to the sea, it naturally has a... pocket navy.

Four days later, the pope and his party finally arrived in Jaffa.

As the filial son of God, Napoleon IV was of course about to meet the Pope himself. When the two met, Pius IX naturally flattered Napoleon IV.

"Your Majesty, 27 years ago, under the protection of your father, the Papal States were preserved. Since then, the French Empire has been the patron of God in the secular world. Now, the Crusades led by Your Majesty have taken the Holy Land of God from aliens. Rescued by the hands of the believers, the empire is not only the patron of God in the secular world, but also the sword of God!"

Of course flattery is a must. Although the pope is God's endorsement in the world, but... the pope only has a few teachers. After leaving France, his demise is a matter of minutes.

"Your Majesty, please believe in the sword of God, and it will fight for God forever!"

At this time, the young Emperor Napoleon IV was excited, how could he not be excited?In the past few days, he has not only received congratulatory messages from the monarchs of European countries, but also received congratulatory messages from people and non-governmental organizations in various countries. What is he most concerned about?
Of course, it is the attitude of the French people, especially the attitude of the Parisians. Once upon a time, the Parisians who were satirical about the royal family became the licking dogs of the Bonaparte family overnight. He praised his victory and his bravery in a flattering tone, and at the end of the telegram not only used "Long live the French Empire", but even ended with "Long live Napoleon".

This is the French people, they are romantic and vain, and they only need a little victory to drive them crazy.

Is the recovery of Jerusalem a small victory?


Jerusalem has an extraordinary meaning in France and Europe, and because of this, as the "Recoverer of the Holy City", in the past few days, what Napoleon IV has enjoyed is something he has never enjoyed before. Worship, the whole of France, whether it is those high-ranking Parisians or the simple farmers in the countryside who originally worshiped Napoleon, are cheering for his victory. Overnight, he became the greatest hero in France since Napoleon, the young How could Eugene be unhappy?

"Your Majesty, the road to Jerusalem is clear..."

(End of this chapter)

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