March 1877, New York, USA.

Winter still has a tight grip on New York.In some parks in New York City, there is still snow in winter, and the wind from the north is still biting cold.People walking on the street shrank in warm coats.

As in the past, after walking out of the laboratory, Edison walked along the sandstone wall towards the carriage parked on the side of the street, where the driver had been waiting for a long time.

Before he noticed, a man stood up from a chair at the other end of the sidewalk, wrapped up tightly, and started walking towards this side.

The man wore a cap on his head and a black wool overcoat. One of his hands was stretched out in his bosom, as if he was putting his hand in his bosom for warmth.

"Mr. Edison."

When the sound sounded, Edison turned towards the sound, and in the next moment, he saw a person whose coat slid open, and the barrel of a pistol was lifted out of the suspended position in the clothes.

Aimed at him.

Before Edison recovered, a car stopped beside him, and the moment the door opened, the person was dragged into the car.


In the next moment, Edison's shouting stopped abruptly, and the man squeezed into the car while pointing the muzzle of the gun to his head and said.

"To shut up!"

In the next moment, a hood slid down, and Edison's eyes went dark, and he couldn't see anything anymore.


When he saw the light again, it was the moment when the hood was taken off. It took Edison a while to get used to the light in front of him, and then he found himself in a small room, which was a bit like a police interrogation The difference between the interrogation room and the ordinary interrogation room is that there is a big mirror on the side. Why is there a mirror?
Sitting in front of him was a young man with blond hair and blue eyes, who was the one who pointed a gun at him earlier, and he was flipping through something.

"Are you Mr. Thomas Alva Edison?"

From there, there are many interrogations to follow.

"Who are you? Is it kidnapping? What do you want?"

Edison asked like a cannonball.

"Is your laboratory working on wireless telegraphy?"

"Wireless telegraphy? What do you say?"

Edison was startled.

"Mr. Edison, you know what I'm asking, and you also know why I'm here. What I need now is an answer - where did you get the information about the wireless telegraph!" The young man squeezed out a stiff smile .

On the other side of the one-way mirror next door, three people were watching the interrogation.

"Captain Xu, will he recruit?"

"He has to recruit,"

Xu Tianye said,
"The Security Bureau has been investigating for several months. Although a lot of mines have been dug up, the wireless telegraph is... no. If we don't find out why, how can we give everyone an explanation?"

The Naval Intelligence Bureau and the Imperial Security Bureau were very depressed. The former obtained the information leaked by the "wireless telegraph" officer and conducted an investigation later, but they couldn't find out why. The bureau took action, and they directly kidnapped the instigator of all this - Edison, trying to get accurate information from him, after all, he is the person involved!

"what? What?"

Edison was a little confused, he looked at the man in front of him, who is he?Why did he kidnap himself?Could it be that they are...Ming people?

So Edison tentatively asked in blunt Chinese.

"Are you from the Ming Dynasty?"

"My name is Musk Gold, Captain of Imperial Naval Intelligence, Mr. Edison, you now have two choices, one is to confess, the other is to fight to the end, but Mr. Edison, I promise... In the end, no matter what, you Will you explain everything?"

"Confess what? Sir, I really don't know what you are talking about! Sir, this is the United States, you have no right to detain me, this is kidnapping, it is illegal, you must release me immediately..."

"It's boiled duck!"

Xu Tianye snorted coldly, turned his head and said.

"Go ahead!"

The team member next to him pressed a switch, and the light in the interrogation room turned red.

How is this going?Before Edison could figure out what was going on, he saw the other party bring a box up from the ground, and then took out some tools...just wires, metal clips and the like.

The man then tugged at the wire, took the clip, and walked over to Edison's side.

"You, what are you going to do?"

As Edison watched nervously, he placed the metal clip around Edison's buckled wrist and then around his ankle.The cold touch made his heart tighten. They... what are they doing?
At that moment, he saw the man walk over to the metal box and seem to flip a switch.


In an instant, there was a searing pain from the electric shock, and Edison let out a scream from the wrist and ankle clamped by the metal clip.


Edison, who was buckled on the chair, was struggling and screaming, but Musk seemed to be deaf to it, and said slowly.

"Mr. Edison, in the following process, you will feel pain like never before, for your sake..."

Without even waiting for him to finish speaking, Edison, already in pain and sweating, shouted excitedly.

"Sir, I don't even know what a wireless telegraph is. I made it up!"


With a sneer, Musk turned the rotary knob again.

"Ah...really, I really made it up..."

"Well, you are indeed a very tenacious person! Well, you have aroused my desire to challenge!"

Musk smiled and twisted the button, and amidst Edison's painful cries, he kept increasing the voltage!


There was another miserable scream in the room, although Edison said over and over again that "the wireless telegram was made up by him"... But, who would believe it?

"This guy can really carry it!"

Looking at Edison who had been patiently refusing to confess under the electric shock, Xu Tianye couldn't help but praise.

"This guy, he must have received some training!"

What training?
To be punished?
Edison didn't know at all, and he didn't know how to suffer such a catastrophe. In the next few hours, he kept repeating his previous words, but no one believed him. They just kept shocking him like this, Time and time again, the severe pain made Edison's voice hoarse, and finally he had no strength left, just murmured.

"Really, really, I made it up, I made it up...I made it up to get the White House to invest in me, so I, I made it up like this."

In the past, Edison never knew that bragging needs to be taxed, but now?

He understood that some bulls... really can't brag.

Looking at Edison who was shocked to the point of incontinence through the single-transparent glass, Xu Tianye was also a little puzzled.

"Did it really...he made it up?"

An hour later, looking at Edison, Musk asked.

"and then?"

"And then I made it all up, I don't know if there was wireless telegraphy, but it did get the White House to agree to fund my lab..."

Is there any regret medicine in this world?

Edison didn't know it at all, but he regrets it now!

The intestines are all regretful, how can this be done?These damn Ming people, how can they kidnap him in the United States, and then give him a phone call? turns out that electricity is really painful!
Of course, Edison didn't know that in another world, he was the inventor of the electric chair!

Now... it's his turn!
Xu Tianye and the others standing behind the glass mirror were dumbfounded. They couldn't believe what they saw.

"Damn it, is it really a lie?"

"Then what were we busy with?"

"Damn guy, it's not a pity for this guy to die!"

"What should we do now?"

"What to do? Get rid of him!"

"What to do? How to deal with it? Kill him? He...he is...American."

"Whoever stipulates that Americans cannot be killed!"

Xu Tianye snorted coldly.

"When he brags, he should know that bragging needs to be taxed!"

Sometimes that's the way life is and when they brag they're taxed for bragging at all.

Maybe this guy Edison can use his big mouth to brag and swindle some money from the US government.

But when he is bragging, also consider that one day he will have to pay for his you, just like now.

Of course, it is too late for Edison to regret it now.

In the early morning of the next day, people found Edison on the streets of New York. His body was filled with a strong smell of spirits. After being frozen in the ice and snow all night, he had no breath. After receiving the report, the police arrived At the scene, without even doing any autopsy, the case was closed as "frozen to death after being drunk".

This sort of thing was common in New York winters, and although Edison's wife said that Edison never drank, it must have been murder.

But who would murder an inventor?
Of course, there are also some so-called "conspiracyists" who will never believe that Edison died in an accident after being drunk.In the following years, many American "conspiracyists" stubbornly believed that Edison was assassinated by agents sent by the Ming Empire in order to prevent the United States from surpassing Ming Dynasty in technology.Even those "conspiracyists" have found a lot of evidence to prove that Edison Laboratories almost surpassed the Imperial Central Laboratory.

Just a little bit!
However, all of this is nothing more than the speculation and conjecture of the "conspiracyists".As for the present, no one would believe that Edison, who had no wounds all over his body, died of murder.

But the case was finally settled, and of course it became a mystery in American history.No one knows whether he was murdered or not, but what is certain is... Edison's time, at least in this world, will not appear!

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