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Chapter 111 Brigadier Earn Blood!

Chapter 111 Brigadier Earn Blood!
386 Brigade Department.

The brigade commander and deputy brigade commander Han are getting together to read information about the battle in Qi County.

This information was sent by the underground party of the Eighth Route Army in Qixian County.

However, the information is not very detailed, and the specific battle process is not mentioned.

The intelligence only said that a small group of Eighth Route Army suddenly appeared, occupied the southern city wall of the county seat, killed and wounded more than 300 Japanese and puppet troops within two hours.

Then the main force arrived, and the Japanese and puppet troops were defeated and escaped from the county through the North City Gate.

As for the battles of Yelangyu, Jianshanzui, and Dawanggou, the brigade commander did not receive any information on this aspect, but only knew that the Black Island Regiment had been wiped out.

The brigade commander knew that Li Yunlong was doing things in Qi County, so he dispersed the two main groups of 771 and 772 in advance to help Li Yunlong fight.

As a result, Li Yunlong's action was too fast. Before the blocking troops could engage the devils, his work was over, and the devil's rescue troops withdrew.

"Li Yunlong, that kid." The brigade commander laughed loudly, "Not only did he eat up the Black Island Cavalry Regiment, but he also beat the rabbits and knocked down the county town!"

"Yeah, it's really not that simple." Deputy Brigadier Han sighed, "It's already a miracle that the New First Regiment can wipe out the Black Island Cavalry Regiment. I didn't expect him to be able to take down the county seat. I really didn't expect that. It’s not that our Eighth Route Army doesn’t have the strength to defend the city, just recovering the county is a great achievement.”

"Recovering the county seat, sooner or later." The brigade commander snorted coldly.

Deputy brigade commander Han wondered.

"However, according to the information, a small group of Eighth Route Army troops suddenly appeared to occupy the south wall of the county seat and killed more than 300 Japanese puppet troops. What is the situation?"

"Look, Brigadier, the intelligence also said that the devils finally used the people in the city as human shields in a panic, but they were resolved by this small army."

"In two hours, with an absolutely weak force, more than 300 Japanese and puppet soldiers were killed. This small army seems to be not easy."

Suddenly, Deputy Brigadier Han seemed to have thought of something: "Could this small unit be the sword special unit that Li Yunlong created some time ago?"

After the establishment of the Sword Special Unit, Li Yunlong reported to the brigade headquarters and applied for a company-level establishment, so the brigade commander and deputy brigade commander Han knew about it.

Moreover, some time ago, Li Yunlong recruited soldiers from several regiments within the 386 brigade, and it was the back door opened by the brigade commander to Li Yunlong.

"It must be the Sword Special Unit." The brigade commander nodded, "Don't tell me, it really made him create a different unit."

Whether it is the Eighth Route Army or the Red Army, the most elite troops are generally such as sharp knife companies, special agent companies, and assault companies.

The brigade commander knew that Li Yunlong's troop was different from these elite companies in that it had a small number of soldiers. Its members were the kings of soldiers selected from various regiments, but their equipment was first-class.

As for training...the brigade commander doesn't know how Li Yunlong trains his special forces.

Deputy Brigadier Han wondered again: "The question is, why did the Sword Special Forces suddenly appear and take down the city wall in a very short time?"

"There are strongholds and gun towers outside the city, devil sentries at the city gate, and devils and puppet soldiers guarding the city walls."

"Could it be that they flew over from the sky, or tunneled into the city?"

"Old Han, have you forgotten?" said the brigade commander, "A few days ago, Li Yunlong sent the devil's clothes to the quilt factory for repairs?"

Deputy Brigadier Han suddenly realized: "That makes sense."

Not only deputy brigade commander Han, Li Yunlong's strange move to occupy the southern city wall with a small group of elite troops this time, thus capturing the county seat, made the brigade commander a little impressed.

ding ding ding-

The phone on the desk rang.

"It's probably from Li Yunlong." Deputy Brigadier Han said with a smile.

The brigade commander took a sip of water unhurriedly, then picked up the microphone and put it to his ear: "Hello!"

"Brigade Commander, it's me!" A loud voice rang out, "Li Yunlong!"

The brigade commander quickly moved the microphone away to avoid deafening ears.

"Why are you so loud?" The brigade commander said angrily, "It seems like a dog with a loud voice, doesn't it?"

Li Yunlong's voice suddenly became softer: "Haha, Brigadier, I'm rich again!"

"I know you've made a fortune." The corner of the brigade commander's mouth twitched, "How much benefit did you gain from killing the Black Island United this time?"

Li Yunlong said.

"Not much, not much, so-so."

"There are only about 20 light and heavy machine guns."

"More than 800 rifles."

"More than 800 cavalry knives."

"About 10 bullets."

"More than 300 military horses were seized."

"More than 640 horse meat, most of which have been handed over to the headquarters."

"Zuoguan knife, only five or six."


Listening to Li Yunlong's report and seizure, the corners of the brigade commander and deputy brigade commander Han's lips became more and more curved.

After Li Yunlong finished his report, the brigade commander said.

"No, Li Yunlong."

"How did I hear that after you killed the Black Island Cavalry Regiment, you even cuddled grass and beat rabbits, taking advantage of the opportunity to take down Qixian County?"

"The Black Island Cavalry Regiment is in the county's ammunition storage warehouse. There are a lot of ammunition, right?"

"There is also a grain depot in the county seat, which has a lot of grain stored. Now it's all in your pocket, right?"

"Tell me honestly, how much benefit did you gain after taking down the county?"

Li Yunlong was startled, he just came back from work and took a nap, the brigade commander knew everything.

Is it a dog day's small report on labor and management, or the intelligence work of the brigade commander, is it really so awesome?
However, after thinking about it, even the headquarters knew, and it was reasonable for the brigade commander to know.

Now Li Yunlong didn't dare to hide any more, and reported all the seizures.

After listening to the brigade commander and deputy brigade commander Han, their eyes lit up like light bulbs, and the corners of their mouths were also curved.

The brigade commander said with a smile: "Li Yunlong, the military horses captured this time, together with your original military horses, are more than enough to form a cavalry battalion, not to mention a cavalry battalion. You boy have gained so many benefits and still hide them." Now, do you want to start a cavalry regiment and form a cavalry regiment?"

The more than 500 army horses seized this time, plus the more than 60 army horses seized in the last reconnaissance, plus the original 100 army horses, now the new regiment has almost 700 army horses.

The brigade commander is right, it is indeed more than enough to make a cavalry regiment.

"No way." Li Yunlong laughed, "Brigade Commander, you know me. I'm just an infantryman, but I can't be the commander of a cavalry regiment."

Li Yunlong wanted to make a cavalry regiment, of course the name and designation had the most cavalry battalions.

He estimated that a cavalry regiment of about 700 cavalry is equipped with a Yunlong knife and a four-four-style rifle, and its combat effectiveness is comparable to that of a cavalry division.

In fact, Li Yunlong still underestimated the combat effectiveness of the cavalry regiment equipped with Yunlong knife.

Back then, the cavalry regiment of the New Fourth Army, equipped with the Xuefeng knife, wiped out Ma Bufang's 8th cavalry division with a regiment of cavalry, and avenged the bloody incident of the Communist Party of China.

But with the current situation of the new regiment, it can't afford to support a cavalry regiment, and the food for a cavalry regiment is enough to support two or three infantry regiments.

At present, there is only one cavalry regiment in the entire Eighth Route Army, namely the Southern Hebei Cavalry Regiment. It was originally a cavalry battalion of the 129th Division and was later expanded into a cavalry regiment. It was transferred to the Southern Hebei Military Region in the autumn of 1938.

"You know you can't be the commander of the cavalry regiment." The brigade commander snorted, "Reserve enough horse equipment for a cavalry battalion, and send the rest of the horse equipment to the brigade headquarters for me."

"Brigade Commander, that's actually my plan. I called to tell you about it." With a smile, Li Yunlong said, "If you don't open your mouth, after the inventory is over, I will also send the extra horse equipment to you. to the brigade."

"Really?" The brigade commander's tone was obviously disbelieving, "If I don't ask you about the battle in the county, are you going to hide the more than 200 horses in the county?"

"No, no." Li Yunlong said, "Absolutely not. Besides, the first thing you asked me, brigade commander, was how much benefit did you get from killing the Black Island Cavalry Squadron?"

The brigade commander asked: "The seized weapons and ammunition..."

"Two-thirds of the seized weapons and ammunition will be handed over to the brigade headquarters after counting." Li Yunlong said, "Two 90mm mortars and more than 4000 rounds of 90mm shells will all be handed over."

"Just when the horses and equipment are being sent to the brigade headquarters, let the military horses take them there."

"Yo?" The brigade commander was surprised, "He's so proactive this time, isn't there a big fortune in the future?"

"Hey, there are so many good things." Li Yunlong tightened his chrysanthemum, and quickly explained, "The main reason is that our Xinyituan has been doing well recently."

"It seems that your waist is really tough. Now you have really become a landlord and rich man." The brigade commander said happily, "Good guy, I, the brigade commander, have become your tenant farmers."

Li Yunlong said: "Brigade Commander, from what you said, our new regiment is not from the 386th brigade?"

"Aren't our new regiments all on the 386 brigade construction table?"

"Oh?" The brigade commander smiled in surprise, "How did your boy's ideological consciousness become so good?"

Li Yunlong said: "Brigade Commander, I don't like to listen to your words. When did our old Li's ideological awareness become so low?"

"Don't talk about those useless things, don't I know you yet?" The brigade commander smiled, "After counting the weapons, equipment and horses, send someone to the brigade headquarters, and report the details of the battle in written form as soon as possible. , so that I can ask the division headquarters and the headquarters to give you and the new regiment credit."

"Thank you brigade commander." Li Yunlong said, "I will send people to send the horses and equipment to the brigade headquarters tomorrow."

The brigade commander said: "If there is nothing wrong, then I will hang up the phone first."

Li Yunlong hurriedly said: "Don't hang up, don't hang up, Brigadier, I still have something to do."

Brigadier: "If there is anything else, let's talk..."

Li Yunlong then said: "Brigade Commander, you see that our new regiment has handed over so many horses and weapons and ammunition this time, it is more than enough to equip a cavalry battalion and a core regiment, so I think..."

(End of this chapter)

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