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Chapter 108 All Jade Broken?

Chapter 108 All Jade Broken?

"Political commissar." Zhang Dabiao said with a slight upturn of his mouth.

"This time we really made a fortune, why don't you stay here and guard."

"Shall I take the transport team to Dawanggou and Jianshanzui to transport horse meat?"

Zhao Gang's face was also a little excited, and he looked at the communication soldier: "Xiao Zhang, how many horses were killed in the two places of Dawanggou and Jianshanzui?"

"I'm afraid there will be 150 horses in total." Xiao Zhang, the communications soldier, replied.

"That would require at least 150 mule carts, but we only have 50 mule carts in hand now." Zhao Gang frowned.

The fruitful results this time were somewhat beyond Zhao Gang's expectations. Even if the division's transport team came to support them, it was still not enough.

The division's transportation team only had 300 mule carts, and only 386 mule carts were collected from the 500th brigade.

Zhang Wanhe said with a smile.

"Isn't that easy?"

"First transfer 100 mule carts from my transport team to you."

"First transport the horse meat from Dawanggou and Jianshanzui to Yelang Valley for storage."

"First transport the horse meat back to the base area, and then send 100 mule carts to Yelangyu for transport, wouldn't that be enough?"

Zhao Gang frowned: "This is a good way, Minister Zhang, then I'll take care of you."

Zhang Wanhe said with a smile: "Commissioner Zhao is polite, the family doesn't talk about each other, so I will arrange it right away."

The reason why he is so concerned is that Zhang Wanhe knows that at least half of this batch of horse meat will end up in his own hands.

Because there are two thousand people in the new group, even if they only eat horse meat, they won't be able to finish it in a few months.

Zhao Gang asked Zhang Dabiao, the commander of the first battalion, to order a company, and then led a transport team of 150 mule carts to Dawanggou and Jianshantsui.


noon the next day.

Xinyi Regiment Headquarters, Yangcun.

Li Yunlong just lay down.

Zhao Gang excitedly walked into the inner room of the regiment headquarters, shouting loudly.

"Lao Li, Lao Li."

Li Yunlong turned over impatiently and got up: "What are you doing, I just kissed my girlfriend in the threshing ground..."

Zhao Gang said: "I think you are daydreaming about marrying a daughter-in-law. You only think about beautiful things. You are too old. It's time to find a daughter-in-law to take care of you."

Li Yunlong said: "I have been busy for a day and two nights, and now my eyelids are fighting, so hurry up and talk."

Zhao Gang took the list and said, "The results of the seizure statistics are out, do you want to see them?"

After Li Yunlong led his troops to take down the county seat at noon yesterday, he emptied all the supplies that the devils kept in the county seat at once.

Then the transport team hurried all the way, and did not return to the base until the next morning.

After all, with so many supplies, and walking on night and mountain roads, it was very slow.

Li Yunlong woke up instantly when he heard the words, and quickly asked: "How much have we seized this time, Lao Zhao, please read it to me."

"It's just a rough count at the beginning, and the specific logistics department is still counting." Zhao Gang picked up the list and read:

"Horse meat from more than 640 army horses."

"More than 500 military horses were seized."

"The grain is about 32 catties."

"There are more than 30 rounds of various bullets."

"There are more than 1000 infantry guns and 36 light and heavy machine guns."

"Over 90 rounds of 4000mm mortar shells and about 70 rounds of 200mm shells."

"There are also two 2mm mortars that are not seriously damaged, and they can still be used after repairing them."

"By the way, there are still some canned food, healing medicine and medical supplies, I haven't had time to count them."

"This time we really made a fortune, and it's still a fortune!"

Zhao Gang didn't feel sleepy at all, and his whole body seemed to be full of energy, as if he was refreshed on happy occasions.

After reading the list, Zhao Gang sat down on the kang and said excitedly.

"This time, let's wipe out the Black Isle United, grab the grass and beat the rabbits, and take advantage of the trend to win the county."

"Since the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, the entire Chinese battlefield has rarely achieved such a record."

"Old Li, you simply led us to create a miracle."

However, Li Yunlong was very clear-headed. He was able to win such a big battle this time, all thanks to the guy in his hand.

Where did the guy in his hand come from? He was supported by his thighs. No matter how much money he made, it was still a small fortune.

You must hold your thighs tightly, as long as you hold your thighs tightly, you will not worry about not being rich in the future.

Li Yunlong said: "It's enough to count the seizures. Your main work in the past two days is to count our ammunition consumption this time."

"I'll take the bill and ask Brother Chen Feng for reimbursement."

"For the bullets, report to the highest, directly report 50 rounds."

"The main thing is to count the consumption of artillery shells, grenades, grenades, and, by the way, 20mm automatic artillery shells."

"50 rounds?" Zhao Gang asked in surprise, "The ones we used for training and the ones we consumed in battle are less than 40 rounds in total, right?"

"Old Zhao, you are really a nerd." Li Yunlong said, "Brother Chen Feng set a number and made it clear that he would give us bullets for free, but he couldn't say clearly, we don't want it, wouldn't it be a waste of money, brother Chen Feng?" out of kindness?"

Zhao Gang said with a smile: "But why do I look left and right, you are all a profiteer?"

"Anyway, you just write the amount as I said." Li Yunlong said, "When the time comes, I will explain the situation to Brother Chen Feng, and write the rest according to the actual consumption."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Zhao Gang nodded and said, "We have seized so many materials this time, I'm afraid we should hand in more, otherwise, if the political department's serious erroneous label of selfishness is deducted, it will be enough for you to drink a pot .”

Li Yunlong pondered: "Except for the army horses, food and horse meat, one-third of the captured weapons and ammunition will be given to Ding Wei and Kong Jie, and the remaining weapons and ammunition will be handed over."

When he was poor in the past, Li Yunlong must have had a good time.

But now that he is rich, he has to take care of the two old comrades in arms.

The last time Ding Wei was called over, Li Yunlong didn't even mention the equipment that Ding Wei owed him.

The equipment of a company is nothing, and Li Yunlong even looked down on the captured equipment of these little devils.

Ding Wei offered to repay Li Yunlong, of course he would not accept it politely, and if he delayed, Li Yunlong would not take the initiative to ask for it.

After the batch of equipment seized this time is handed over, most of it will definitely be allocated to the two main groups of [-] and [-].

The main force regiment has equipment and soldiers assigned by superiors, but the two core regiments of Ding Wei and Kong Jie do not.

"What about the military horses, food and horse meat?" Zhao Gang asked, "Are you planning to keep them all?"

Li Yunlong said helplessly: "I want to keep them all, but the brigade commander doesn't agree."


Taiyuan, the headquarters of the Japanese First Army.

Yoshio Shinozuka, the commander of the First Army, stared at the map with a gloomy face.

It has been 24 hours since the Kuroshima United team lost contact, and Shinozuka Yoshio already had a bad premonition in his heart.

The cavalry of the Japanese army belonged to the aristocratic arms. Like Li Yunlong, Yoshio Shinozuka also regarded the cavalry as a treasure.

Both the Kuroshima Regiment and the Yamamoto Special Forces are the star troops of the Japanese First Army.

Co-captain Kuroshima Morita even made headlines in the Tokyo news a few years ago when he was runner-up in the Tokyo Equestrian.

Even the emperor knew Kuroshima Morita, and even specially gave Kuroshima Morita a command saber.

It's a pity that the Yamamoto Special Forces had already been defeated, and their strength was even severely injured. They had to re-select elites from the First Army, train them into special forces, and regroup.

If something happened to the Kuroshima Cavalry Regiment, it would be tantamount to cutting off Yoshio Shinozuka's heart.

Even the morale of the First Army would be a big blow.

"Your Excellency, Commander!" Communications Staff Toshimatsu Kasai walked behind Shinozuka Yoshio and reported with a pause, "I just received an urgent call from the Yoshino Regiment of the 9th Independent Brigade, the Kuroshima Regiment..."

"What happened to the Kuroshima Cavalry Regiment?" Yoshio Shinozuka asked without turning his head.

Kasai Toshimatsu paused for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "The collective jade of the Black Island United team is broken!"

"Nani?" Yoshio Shinozuka turned his head abruptly, his tone hurried, "What did you say? Collective jade fragments?"

It's unimaginable that the entire Black Island United team will be broken. Shinozuka Yoshio guessed that the Black Island United team might be defeated, but he didn't expect that all the jade pieces!

It's incredible and unbelievable.

It is obviously impossible for Eighth Road to do this, Eighth Road does not have this ability.

Could it be that the Chinese government army did it?But there is no organized Chinese government army in the southeast of Shanxi?

Could it be that the Chinese government forces are fighting on the move?However, it is clear that the Eight Routes attracted the Black Island Alliance to attack and attack the county seat. How can this be explained?

Yoshio Shinozuka emphasized his tone again, and asked, "Are you sure it's all jade fragments?"

"Hi!" Toshimatsu Kasai affirmed, "Everyone in the Kuroshima United team!"

"Baga!" Yoshio Shinozuka's old face was as black as the bottom of a pot, "What's going on here?"

"It's not clear yet." Kasai Toshimatsu said, "But after Mr. Yoshino arrived at Qixian County, he has personally led his troops to investigate the incident!"

The reason why all the jades of the Black Island United were broken so quickly was that after the Eighth Route Army withdrew from the county yesterday, Nobutada Takeda sent scouts to search along the horseshoe prints, and finally found more than [-] corpses in Yelangyu and Dawanggou this morning. The corpse of the Japanese army. When the scouts came back, they found the corpse of the Japanese cavalry under the cliff in Jianshanzui.

Shinozuka Yoshio said: "Go and invite Major General Nanshan."


Kasai Toshimatsu paused, and walked out quickly.

Five minutes later, Major General Kusuyama Hideyoshi, Chief of Staff of the First Army, wearing the rank of major general, walked in with a saber in his arms.

Shinozuka Yoshio's face was ugly: "Mr. Kusuyama, do you know about the Black Island United team?"

"I just heard what Kasai-kun said." Kusuyama Hideyoshi said, "I guess, this is probably done by the Chinese government army!"

"Mr. Nanshan, it seems that you and I have the same thoughts." Shinozuka Yoshio said, "Do you think it is Wei Lihuang's Central Army, or Fu Zuoyi's Sui Army?"

Kusuyama Hideyoshi made his way.

"Wei Lihuang's 20 Central Army was blocked by three divisions of the Imperial Army in Zhongtiao Mountain."

"If there are a large number of cavalry from Zhongtiao Mountain fleeing to the southeast of Shanxi, the intelligence network of the imperial army will definitely not fail to receive a little bit of news."

"I guess it is most likely Fu Zuoyi's Sui Army. Last month, the Sui Army ate up more than 4000 people from the Imperial Army and the Imperial Association Army in Wuyuan, and killed Lieutenant General Shuichuan."

"Fu Zuoyi was afraid of the imperial army's revenge. It is very possible that he and his cavalry division fled to the southeast of Shanxi to avoid disaster!"

Yoshio Shinozuka: "Sodersler!"

(End of this chapter)

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