Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 959 Starts Here and Ends Here

Chapter 959 Begins Here and Ends Here (Second Update, please subscribe)
The smell of disinfectant in the air seemed a bit too strong.

Since the 1860s, Emperor Zhu created "wound disinfection" in Nanhua, and disinfection before and after surgery and wards has been promoted worldwide.The smell of disinfectant has also become a unique smell of the ward. ,
Entering this bedroom with a strong heavenly style, Emperor Zhu saw Ou Ren lying on the hospital bed. His body was wrapped with many bandages, and blood was still oozing from the bandages. It was only a few degrees at night in Jerusalem in February. , the air seemed a little cool.

After Zhu Xianhai came in, Eugenie who was sitting by the bed looked at him helplessly, then turned her eyes on Ou Ren, and said softly.

"Eugène, here he is."

Hearing his mother's voice, Ou Ren opened his eyes, and he looked extremely weak with no blood on his face:
"Your Majesty, look, I...I said, one day, I...we will...see, meet in Jerusalem!"

Although his words were intermittent, he still wanted to squeeze out a smile, but as soon as he finished speaking, the severe pain made him groan.

"Ou Ren, I know, I know you can do it!"

Walking to the bed, looking at the young man on the bed, Emperor Zhu said with some emotion.

"From the first time I saw you, I knew that you would become the greatest monarch of France, and you did it, Eugene..."

"Thank you……"

Ou Ren looked at the man in front of him and said.

"But, but I, I can't go on any longer, Your Majesty, you must, take good care of my mother, and return Judy, he, he is too, too young..."

"Please rest assured, I will do my best to protect them!"

This promise is absolutely from the heart. Can Emperor Zhu not sincerely protect his child and his mother?

"I know, I know, I've always known."

After speaking, he turned his eyes to his mother again.

"Mother, you, you must be happy in the future!"

This... what does this mean?
Before Emperor Zhu asked a question, he heard Ou Ren say.

"Let Judy come in with them!"

A palace attendant came over and asked him to go out, and then he saw Zhu Di. At this time, Zhu Di was wearing a beautiful military uniform. He was standing there at a young age. When he saw Zhu Xianhai, his eyes were red and swollen. He nodded , and then walked in.

Following him into the bedroom were several marshals and generals including McMahon, Bazin, and Edmund Leboeuf.

"elder brother."

As soon as Judy saw Ou Ren, she quickly ran to the bed, threw herself on the bed, and held his hand tightly.

"Judy, my brother, it's really a pity that I can no longer accompany you..."

At this time, Ou Ren's tone seemed a little disappointed. He had always loved his only younger brother, but now... he held his hand tightly.Eugene looked at him and said.

"Judy, from today onwards, you will be the emperor of France!" After that, Ou Ren forced himself to sit up. He looked at the marshals and generals who came in, and said in an unquestionable tone.

"Napoleon Judy-Louis Jean-Joseph Bonaparte - my only brother who will inherit the throne of the French Second Empire and is the only legal heir to the Second Empire... Now, I ask you, I Marshals and generals, I ask you to swear an oath of allegiance to him!"

Pledging an oath of allegiance, a European tradition in which nobles swear allegiance to the new king.And this kind of allegiance usually occurs after the emperor succeeds to the throne, but now, everyone knows why Eugene did this, and he is about to die.

Facing the emperor's order, the marshals and generals present looked at each other without much hesitation. They knew that no one in France would dare to question the emperor's order.

While the Marshal and the generals were swearing their allegiance there, Emperor Zhu had been standing quietly outside the palace. This was a palace belonging to the local dignitaries, and the Heavenly Style palace looked quite luxurious.

Where did its former owner go?

Emperor Zhu didn't care, he just looked at the palace with admiring eyes, and at the end, he muttered to himself.

"Unfortunately, I will never see you again..."

The reason why Emperor Zhu sighed like this could not be simpler, because the French army will destroy everything.

They will essentially ensure that everything is destroyed, from monasteries to buildings, and that those who survive will have no choice but to become Christians.

Even in Constantinople, in the Russian-occupied area, it all started.

"We show mercy, and they return violence! From now on, no cheap mercy will be given in Rome!"

This was an order issued by Tsar Alexander III. The order was very simple. While destroying all Tianfang temples as revenge, he also promised to preserve their property and land as long as they converted. Most people chose to convert in order to preserve their personal property.

Of course, many people refused. Faced with the refusal, the Russians responded directly, killing them directly, confiscating their land and houses, and handing over the land and houses to the Russians.

For all this, the Russians are very good at it.

Of course, the French are not novices, it's just that they were subject to various restrictions in the past, but what about now?

With the explosion of the bomb in the "Jerusalem incident", the French finally had a high-sounding reason to solve the problems in Algeria and other places.

What will they do?
Maybe it's like what the Spaniards did in the Americas - through a "book burning" operation, the Mayan civilization was reduced to ashes overnight.The Mayan sacrificial activities, entertainment life, architectural art, and living habits were all recorded in books, but the sudden large-scale burning wiped everything out, and the Mayan civilization disappeared from the world.

"Hey, all of this is the crime of the Western colonists. To criticize, to..."

When Emperor Zhu was lamenting the changes in the world and the imminent disappearance of ancient civilizations, he was in the courtyard and heard the cry of Eugenie.

Hearing the grief-stricken cries, Emperor Zhu's mind sank slightly, and he couldn't help but feel a little sad. Ou Ren is a good boy.


His brow was furrowed, and he knew that now...the world had entered a new chapter.

The future... what will this future world look like?

Emperor Zhu never knew, but what is certain is that this world is completely different from the other world.

His eyes turned to Jerusalem in the distance. This ancient city has been endowed with so much that its significance far exceeds the city itself.

Looking at the old city on the mountain at this time, another thought involuntarily popped up in his mind - it started here and ended here!

(End of this chapter)

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