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Chapter 104 Is Eight Ways Gone?

Chapter 104 Is Eight Ways Gone?
"Eighth Route...no less than one brigade, with very strong firepower, equipped with mortars and heavy machine guns!" Although Takeshima Suda didn't know the number and equipment of the Eighth Route, but right now he could only speak louder and louder. The bigger it is, the faster the rescue will be.

"I see." Tsuda Mitake said, "Takeda-kun, you lead your troops to take back the southern city wall immediately, and I will have the communications troops get in touch with Colonel Kuroshima as soon as possible, so that the Kuroshima United can return to the county seat, and I will report to the commander Department, reinforcements from all walks of life will arrive soon."

Takeshima Suda was overjoyed, and quickly nodded: "Hi!"

ding ding ding-

Just after hanging up the phone, Takeshima Suda, who was about to lead his troops to storm the Nancheng Gate, heard the phone ring.

Takeshima Suda quickly picked it up and put it to his ear: "Moshi Moshi?"

at the same time.

With the Type [-] infantry artillery and machine guns are ready.

The 70mm shell is pushed into the barrel, closing the gate.

The 20mm machine gun shells fill the drum.

Li Yunlong ordered loudly: "Fire!"

A ball of flames bloomed from the muzzle of the infantry gun, and a 70mm shell came out immediately, hitting the devil's gun tower accurately.

tom tom tom...

The four machine guns also roared at the same time, spewing out long tongues of flame, and fired more than thirty rounds of 4mm shells at the devil's bunker in an instant.

all of a sudden.

The 70mm shell landed on the turret and exploded, and a large puff of smoke rose with the fireball.

Immediately afterwards, the Devil's Tower trembled, and broken stones splashed everywhere, and a large piece of the Devil's Tower was chipped off by the shell.

The 75-type infantry gun was still not as lethal to the gun tower as the [-]-caliber field gun. If that gun hit it like this, the gun tower would collapse immediately.

Li Yunlong immediately raised his binoculars to observe, half of the Devil's blockhouse was missing as if it had been chewed by a dog, and the Devil's bunker had more than a dozen holes the size of an arm.

"Haha, it's so damn exciting!" Staring at the devil's gun towers and bunkers, Li Yunlong laughed.

In the past few years, when the Eighth Route Army attacked such strongholds, they basically erected machine guns hundreds of meters away to suppress them, and soldiers carried explosive packages to blast them before they could take them down.

It's just possible. In fact, most of the time, it's a loss-making business. The soldiers sacrificed a lot, but the stronghold may not be able to be taken down.

Nowadays, machine guns and infantry guns are directly sent here, and the devils' gun towers and bunkers are bombarded at will from 800 meters away, but the devils have nothing to do.

"A few more fucking shots!" Li Yunlong roared loudly.

The machine cannon immediately roared again, and the devil's bunker was flying sand and stones.

On the infantry artillery position, Wang Chengzhu personally operated and then opened the gate, exited the shell case, took a shell from the artilleryman, and stuffed it into the barrel.

Fine-tune the muzzle according to the gun mirror that comes with the infantry gun, refer to the impact point of the previous gun, and let the muzzle direction point directly to the center of the gun tower.

Then he took two steps back, pulled the matchlock, and with a muffled bang, the cannon body shook, and the cannonball had already escaped from the chamber.


Accompanied by a violent explosion, a big hole was blasted in the middle of the whole devil's gun tower. The devils and puppet soldiers inside were killed and wounded, but the Type [-] heavy machine gun was still ringing.

At this time, the machine gun position was over, and the machine guns in the two bunkers had completely misfired, and the devil's bunker was covered with shell holes the size of a bowl.

"Come again!" Seeing this, Wang Chengzhu sneered, and fine-tuned the angle of the muzzle again, this time aiming the muzzle directly at the big hole in the blockhouse that was blasted by the previous cannon.

Repeat the action just now, remove the egg shell, load the shell, and pull the matchlock in one go.


The cannonball was fired from the hole and exploded inside the turret. Smoke and flames gushed out from the big hole and firing holes.

All the firepower of the devil was completely misfired.

"Kill!" Seeing this, the Eighth Route Army soldiers who were attacking in front charged into the Nanzhuang village stronghold.

Li Yunlong stood up from behind the bunker, listening to the sparse gunshots, he looked very satisfied, and it was cool to fight when he was equipped.

That is to say, the poor equipment of the Eighth Route Army made the devils' strongholds, bunkers and artillery towers useful in North China.

As long as they are well equipped, bunkers and gun towers are coffins built by devils and puppet soldiers for themselves.

In the middle and late period of the Anti-Japanese War, Stilwell shook his head seeing the poor equipment of the Eighth Route Army, and proposed to provide a large number of rocket launchers for the Eighth Route Army to deal with the Japanese bunkers and artillery towers.

The bald head was taken aback, and he sternly refused on the spot, and most of the Soviet Union's aid to the Eighth Route was also detained by the bald head.

It's been a hard time for Balu...

"Leave two squads to clean the battlefield!"

"Hygiene rescues the wounded!"

"We continue to attack the county!"

Li Yunlong was very satisfied with this battle.

Infantry guns and machine guns are more useful than he imagined.

The three cannons pierced through a small blockhouse, and the machine guns even shot two bunkers into honeycombs.

Although the soldiers of the new regiment also suffered casualties, within Li Yunlong's acceptable range, the casualties were much smaller than those of the devils.


The headquarters of the First Japanese Army in Taiyuan.

Commander Yoshio Shinozuka and Kazuki Yamamoto are playing chess.

After these two months, Kazuki Yamamoto investigated several of Yoshio Shinozuka's cronies and staff.

Although Yamamoto found nothing, he firmly believed that one of the staff members must have leaked the whereabouts of Yamamoto's secret service.

Just when the two men were killing each other, Hideyoshi Kusuyama, Chief of Staff of the First Army, stepped in.

Walking to the chess table, Kusuyama Hideyoshi glanced at Kazuki Yamamoto hesitantly.

Kazuki Yamamoto was keenly aware of Hideyoshi Kusuyama's expression, stood up, and said to Yoshio Shinozuka, "General, it seems that I need to avoid it."

Shinozuka Yoshio quickly reached out his hand: "Don't evade, Yamamoto-kun is one of your own, Kusuyama-kun, please tell me if you have anything to do."

Nanshan Hideyoshi said casually: "Commander, Mitake Tsuda, head of the Fourth Brigade, just reported that Qixian County was besieged by the Eighth Route Army!"

"Nani?" Shinozuka Yoshio stood up abruptly upon hearing this.

Kazuki Yamamoto also turned his head suddenly, his eyes flickering.

With the equipment of the Eighth Route Army, the Eighth Route Army actually took the initiative to attack Qixian County, which is heavily defended and has a thick wall?

Isn't that lighting a lantern in the toilet, looking for death?

Is it the eighth way?
Or is my imperial army unable to lift a knife?
What's more, the Black Island Alliance is stationed in Qixian County, even if the Eighth Route sends out a division, it may not be able to get half a step closer to Qixian County.

After a brief surprise, Yoshio Shinozuka and Kazuki Yamamoto walked quickly to a huge map hanging on the wall and found the location of Qixian County.

"Mr. Nanshan, how is the situation in Qi County?"

"Has the Black Island United repelled the attack from the Eighth Route?"

"Please order the captain of the Black Island Alliance to strictly guard the county seat. Don't pursue it deeply, in case you are caught in an ambush by the Eighth Route."

Yoshio Shinozuka pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said.

However, Nanshan Hideyoshi's face was gloomy: "Your Excellency, Commander, the situation is probably not good. The Black Island Regiment fell into the Eighth Route's plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain, and is no longer in Qi County at this time."

"Both the headquarters and the [-]th Brigade have lost the radio signal of the Black Isle Wing."

"According to the report of Captain Takeda, the gendarmerie captain stationed in Qi County."

"The Eight Route Army first used cavalry to lure away the Heidao Regiment, and then suddenly launched an attack on the county seat, with no less than a brigade in strength."

"Currently the South Gate has fallen, Captain Takeda asked Tsumura Mitake for tactical guidance!"

"Nani?" Shinozuka Yoshio's expression changed suddenly, realizing the seriousness of the matter.

This is probably the long-planned plan of the Eighth Route Army, and the Black Island United must have been held back by the Eighth Route Cavalry, unable to return to aid.

Neither Mitake Tsuda nor Yoshio Shinozuka felt that the Kuroshima Cavalry Regiment had been eaten by the Eight Route Army, and they never thought about that.

After all, it was an established cavalry regiment. How could it possibly eat up the highly maneuverable, well-equipped, and well-trained Black Island cavalry regiment with just a few broken guns from Tuba Road?

As for the loss of the Black Isle United's radio signal, it is likely that the Black Isle United's radio was broken.

"Yamamoto-kun, what do you think?" Yoshio Shinozuka turned his head and asked Kazuki Yamamoto.

"General, I was thinking..." Kazuki Yamamoto's face was as tense as a sculpture, his eyes fixed on the map.

"How did the Eighth Route break through the South City Gate? Could it be that the strongholds and gun towers outside Qixian County, as well as the fortifications and firepower points on the city wall are all in vain?"

"Or is it that the Imperial Army and the Imperial Association Army outside the county were bribed by the Eighth Route Army and put the Eighth Route Army into the city?"

Kazuki Yamamoto found the key point at once.

"This...hasn't been investigated yet." Nanshan Hideyoshi said, "The most urgent task is to send troops to help Qi County immediately."

Shinozuka Yoshio stared at the map with his hands behind his back and said: "Order, Taigu, Fenyang, Wuxiang, Yushe, and the Taiyuan 9th Brigade, send troops to Qixian County immediately, and the communication room continues to call the Black Island Regiment , once contacted, immediately order the Black Island United Team to return to Qixian County!"

"Hi!" Kusuyama Hideyoshi paused, then walked towards the communication room, ready to send orders everywhere.

Not long after, Kasai Toshimatsu, the communications staff officer, walked in quickly, and said to Yoshio Shinozuka, "General, Captain Takeda of Qi County reported that the Nanzhuang Village stronghold fell 10 minutes ago!"

Shinozuka Yoshio's face changed: "Please tell the intelligence staff officer An Teng, let him find out immediately which army of the Eighth Route Army is attacking Qixian County!"

"Hi!" Kasai Toshimatsu paused, then walked outside.


The devils in the Nanzhuang village base did not pass the news back to the county town that the eighth road had machine guns and infantry guns.

Because as soon as he got on the phone with Nobutada Takeda, the blockhouse was severely shelled.

It wasn't until the infantry artillery and machine guns were used to attack the next blockhouse that the devils in the blockhouse sent the news back to the gendarmerie that Eight Road had machine guns and infantry artillery.

Takeda Nobutada was shocked.

It is understandable that the eighth road has infantry artillery.

After all, the Japanese army had been fighting with the Eight Route Army for so many years, and although not many infantry artillery were captured, there were still a few.

But isn't it a bit too much for the eighth road to be equipped with cannons?

Isn't that thing used to fight tanks and air defense?
Even if the eighth road has machine guns, it is even willing to use the machine guns to attack bunkers and blockhouses.
(End of this chapter)

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