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Chapter 107 Made a fortune!

Chapter 107 Made a fortune!
With the main force of the new regiment entering the city.

The devils and the puppet army were defeated and fled directly from the north gate.

However, Li Yunlong did not send troops to chase after him. After all, there are still many artillery towers outside the north city wall.

Just take down the arsenal and grain depot.

With the current strength of the Xinyi Regiment, even if they take down the county, they won't be able to hold it.

County Arsenal.

Wei Dayong had a submachine gun hanging on his chest.

Smash open the iron lock of a warehouse.

Li Yunlong put the shell gun in his belt and walked over quickly.

Wei Dayong looked back, with a slight grin on the corner of his mouth: "Commander, you can be careful, don't let the pistol go off."

"It's okay to break your leg, but if you break that thing, it's not easy to marry a wife in the future."

All the soldiers suddenly burst out laughing.

"Dare to make fun of me, be careful I beat you."

Li Yunlong felt a chill in his crotch, so he took out the shell gun and put it into the leather holster.

"Captain, I heard that you are very good at iron head, I have long wanted to learn a few tricks." Wei Dayong chuckled.

"What nonsense, quickly open it and see what good things are inside." Li Yunlong was impatient.

Wei Dayong turned around to open the door, the iron door could only be pushed open by the joint efforts of two or three people.

He stomped his feet violently, exerted a little force on his hand, and the heavy iron door was pushed open by both sides.

Wei Dayong was the first to go in with a submachine gun, and the soldiers of the Sword Squad behind him also carried submachine guns, maintaining the battle formation and following behind.

In the warehouse, there are rows of wooden crates.

"Put away your guns." Li Yunlong said angrily, "This is an arsenal. If you shoot and detonate the ammunition, everyone has to finish the game."

Seeing that there were no devils inside, the soldiers of the Sword Special Forces put away their guns.

Then he took out the knife and went to check the box to see what was inside.

"Captain, here are melon grenades!"

"Here is the 7.7mm machine gun bullet!"

"Here are 6.5mm rifle bullets!"

The slightly surprised voices of the soldiers rang out one after another.

Li Yunlong said: "Look at the other boxes!"

The crowd pried open more than a dozen wooden crates one after another, basically all of them were bullets and cantaloupe grenades.

Lu Yingjun happily said: "Commander, I just counted, about 100 bullet boxes, 50 grenade boxes, 1200 bullet boxes, 50 grenades in a box, that is 12 bullets and 2500 grenades. "

Li Yunlong's eyes lit up: "So, there are four warehouses here, that is 48 rounds of bullets and 1 grenades?"

"Hurry up and open the other warehouses!"

Full of expectation, Li Yunlong asked his soldiers to open several other warehouses.

There was only one storehouse, however, which contained the same amount of ammunition as the first storehouse.

Among the other two warehouses, one of the ammunition was almost moved, it was an empty warehouse, and the other was full of shells.

And most of them are Type 90 70mm mortar shells, and there are less than 200 rounds of [-]mm shells, and some of them are poison gas shells.

There are some spare weapons in the warehouse, 38 rifles, Type [-] heavy machine guns, crooked light machine guns and Type [-] light machine guns, but not many.

Li Yunlong was uninterested: "Damn it, it made me happy for nothing. The bullets are less than 25 rounds. The Black Island Cavalry Regiment is too fucking poor."

If there is no reimbursement for ammunition consumption in this battle, I am afraid that even the money will not be recovered. After all, in addition to fighting, Li Yunlong also used 20 rounds of ammunition for training.

It is true that the marksmanship is fed by bullets. The marksmanship of the new group of soldiers has improved a lot as a whole.

Li Yunlong came out of the arms warehouse.

Chen Dagu, the commander of the third battalion, just rode over from the grain depot.

"Report to the head, the grain depot has been taken!"

Li Yunlong changed his expression and asked, "How much grain is there in the grain depot?"

Chen Dagu said: "According to the account of the puppet army in charge of the grain depot, it must be about 30 catties, half of which is millet."

"Haha, 30 catties." Li Yunlong laughed loudly, "Oh my God, let's get rich!"

What is the Eighth Route Army most lacking now?
The first is weapons, and the second is food.

The source of troops is sufficient.

If the Eighth Route Army headquarters is willing, it only needs one order, and the Taihang Mountain base area alone can quickly expand 10 troops.

But the expanded 10 troops did not have enough weapons to equip them, nor enough food to feed them.

For Li Yunlong, with this 30 catties of grain, it will not only solve the current plight of the new regiment lacking food, but also expand a lot of troops.

Chen Dugu hurriedly reminded: "Leader, transporting so many materials away requires a lot of manpower and time. Just in case, we have to transport them away as soon as possible."

Li Yunlong changed his expression: "Commander of the Third Battalion, you are right to remind, if the devils suddenly come to reinforce, the cooked duck will fly away."

Li Yunlong quickly calculated the current military horse in his hand.

Among them, more than 200 horses were seized in Yelangyu, more than 200 horses were seized at the Japanese horse farm outside the city, plus 300 horses from the temporary cavalry battalion, and 60 horses brought by the Sword Special Forces.

There are almost 800 army horses in total, and they are currently feeding soybeans at the Japanese army horse farm outside the city to replenish their strength.

All of them are tall and tall horses, which can carry two adults with great strides, and each army horse can easily carry 500 kilograms of supplies.

However, this place is not close to Yang Village. If you don't feed the army horses with concentrated feed after this job, they will definitely lose weight.

Li Yunlong turned his head and shouted: "Communication soldier!"


A soldier with a young face but a sharp look ran up to Li Yunlong and straightened himself up.

Li Yunlong ordered loudly.

"Give me an order to inform Sun Desheng at the racecourse outside the city immediately, and ask him to bring 600 army horses to the grain depot to transport grain!"

"Also, like the devil's hospital, the gendarmerie, all of them are taken away by me."

"There is only one principle, don't leave a single hair to the devil."

"The common people's things are not allowed to touch. If anyone touches the common people's things, I will kill him!"

"Yes!" The communications soldier received the order, got on his horse and rushed out of the city.

Chen Dagu said: "Commander, the remaining 200 army horses are used as fodder for the racecourse outside Yuncheng. What about these weapons and ammunition?"

800 horses seem to be a lot, and they are indeed a lot, but each horse also needs a soldier to lead it, which wastes 800 labor.

These 800 soldiers with horses can also move some things, but each soldier must not move much.

"Calculate the time." Li Yunlong pondered, "The second battalion should be here soon."

As Li Yunlong expected, about 10 minutes later, the second battalion commander Zheng Yu led the soldiers to arrive.

"Regimental Commander." Zheng Yu said with a military salute, rather regrettably, "We killed some of the devil cavalry in Dawanggou, and chased with the soldiers all the way, but still missed the battle to siege the city."

Li Yunlong looked at the sweaty soldiers running behind Zheng Yu, and then said.

"You guys came pretty fast, let the soldiers rest."

"Hurry up and eat some dry food, drink some water, and replenish your strength."

"We'll be transporting ammunition later."

"Yes!" Zheng Yu immediately turned around to greet the soldiers.

At the same time, Li Yunlong also sent out guard posts to the roads in all directions.

Although Xinyituan won the county quickly enough.

From the outbreak of the battle in the county to the end, it took only one or two hours.

The devil's reinforcements may not come so fast, but there is nothing wrong with being careful.


As Qixian County was occupied by a new group of light speed.

The news quickly spread to the Taiyuan First Army Headquarters.

The Black Island Alliance has not yet been contacted, and the reinforcements have only just set off.

Since this is an independent combat operation launched by Li Yunlong, only a few heads of the brigade and headquarters know about it.

With the powerful intelligence system of the Japanese army, it was impossible to find out the number of the Eighth Route Army unit that attacked Qixian County this time.

Shinozuka Yoshio angrily hacked a blue and white porcelain vase with his command knife.

After venting, Yoshio Shinozuka knew that it was too late for the reinforcements to rush to reinforce him, and he might even be ambushed by eight forces.

So the troops were ordered to return to the station, and the 9th Brigade took out a wing to go to Qi County to clean up the mess.


Wild Wolf Valley.

Over time.

The transport team sent by the division headquarters has arrived.

The mighty mule cart transport team was led by the Minister of Logistics Zhang Wanhe himself.

Looking at the corpses of devils and army horses that covered half of the slope in front of him.

Zhang Wanhe and the soldiers of the transport team were shocked.

Zhang Wanhe, who had reacted, could not restrain the joy on his face.


All horsemeat!
On Zhao Gang's face, there was a look of worry and anxiety.

Although the battlefield has been cleaned long ago, the 1st Battalion cannot leave because the main force has not returned.

The devils who died in Yelang Valley were basically shot to death, so the devils did not lose much of their weapons and ammunition.

There are more than 500 of all Type [-] rifles and Type [-] cavalry knives.

In addition, there are more than [-] crooked light machine guns and Type [-] light machine guns.

As for the mortars, all of them were blown up by the devils, and 2 of them were not seriously damaged, so they can still be used after taking them back for repair.

The soldiers also found a small amount of 90mm mortar shells on the devil's artillery positions.

Zhao Gang originally wanted to send someone to send back the seized weapons and equipment first, but after much deliberation, he decided to wait for a while.

There are a lot of weapons and ammunition in this batch. If all the soldiers are sent to transport, there will not be many soldiers left to reinforce the main force.

Zhang Dabiao was not in a hurry at all: "Political Commissar, you should rest for a while, since I know our regiment leader, I have never seen him do business at a loss."

Zhang Wanhe was taken aback by these words, and I said why didn't I see Li Yunlong, that bastard, it turned out that he had gone to the county seat.

"Zhang Battalion Commander is right. If Li Yunlong is not sure, he will definitely not go to the county."

Zhang Wanhe persuaded him.

But I couldn't help sneering in my heart: Hehe, even a dog passing by Li Yunlong would be torn off by Li Yunlong and poked at the dog's hair.

Such a person will suffer?
"Then why is there no news yet?" Zhao Gang worried.

As soon as the words fell, there was a sound of horseshoes in the distance.

"Here we come!" Zhang Dabiao patted his buttocks and stood up, "Head and the others must have succeeded!"

After a while, the communications soldiers of the regiment headquartered ran up to Zhao Gang, quickly reined in the army horse, then got off the horse and saluted the military and said: "Report to the political commissar, the regiment leader has captured the county seat and seized a large amount of supplies and ammunition. Take some mule carts to Dawanggou and Jianshanzui to transport horse meat!"

Zhang Wanhe stared closely at the signal soldier's horse, his eyes shining brightly.

Even the horses that the communications soldiers ride are big oriental horses, and Li Yunlong is really fucking rich.

(End of this chapter)

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