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Chapter 105 Li Yunlong is making trouble again?

Chapter 105 Li Yunlong is making trouble again?
Eighth Route Army Headquarters.

With the frequent mobilization of Japanese army garrisons in counties around Qixian County.

Even the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army began to get busy.

The most powerful radio station in the communication room has been turned on, and busy Eighth Route Army cadres can be seen everywhere.

The Eighth Route Army headquarters operates together with the 129th Division, so the division headquarters and headquarters are generally together.

"The news just came from inside."

"The 9th Brigade in Taiyuan is also dispatched. The specific target of the Japanese army is not yet clear."

The deputy chief of staff said while holding a telegram from the communication room.

"My darling, even the devils in Taiyuan were alarmed?" Mr. Liu said in an incredulous tone, "Which group of devils has been dispatched already?"

The deputy chief of staff said.

"This is already the fourth group of devils that has been dispatched. According to the news we received earlier, the devils from Taigu, Wuxiang and Fenyang have all been dispatched."

"However, the devils have only just been dispatched at present, and the specific target is still unknown."

"For the time being, no troops have exchanged fire with the devils."

"That's weird." The boss said in a puzzled tone, "What is Shinozuka Yoshio doing? It can't be a military exercise, right?"

"Or use the name of military exercises to take the opportunity to sweep up my base?"

Just when the three chiefs were puzzled, a young telegraph operator walked in and gave a military salute with a snap.

"Report to the chief, according to the latest news received, the Japanese army in Yushe has also been dispatched!"

Hearing this, the three chiefs quickly found the location of Yushe on the map.

Master Liu pushed his glasses: "From the map, the target of the Japanese army seems to be Qi County?"

Except for the 9th Brigade in Taiyuan, the troops mobilized by Yoshio Shinozuka were basically Japanese and puppet troops from neighboring counties of Qi County.

Of course, Shinozuka Yoshio also knew that if the Eight Routes dared to attack the county, they must be well prepared.

These troops are likely to be blocked, so the 9th Brigade stationed in Taiyuan, Taiyuan, was dispatched.

"It seems to be true." The boss raised his head and asked, "Go and check, who is doing things in Qi County?"

The chief of staff said: "Boss, there is no need to check, the 386 brigade has already reported this morning."

"Isn't that kid Li Yunlong?" The boss's pupils shrank slightly.

"That's right, it's Li Yunlong." The chief of staff said, "The 386th Brigade reported that Li Yunlong attacked the Japanese Heidao Regiment in Qi County today."

"Oh my god, it really is that kid Li Yunlong, does he want to pierce the sky?" The boss suddenly felt a little headache.

At the beginning, Li Yunlong put forward the condition that the whole regiment should act independently once, because the brigade commander assured him that the headquarters and division headquarters were relieved.

Otherwise, the boss and teachers would not agree to this condition at all.

The teacher said with a smile: "Li Yunlong, boy, loosen the reins a little, and he will do something for you."

"The situation this time is that we have completely let go of the reins. If he doesn't cause trouble, he won't be Li Yunlong."

"The most urgent task now is..." the chief of staff said with a worried expression, "I am afraid there will be danger on Li Yunlong's side. Li Yunlong dared to attack the Black Island United, which shows that he is sure, but once the enemy's reinforcements are dispatched, the new regiment is likely to be killed." Being made dumplings."

The chief of staff really liked Li Yunlong, and he was very worried about the situation of Xinyituan.

The boss stared at the map and frowned: "From the map, these counties are very close to Qixian County, and the enemy has already dispatched. Except for the 9th Brigade in Taiyuan, it may be too late for us to send troops to fight against it. gone."

Master Liu said with a smile: "Two big chiefs, don't worry, Li Yunlong will attack the Black Island United team, and it is even more impossible for Chen to be unprepared."

"Even if Chen is more prepared." The boss said, "Then we should notify Xinyituan to evacuate from Qi County as soon as possible, so as not to be dumped by the enemy."

Commander Liu nodded and said: "Okay, I will immediately order Chen Geng to send a signal soldier to inform the Xinyi regiment to withdraw to the base area immediately."

Not long after the headquarters sent a telegram to the 386th brigade, the communications soldiers of the new regiment arrived.

It was Commander Liu who received the communication soldiers. After reading Zhao Gang's letter, he lost his composure instantly.

"Annihilated the main force of the Black Isle Alliance."

"Seized 250 military horses."

"Xinyituan still wants to take down the county seat."

"Killed and wounded more than 500 Japanese cavalry."

"Ask the division to support 500 mule carts to transport horse meat to Yelang Valley."

After reading the letter, the boss and the chief of staff also had incredible expressions.

The boss smiled and said: "It seems that our previous arrangement was a bit redundant, Li Yunlong is a ghost."

"Maybe Li Yunlong is already leading his troops to attack the county right now."

"That's why the enemy tried every means to reinforce Qixian County."

The Japanese troops from all walks of life frantically rushed to help Qixian County, and it is very likely that Qixian County was attacked.

However, the communication methods of the new regiment were relatively backward. Even though the communication soldiers were working hard, almost two hours had passed since the news reached the division headquarters and headquarters.

"It seems that Li Yunlong has made a fortune this time." The boss showed a smile on his face.

"Then should we congratulate Li Yunlong for making a fortune?" the chief of staff laughed.

The three chiefs laughed, and the headquarters was filled with joy.

The division commander immediately sent someone to order Zhang Wanhe to immediately gather all the mule carts in the logistics department. There must be enough 500 mule carts.


The county seat of Qi County.

The battle is still very fierce.

Lv Yingjun led the sword unit and commando to firmly control the southern city wall.

They repelled the devils and the puppet army twice in a row.

The devils panicked and launched a third attack towards the city wall, firing poison gas bombs, but the Eighth Route soldiers had a gas mask in their hands, but the devils and the puppet soldiers, like Kuroshima Morita, did not know that the Eighth Route was equipped with gas masks, so the devils and the puppet soldiers suffered losses. heavy.

The corpses of devils and puppet soldiers lay under the city wall.

In the end, seeing that the southern city wall could not be attacked, the puppet army offered a plan to Nobutada Takeda and captured the common people in the city to serve as human shields.

The devils and puppet soldiers pointed their guns at the backs of the common people, bowed their bodies, and touched the southern city wall.

"The little devil of the dog day!"

Lu Yingjun and the soldiers watched this scene on the city wall with angry expressions, but they couldn't really shoot.

On the contrary, the devils and puppet soldiers put their rifles on the shoulders of the common people, pushed the bullets into the chambers, and pulled the trigger, causing sparks to fly from the crenels of the city walls.

The devil's grenadiers secretly tried to fire grenades behind them, but they were quickly called out by several snipers including Wang Xikui and Li Changshun.

Condescending, as long as they are not behind the common people and within the range of sniper rifles, devils and puppet soldiers cannot survive.

Lu Yingjun said with a stern look.

"Wait until the devils and puppet soldiers come within range."

"We shouted together, and the folks fell to the ground."

"Wait until the folks lie on the ground, and then we will fight the devils and puppet soldiers behind."

This is the only way right now, otherwise, when the devils and puppet soldiers escort the common people to the city wall, they will be in big trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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