Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 957 The Road to Heaven

Chapter 957 The Road to Heaven (Second Update, please subscribe)
The road to Jerusalem is clear!
Jerusalem has been conquered 37 times in history, and now... is the 38th.

From Haifa to Jerusalem, there are only tens of kilometers. If it is fast, it will only take one day, and if it is slow, it will take two days.

The convoy of the French emperor and Pope drove towards Jerusalem under the escort of the Royal Guards.

When the convoy passed through some local villages, the people in the villages all stared at these foreign invaders with hostile eyes.

Their eyes were full of hatred. If it weren't for the large group of cuirassiers guarding them, perhaps they would have thrown stones at the convoy long ago.

Throwing stones is their tradition, whether it is stoning to death for adulterous men and women, or expressing dissatisfaction with anger, in fact, throwing stones in their tradition has a meaning of humiliation, which has nothing to do with the fighting power of the stone.Don't think that people show sympathy by throwing stones. Throwing stones at people is more humiliating than the stone itself.

Of course, now, even if these people pick up a stone from the ground, they just hold the stone in their hands, and then what?

Watching the intruder swagger past them, what else can they do?

Can't do anything.

When the mighty convoy was driving towards Jerusalem along the roads that were in disrepair, in a room in the Old City of Jerusalem, a man wearing a turban looked at the people in the room and said.

"No matter what, we have to do this. Only in this way, the whole world will know that we will never yield to those heretics and let them trample on our holy land!"

While speaking, he spread out a map, pointed at the map and said.

"They're going to have a celebration here, all we need is to send the explosives from here, from this sewer, and catch them all on their way to the church!"

If it is a man, all the bearded men in the room will look very excited, this is feasible!
It couldn't be easier, unlike fighting, it's technical work!
You can set explosives on fire and do things like sabotage... We are good at it!Profession, more than 1000 years ago, this place was full of churches, but later on, we... no, the ancestors who came out of the desert were blown away.


"I prepared 500 kilograms of explosives for them!"

In the office of a British company in Jerusalem, Lawrence looked at his boss, Major Weinberg, and said.

"According to the plan, these explosives will be placed here, and when the French emperor's convoy passes, they will detonate the explosives, just like Guy Fawkes..."

Guy Fawkes, a well-known saboteur in British history, was a member of the Catholic "conspiracy" that attempted to carry out the Gunpowder Plot.The "conspiracy organization" planned to assassinate James I and all members of the upper and lower houses of the English Parliament, that is, to send gunpowder below the parliament and blow up everyone.

Now, Lawrence just copied Guy Fawkes' plan. Compared with the black powder hundreds of years ago, the yellow explosives he uses now are absolutely powerful.

"Do you have any idea what might happen after this plan is implemented?"

Major Weinberg reminded.

"Of course, sir, of course I know what will happen. The French will definitely retaliate wildly, but who are they retaliating against? It is nothing more than those Tianfang people who herd sheep. Their life and death have nothing to do with us. The more intense their retaliation, On the contrary, the British will be more beneficial. Sir, every time they kill a person, it means pushing a family to their opposite. In the future, this place is likely to fall into a long-term guerrilla war like Spain during the Napoleonic Wars. Here the strength and wealth of France will be drained."

Major Weinberg nodded, although he knew Lawrence was right, he still seemed a little hesitant.

"Lawrence, the Pope is there, in case..."

"Sir, if... one day I need to go to hell, for the British Empire - I will!"

The reason why any empire is strong is that there are tens of thousands of imperial consumables like Lawrence who are willing to sacrifice themselves on the machine of this empire. They can always find the value of sacrificing everything in the grand narrative of the great cause of the empire.

On February 1877, 2, on this day, Jerusalem became a sea of ​​flags, the French tricolor flag and the cross flag, and the pope's flag fluttered in this ancient city. On this day, the Crusaders came to the city again.

Both sides of the narrow street were full of French soldiers, and even the Pope’s Swiss mercenaries. Under their guard, Emperor Napoleon IV and Pope Pius IX rode in a gorgeous carriage along the ancient stone road towards the Drive to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

Emperor Napoleon IV, who was sitting in the car, couldn't hide his inner excitement even until now. He succeeded!

It worked!
Now in France, he—Napoleon Eugene Louis Jean Joseph Bonaparte has become an object of admiration in France, just like his grandfather, he won the hearts of the people, he conquered the all the French.

From now on, no one will be able to shake the throne of the Bonaparte family.

Turning his eyes out of the window, he could see the admiring eyes of the soldiers on the side of the road. For the soldiers, he was just the emperor of France in the past, but what about now?He is the emperor of soldiers.Like Emperor Napoleon I, he conquered armies.

They are willing to serve the emperor.

All this is really wonderful.

For Emperor Napoleon IV, this was something he never enjoyed.

Loved by the people, worshiped by the army, followed by politicians!

"In a while, when I arrive at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, I will announce to the whole world..."

Talking to himself, Ou Ren said in a slightly low tone.

"In the name of the French Empire, I dedicate this city, Jerusalem, to God!"

What is a filial son of God, this is the proper filial son of God!

To dedicate Jerusalem to God is actually to dedicate it to the Papal States.Eugene believes that when the news is announced, French conservatives and clergy will cheer for this decision and become the most loyal supporters of the royal family.

Since then, the throne of the Bonaparte family has been stable and rock-solid!

"When you return from Jerusalem, you will be a hero throughout Europe!"

Silently repeating his words after his father's funeral three years ago, Ou Ren showed a little smile on his face.

"It's really a pity, you're not here, otherwise you'd be able to witness all of this...but mother..."

Thinking of her mother going to Daming by airship to accompany her beloved lover, Ou Ren smiled.

"At least you are also very happy now, and everything is going well!"

When Eugène was eager to show off his achievements to adults like a child who had just achieved success, he didn't know that someone was watching him in the house by the roadside.

"finally come!"

Looking at the mighty convoy, Ahmed's eyes were full of fanaticism. He stared at the approaching convoy, licking his lips from time to time. When the emperor's convoy approached the bomb, he didn't immediately Instead of pressing the detonator, he continued to wait until the Pope's convoy approached the explosion area before he twisted the detonator vigorously.

In an instant, the violent explosion not only swallowed the ancient streets, but also shattered all the nearby buildings. The power of hundreds of kilograms of yellow explosives was extremely astonishing, and even the entire Old City of Jerusalem was shaken by the explosion.

There were screams everywhere in the gunpowder smoke. Those who survived the explosion didn’t even come back to their senses. They looked around blankly in the gunpowder smoke. There were corpses everywhere. Guards, Switzerland Among the miserable cries of mercenaries, officers and clergy, there were more screams.

"Emperor... Your Majesty..."

People searched for the emperor's car among the ruins of the explosion...

(End of this chapter)

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