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Chapter 103 When did 8-way equipment get so good?

Chapter 103 When did eight-way equipment get so good?
Devils and puppet soldiers are also very confused.

There are strongholds outside the city, there are gun towers, bunkers, and there are also Japanese troops and imperial association troops cleaning the battlefield.

Also, are all the defenders on the south wall blind?

Are the weapons in their hands and the light and heavy machine guns on the city wall all fire sticks?
Why did the militants easily occupy the southern city wall?

The devils and the puppet soldiers didn't line up and rush forward.

Instead, some used bunkers to advance gradually, and some climbed to the roof, trying to move light and heavy machine guns to the commanding heights for fire suppression.

Some carried sandbags, built them up as positions, and set up light and heavy machine guns, and some devils were setting up mortars and grenade launchers.

However, everything the devils and puppet soldiers did could not be hidden from dozens of pairs of eyes on the 15-meter-high city wall.

Lu Yingjun and the others had already seen all the tricks of the devils and puppet soldiers.

"Gensheng continues to burn down the bunker below!"

"Wang Xikui, Li Changshun, and Cao Jinwang, let me aim at the enemy's artillery!"

"The rest don't save ammunition, give me hello!"

"Call me!"

The devils and puppet troops had already entered within 100 meters of the city wall, and Lu Yingjun gave the order to fire without hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, dense gunshots sounded like popping beans.

The machine guns above and below the city fired at each other, and the devil's four mortars only rang twice for test firing, and the devil's artillery was shot in the head one after another by the snipers.

The grenadiers hid behind the bunkers and fired grenades towards the city wall, but the aim was very low.

The team members brought by Lu Yingjun were equipped with automatic firepower, and captured eight light and heavy machine guns on the city wall with sufficient ammunition.

The snipers killed the devils' artillery, and the devils in the city did not pose much threat to the city walls.

The soldiers hid behind the crenels of the city wall, stuffed the barrels of their guns into the holes of the machine guns and fired downward, condescending and with excellent vision.

Takeda Nobutada ordered the puppet army to be in the front and the Japanese to launch an attack on the city wall in an attempt to recapture the city wall.

Under the heavy rain of bullets, the devils and puppet soldiers retreated hastily after leaving more than forty corpses.

On the other side of the southern city wall, Wang Gensheng and several soldiers brought oil barrels from the gun tower, and sprinkled the gasoline inside on the two bunkers at the foot of the city.

Then each dropped a grenade towards the bunker, and with the sound of bang, gunpowder smoke and fire burst out at the same time, and the bunker instantly ignited a raging fire.

Wang Gensheng and the others spilled a lot of gasoline, and some of it flowed into the bunker along the shooting holes, and the fire gradually spread to the inside of the bunker.

Not long after, the devils and puppet soldiers inside couldn't bear the scorching heat, and ran out of the bunker one after another.

Wang Gensheng and the soldiers used submachine guns to name the devils and puppet soldiers one by one on the city wall.

"Stop shooting!" Seeing the devils and puppet soldiers being repelled, Lu Yingjun shouted loudly.

Sixty pairs of sharp eyes stared at the fleeing devils and puppet soldiers, and their pupils were full of murderous intent, like sixty cheetahs.

The [-]-odd members of the Sword Special Forces are all soldiers kings, and the [-]-odd commandos are all elite veterans of the new regiment.

With excellent weapons, sufficient ammunition, and favorable terrain, the resulting fighting power is undoubtedly terrifying.

"Captain, let me tell you, let's go directly into the city and wipe out these devils and puppet soldiers, so as to save trouble." Wei Dayong said cursingly.

"No!" Lu Yingjun's tone was unquestionable, "The order given to us by the regiment commander is to defend the southern city wall, and an order is an order!"

"This task is too easy." Wei Dayong curled his lips in disdain.

Lu Yingjun said.

"The leader naturally has the consideration of the leader."

"Our equipment is good, and the combat effectiveness of individual soldiers is indeed high."

"But with us number 60, once we abandon the city wall and enter the city to start a street fight with the devils."

"The devils still have troops outside the city. They can use the phone to directly dispatch troops from outside the city to cooperate with them. At that time, we will have to face the enemy."

"Moreover, the enemies in the city can divide their forces, go out through other city gates, and then come around behind us through the south gate."

"Even if we divide our troops, some of them will defend the city walls, and some of them will enter the city to fight the enemy in the street. Our troops are too small, which will only increase our casualties."

"But the head of the group said that we will not do business that loses money."

When Wei Dayong heard that there were still so many things inside, he nodded immediately and said, "I understand!"

Lu Yingjun patted Wei Dayong on the shoulder, walked back, and observed the direction of Nanzhuang Village with a telescope.

Standing on the city wall, I saw gunpowder smoke filling the sky in the direction of the Nanzhuang Village stronghold. It seemed that the main force of the new regiment had arrived.

At the same time, the Nanzhuang Village stronghold.

Li Yunlong has led his troops to arrive.

After Sun Desheng led the temporary cavalry battalion to eliminate the devils and puppet troops cleaning the battlefield outside, he dismounted and attacked the Nanzhuang Village stronghold.

The attacking force almost succeeded, but fell short because of the arrival of devil reinforcements.

Takeda Nobutada ordered most of the devils and puppet troops in the gun towers and bunkers outside the city to support the Nanzhuang Village stronghold.

Wu Tian knew very well that the Nanzhuang Village stronghold was the barrier of the county seat. Once the Nanzhuang Village stronghold was lost, the Eighth Route Army could drive straight in and take down the county seat.

Li Yunlong bowed to the forward position of Nanzhuang Village, and Sun Desheng was directing the battle in front.

"Sun Desheng, report the situation." Li Yunlong raised his binoculars to observe and asked.

"Reporting to the commander, there were not many enemies in the stronghold, and we almost succeeded, but the enemy's reinforcements came very quickly, and my attacking troops were repulsed." Sun Desheng replied.

Li Yunlong nodded.

Although the light machine gun firepower of the temporary cavalry battalion is relatively strong, and there are also two 2mm mortars, it is still very difficult to take this stronghold by force.

When enemy reinforcements arrive, there is no possibility of taking it down without casualties of more than 100 people.

"Set up the machine gun and the [-] infantry gun for me!" the rough voice roared.

In the rear, Wang Chengzhu immediately said: "The gun carriage, the gun wheel, and the cradle, quickly remove them, and put them here!"

Following the orders of Li Yunlong and Wang Chengzhu, more than a dozen soldiers installed the infantry guns, gun mounts, gun wheels, and cradles on horseback at the positions designated by Wang Chengzhu.

The action of unloading parts and installing is done in one go, and it takes less than 4 minutes in total.

Since the capture of this Type [-] infantry artillery, the soldiers in charge of a squad of this artillery have practiced this set of movements countless times and are very familiar with it.

About 4 minutes later, a complete [-]-type infantry artillery stood on the preset artillery position.

As for the 4 cannons, they were directly dragged over from Jian Shan Tsui by the army horses, and had already aimed at the bunker of the stronghold.

Whether it is a machine gun or an infantry gun, the positions are set at a distance of 800 meters from the stronghold.

This distance can almost ignore the devil's rifle, and even the [-]-type heavy machine gun can hardly hit people.

Although both machine guns and infantry guns have protective shields, they also need grenade launchers to prevent first-hand devils.

The enemy can't hit them, but machine guns and infantry guns can easily hit the enemy's fortifications at this distance.

"Report to the captain, there are machine guns and infantry guns on the eighth road!"

The sentinel watching at the top of the gun tower passed the news to Second Lieutenant Guizi.


"Machine guns and infantry guns?"

Second Lieutenant Guizi exclaimed on the spot.

The devil's field troops are also equipped with Type [-] machine guns for air defense, so many devils are familiar with machine guns.

Familiar with machine guns, so I know its power very well.

The devils are very familiar with the [-] infantry artillery, which is one of the best support firepower for infantry.

Can this small gun tower and bunker withstand the repeated bombardment of machine guns and [-] infantry artillery?

Damn it, when did Tubalu's equipment become so good?
Second Lieutenant Guizi grabbed the phone on the table with a panicked face, quickly shook the handle, and then put the phone to his ear: "Moxi Moxi, please call the Gendarmerie Command immediately!"

But Takeshima Suda's phone was also very busy at this time, and there was a blind tone of busy beeping from the phone.

County seat, Gendarmerie Command.

Suda Takeshima was shaking people on the phone, and the person talking to him was Mitake Tsuda, commander of the Fourth Brigade of the Japanese Army in Yangquan.

"Your Excellency, brigade leader, the Eighth Route suddenly appeared and occupied the southern city wall!"

"The firepower of the eight routes is very fierce, use all automatic firepower!"

"I led the Gendarmerie and the Royal Association Army and failed to capture it."

"According to reports from the Nanzhuang Village stronghold, a large number of Eighth Routes have also appeared there and are besieging the Nanzhuang Village stronghold."

"Current signs indicate that the Eighth Route Army is likely to attack the county on a large scale!"

"Your Excellency, brigade commander, request tactical guidance!"

The so-called request for tactical guidance is the scene of the Japanese army's dead duck mouth.

It meant that the battle situation exceeded expectations, and it was beyond what Takeshima Suda could handle, but he didn't dare to walk away.

At this time, it is necessary to find a higher-level person to take responsibility.

In other words, I have already asked for tactical guidance, and the next step is to follow orders, and it is not my responsibility if anything happens again.

Takeshima Suda was also puzzled, the eighth road's equipment seemed too good.

With all the automatic firepower, the difficulty of retaking the city wall has more than doubled.

"Nani?" Mitake Tsuda asked in amazement, "Where's the Black Island Cavalry Regiment?"

Suda Takeshima hurriedly said: "In the morning, the Nanzhuang Village stronghold was attacked by the Eighth Route Army. Captain Kuroshima sent the No. [-] Cavalry Squadron to support the No. [-] Cavalry Squadron. The Eighth Route Cavalry has yet to return!"

"Nani? The No. [-] Cavalry Squadron was wiped out by the Eighth Route Cavalry? Kuroshima Morita led his troops to chase the Eighth Route Cavalry?"

"Baga! Why are you reporting these situations now?"

Mitake Tsuda's first reaction was that the Kuroshima United had fallen into the eight-way plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

"I thought Colonel Kuroshima would report this to you!" Takeshima Suda said this, but he couldn't help snorting in his heart. Kuroshima Morita went out to chase the Eighth Route Cavalry without even saying hello. How could I dare to leapfrog the ranks? His little report?Isn't that slapping Colonel Kuroshima in the face?When Colonel Kuroshima returns, will he have something good to eat?

Tsuda Mitake was also yelling at that idiot Kuroshima Morita in his heart, so he couldn't see such a simple trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain?
Tsuda Mitake asked: "How many troops does the Eight Route Army have? What equipment?"

(End of this chapter)

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