Chapter 961 My surname is special and my name is Sla (second update, please subscribe)
"1861 was a watershed in history. On this watershed, some empires fell, and some empires rose. History always has many questions. In the past years, when people look back on that period of history, they always A series of questions will emerge—if, in 1861, when the "Anlis" sailed into Nanhua Bay, the Argentines sent troops to prevent their landing, what kind of appearance would the world present to the world? ?
Perhaps, we will face a very different history, who knows?
But some things are destined to be unchangeable.

Napoleon, Emperor of the First French Empire, once said: "China is a sleeping lion in the east. I hope this sleeping lion never wakes up. When it wakes up, the world will tremble."

Napoleon's words did not arouse people's vigilance. In [-], the British Empire used strong ships and guns to wake up the sleeping lion, and then the lion continued to sleep.

But among the lions, a lion was awakened, and the world changed drastically because of this.Perhaps, whenever looking back on the past, the British would lament all this, if the lion had not been awakened, perhaps, they would still have lived peacefully..."

1861: A Watershed in History


20 years!
Sidley's 11th New Year's Day has just passed, and this word can be seen everywhere in and around Nanhua City.

There are celebrations everywhere, festoons everywhere.

20 years!
This year is the twentieth anniversary celebration of the founding of Nanhua City. Although this time sounds a bit...not worth mentioning, it is definitely a big event for Daming.

As we all know, the Ming Dynasty began in Nanhua.

In the past 20 years, Nanhua has changed from a desolate seashore to one of the most prosperous cities in the southern hemisphere-this city with a population of 230 million, together with Yingtian, Linhai and Taiyuan, constitute the four major cities of Ming Dynasty.

But among the four major cities, Nanhua is the only city whose population has broken through the 200 million mark. As for the others, they only have a population of one million.

Nanhua is prosperous, where the best enterprises of Ming Dynasty, the best universities, and of course, the best talents are gathered here.

Every year around New Year's Day, the graduating students of Nanhua University and more than a dozen other institutions of higher learning face the most important hurdle in their lives. They need to get a job in the next few months.

Of course, the Royal Enterprise is the best choice. The so-called "Royal Enterprise" is naturally Nanhua Company and a series of corresponding subsidiaries, which is the so-called "America Company" - the founding company of Nanhua.

What kind of company is this?

Until now, in Nanhua and Alaska, the managers of the two places are still appointed by the company's board of directors, not the center of the empire.

Enemy rich!

There is nothing unusual to describe this company.

"Until today, of the 2.86 square kilometers of land in Nanhua City, 2.3 square kilometers still belong to the company. In Nanhua, except for the air that does not belong to the company, everything else either belongs to the company or is related to the company. Children are born in the company's hospital. Study in the school built by the company, work in the company's enterprise, get married in the house built by the company, and finally, be buried on the company's land..."

Standing in front of the Nanhua Building, looking up at the 230-meter-high building, Nicholas’s mind came to his mind when he heard a certain professor at the university satirize this “private city”, satirizing the city’s 260 million people. The citizens are exploited in every aspect of the company, effectively equivalent to the company's [-] million "slaves".

Of course, not to mention that Nicholas didn't care about all of this, even the vast majority of citizens scoffed at it. After all, it is well known that Nanhua's salary level has always been the highest in Ming Dynasty.

And what the vast majority of people desire, of course, is to join this company, become a staff or employee of the company, and then work in the company until retirement.

For Nikola, though, the reason he is here today is because the company gave him a new opportunity.

Soon he walked into the front desk of the building lobby and introduced himself.

"Hi, miss, my humble Tesla, I have an appointment with Manager Leng."

"Welcome, Mr. Te!"

The receptionist said with a smile.

"Manager Leng has been waiting for a long time."

Soon Tesla arrived on the 11th floor and met with the manager Leng.

"Mr. Te."

Nikola Tesla, thinking about the name of this person before he was naturalized, Leng Qingyun thought to himself.

This person knows how to come up with a name, but it's not surprising, there are special surnames in Huaxia's surname.

"Actually, when you won the "Royal Young Scholar Award" three years ago, the company has already noticed you, but we have no intention of disturbing your studies. Now, Mr. Tesla is doing exactly as I promised... "

Leng Qingyun looked at the young scholar in front of him with a smile. As early as three years ago, he became famous for inventing the "X-ray machine" for doctors, and became the winner of the "Royal Young Scholar Award" that year, although the prize money of this award is not high , and hundreds of people get it every year, but for young scholars, it means an unparalleled reputation.

"The company will fund you to set up a laboratory of your own. We will not interfere with any experiments you conduct. In your laboratory, you have complete autonomy."

This is where the company is most generous. As far as Tesla knows, there are at least dozens of well-known scholars in Nanhua who have received such treatment. The generous funding given to them by the company not only allows them to engage in research in various fields with peace of mind , but also to engage in research that interests them.

Even the company doesn't care about the results they have achieved at all, and they don't care how much the company spends on them.

It seems that companies are more willing to see their bold attempts in many fields of scientific research than results.

"How about it, Mr. Te, are you willing to be a partner of the company?"

Faced with such a generous offer, who would refuse?

In fact, Tesla, who first came to the road six years ago, had dreamed that one day he would be able to receive such treatment. Even in his opinion, it was the company's generosity that allowed them to lead the way in many scientific fields. all world contries.

Facing the outstretched right hand, taking a deep breath, Tesla reached out and shook hands with him.

"Mr. Leng, thank the company for giving me this opportunity. I will prove to the company that you have a unique eye! You will not be disappointed!"

Nicholas' compliment made Leng Qingyun smile and shake his head.

"Mr. Ni, it's not that I have unique insight, there are other people with unique insight!"

Someone else?

who can that be?

When leaving Nanhua Building, Nicholas had a question in his heart,
(End of this chapter)

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