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Chapter 106 Amazing Battle Damage Ratio!

Chapter 106 Amazing Battle Damage Ratio!

As the devils and puppet soldiers pushed forward slowly with the human shield.

Sixty pairs of sharp eyes on the city wall stared intently, with murderous intent concentrated in their pupils, slowly pulled the bolt of the gun and opened the safety.

The meaning of the existence of soldiers is to protect their own people, when the devils and puppet soldiers use the people as human shields.

The killing intent in the hearts of the soldiers was unmatched at any time before.

Devils are of course hateful, but what is even more hateful is that this group of traitors are not inferior to devils when they attack their own compatriots.

A few minutes passed, and the enemy escorted the people to the foot of the city wall, only about 30 meters away.

At this distance, the angle between the top of the city wall and the ground plane is about 30 degrees, which is enough for the common people to hear the shouts, and at this distance, with the soldiers' marksmanship, when the common people lie down, they will not be able to hit the common people, except for stray bullets of course.

Lu Yingjun and the soldiers shouted together.

The common people in the front row were all taken aback, and immediately fell to the ground in unison, exposing the devils and puppet soldiers behind them to the shooting range.

The sudden scene startled the devils and the puppet soldiers, just as they were about to threaten the common people to stand up again.

Gunshots sounded like popping beans on the city wall.

Even though some devils and puppet soldiers lay on the ground, but at such a short distance, with the marksmanship of the soldiers, they were called one by one.

The commando team was originally the elite of the new regiment, and the [-] or so people selected to carry out tasks with the Sword Special Forces were the elite of the elite.

As for these people in the Sword Special Forces, there is no need to go into details, all of them are soldiers kings.

Before this battle, each team member fired 1000 rounds of training ammunition with a submachine gun, even if they could not reach the level of a special shooter, they were not far behind.

The devils and puppet soldiers who were shot twitched and fell to the ground as if they were electrocuted.

The common people were lying on the ground, and the smart ones were already crawling forward, trying to distance themselves from the devils and puppet soldiers behind them.

At a distance of 50 meters, the firepower of a bolt-action rifle is not an opponent of a submachine gun after all.

I have a submachine gun in my hand, what do you use to fight with me?

As more and more devils and puppet soldiers were killed, the devils and puppet soldiers finally collapsed, and they turned around and ran away, ignoring these ordinary people.

However, before the devils and the puppet army rushed up to a distance of 100 meters, but now they have reached a distance of 30 meters. How easy is it to run?

Immediately afterwards, the light and heavy machine guns on the city wall also rang out suddenly, just like hitting a target.

This time the devils and puppet soldiers left dozens of corpses, and only a small number of devils and puppet soldiers fled back.

The devils and the puppet army attacked four times, with a total of no less than 250 casualties.

More than half the casualties.

If the main force does not come again, the devils and puppet troops in the county will be almost wiped out.

Lu Yingjun shouted to the common people on the city wall to let them leave the city first.

Although there were dangers outside the city, Lu Yingjun didn't dare to let them go up the city wall. After all, no one can guarantee that there are no devils and puppet soldiers hiding among the common people.

The top priority now is to defend the southern city wall.

Lu Yingjun commanded the details of the battle to be full.

The common people just ran out from the city gate, when Li Yunlong led the main force to arrive.

It is said to be the main force, but in fact there are not many people. The second battalion is still on the way to the county from Dawanggou.

There were three battalions, an artillery company, a temporary cavalry battalion, a machine gun company, and a temporary machine gun company, which added up to just enough for 1000 people.

If this force attacked the county, it would not be enough for the devils and the puppet army to get between their teeth.

Although there are not many troops, they have all internal organs, including artillery, cavalry and infantry.

From the Nanzhuang village stronghold to the county seat, there are artillery towers every 500 meters. It took less than an hour and a half to fight with infantry artillery and machine guns all the way.

If there were no machine guns and infantry guns, with this strength, it might not be possible to fight for half a day, and there would be heavy casualties.

Li Yunlong didn't feel sorry for the shells either. Anyway, infantry shells and machine shells could be replenished for free after shooting.

In addition to the three rewards selected in advance, this battle also took down the county seat.

Before killing the Okazaki brigade and killing the rabbits to take down the Huting stronghold, the Chen Feng brothers rewarded 4 cannons and 5 rounds of 20mm shells.

Taking down the county this time will at least reach five Huting strongholds, right?

Li Yunlong is looking forward to it.

Of course, in addition to this reason, the county is empty of troops, and Li Yunlong is interested in the food in the county and the arsenal of the Black Island United Army, which is also the reason why he wants to take the county.

The racecourse outside the county seat has been taken down, and about 200 military horses have been seized.

"Report to the head! The Sword Special Forces successfully completed the task, please give instructions!" Under the city wall, Lu Yingjun saluted Li Yunlong with a snap.

Behind them are special forces and commandos in uniforms of the Eighth Route Army, all with submachine guns on their chests.

As soon as they occupied the city wall, the team members took out their military uniforms from the sacks and put them on.

This is also the reason why the devils and puppet soldiers saw that it was their Eight Routes, but they didn't know where the Eight Routes appeared from.

It's as if the magic soldiers descended from the sky, or got out of the ground.

Li Yunlong looked at the corpses that covered the entire street in the city, with a hint of surprise in his expression.

"How many casualties did you have?" Li Yunlong asked.

"There were 5 casualties, 2 died, and 3 were injured. All the victims were soldiers from the assault company. Of the 3 wounded soldiers, 2 were soldiers from the assault company."

Lu Yingjun answered crisply.

After Li Yunlong finished listening, the astonishment on his face became even stronger, and the third battalion commander, Sun Desheng, and Wang Chengzhu behind him also had rather strange expressions.

A casualty ratio of dozens to one, such a terrifying combat effectiveness...

Of course, everyone also knew that apart from the strong quality of the individual soldiers, the equipment of the Sword Special Forces and Commandos was well equipped, which was also one of the reasons for their record.

After all, as the saying goes, a clever woman can't cook without rice. If each of them has a bolt-action rifle, even if the marksmanship is good enough, the combat effectiveness may be greatly reduced.

Before he had time to ask too much about the battle, Li Yunlong ordered.

"Sword Special Forces take the lead."

"Target the enemy's arsenal and grain depot!"


The Sword Squad took the lead to kill the arsenal and grain depot with their submachine guns, and the attacking troops behind followed closely.

Immediately afterwards, street fighting broke out between the Xinyi Regiment and the Japanese and puppet defenders in the county seat.

It's just that the fighting strength of the devils in the city belongs to the third-rate level, and there are only a few dozen people left.

As for the puppet army, it will collapse at the touch of a finger.

Even if the devils occupy the commanding heights of the house, they try to use heavy machine guns to stop the new group from attacking.

The machine gun swept over, and the firepower and devils were directly swept into pieces.

No matter the firepower or combat level of the Sword Special Forces, these devils and puppet troops in the city cannot compare.

Encountering a strong machine gun fire point, the machine gun directly opened the way. With the sword special unit taking the lead, the new regiment's street fighting speed was astonishing.

(End of this chapter)

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