I am helping

Chapter 112 It feels so good to be able to reimburse the ammunition!

Chapter 112 It feels so good to be able to reimburse the ammunition!
"What do you want to do?" asked the brigade commander.

Li Yunlong said in a low voice: "Brigade Commander, count the time. The recruits of our 129th Division Teaching Regiment are about to leave the combat unit next month. The new regiment plans to expand the strength of a battalion. Anyway, these recruits are going to fight small Devil, why don't you tell the division commander to give these recruits to our new regiment?"

"I don't want more, just 500 people."

Now the Xinyi Regiment has food and guns, and has a great reputation. As soon as the recruiting advertisement is issued, a large number of young and strong ordinary people want to join the Xinyi Regiment.

However, Li Yunlong disliked these soldiers, because after joining the army, these young men had to train for several months before they could go to the battlefield.

If you go to the battlefield to fight with devils and puppet soldiers without training, that is to let them die.

There are quite a few new recruits in the new regiment during these few battles, most of them are militiamen from the Taiyue Military Region, and a small number are young and strong. Some of these young and strong have never even touched a gun before joining the army.

Although they are all recruits, the performance of the militiamen in battle is much better than that of ordinary recruits.

The recruits from the teaching regiment are better than the militia, because the recruit period not only includes combat skills training, but also ideological and political education.

These recruits were either recruited into the main regiment, or like the New Second Regiment, veterans were drawn from other regiments and joined together to form a new core regiment.

At present, there are about 129 regiments in the Taihang Military Region of the 30th Division, but most of them are basic regiments.

"You really know how to reach out when you find the time." The brigade commander suddenly laughed.

But after thinking about it, this damn is Li Yunlong.

Knowing that this batch of equipment and military horses cannot be kept, it is better to take the initiative to hand them over, and then take the opportunity to claim some benefits.

What the hell is the high level of ideological awareness, and still hasn't changed the stink of eating too much and occupying too much.

But then again, it's really hard to refuse Li Yunlong's benefits.

If you refuse this time, it will be difficult to reach out to fight Qiufeng next time.

After all, cannibals have short mouths and short hands.

You can't just allow yourself to play the autumn wind, and don't allow others to make demands, right?

At that moment, the brigade commander said: "All right, all right, I promise you, but there are only 400 recruits at most. These recruits are all good seedlings, but you have to promise me that after these 400 recruits arrive in your new regiment, you must send the new recruits The fighting power of the regiment, give me another level."

It just so happened that the division headquarters was preparing for the formation of the new third regiment of the 386 brigade. The weapons and equipment were all ready, and the recruits for the teaching regiment would be in place next month.

Li Yunlong previously handed over the weapons and equipment of the two core regiments, and the brigade commander took most of these weapons and ammunition to make up for the gaps in the independent regiment and the new second regiment.

These two basic regiments have more than 700 people, and only about [-] people have guns. Now basically, each soldier can have a gun, and the combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

As for the main regiment, soldiers, guns and ammunition have always been distributed in full.

Regardless of whether it is the backbone regiment or the main force regiment, as long as they make a fortune, they will be beaten by the brigade commander.

"Thank you brigade commander, thank you brigade commander." Li Yunlong was overjoyed upon hearing this.

He just said that to dispel the brigade commander's doubts, but he didn't expect the brigade commander to agree.

What a surprise.

This time I kept one third and handed in two thirds of the weapons and ammunition. The brigade commander shouldn't doubt it, right?
As far as this wave is concerned, although it is a small loss, it is still acceptable.


After hanging up the phone.

Deputy Brigadier Han said in surprise: "Brigade Commander, you gave Li Yunlong all the recruits from the teaching regiment, what about the new third regiment?"

"Isn't that easy?" said the brigade commander, "Isn't it enough to transfer hundreds of militiamen from the Taiyue Military Region?"

The brigade commander is also the commander of the Taiyue Military Region, and he has a word to say about the deployment of the militia.

Seeing that the brigade commander had made up his mind, deputy brigade commander Han stopped entangled in this matter, and sighed: "Brigade commander, don't tell me, our 386 brigade has really developed a lot in the past few months relying on Li Yunlong."

"Including the weapons and bullets we are going to hand in this time, it is enough for our 386 brigade to fight a battle with the devils."

"Moreover, I think Li Yunlong has improved a lot in his ideological awareness recently, and he hasn't made any mistakes. Such a cadre is simply a treasure."

The brigade commander snorted softly: "Old Han, you were deceived by Li Yunlong's appearance."

"No way." Deputy Brigadier Han said in surprise, "I don't think there is any problem with Li Yunlong's performance this time. He is very active and proactive. It may be that his ideological awareness has really improved. In the past, he was poor and had no choice. After all, Xinyituan is rich now, and Li Yunlong's collective consciousness has increased, which is also reasonable."

"That's the problem." The brigade commander said quietly, "As far as I know, the new regiment has fired out no less than 20 rounds of ammunition for training. It is said that 30 rounds of ammunition were consumed, and only a total of 30 rounds were seized this time. He was very active and proactive in handing in 20 rounds. He even lost almost 20 rounds. Is Li Yunlong a loser? "

"Hiss!" Deputy Brigadier Han gasped when he heard the words, "You still know Li Yunlong, Brigadier!"


In Yangcun, Xinyi Regiment Headquarters.

Leader Li hung up the phone, rolled his eyes, and thought about it, thinking that there should be nothing wrong.

Then he was ready to sit cross-legged on the kang and taste the little devil's sake.

While yawning, Zhao Gang raised the curtain and walked in, just in time to see Li Yunlong drinking secretly again.

With a smile, Li Yunlong said: "Old Zhao, this is the sake that the little devil was captured just now, do you want to taste it too?"

"I won't drink." Zhao Gang's face was a little unhappy, "You should drink less."

Li Yunlong took a sip happily. The taste was a bit fresh and cool, but it didn't have the spicy taste of Chinese wine.

Japanese sake is generally divided into two types, one is spicy and the other is sweet. Li Yunlong drinks the latter.

After taking two sips, Li Yunlong felt that he had no stamina, and it was a little tasteless. It was better than burning sweet potatoes, but not as good as Fenjiu.

"This little devil's sake is nothing to drink." Li Yunlong looked at Zhao Gang, "Old Zhao, have you calculated the consumption of ammunition?"

Zhao Gang sat cross-legged on the kang, took out a notebook from his pocket, opened it, and said, "The statistics have been completed, I will read it for you."

"A total of 50 bullets are consumed."


"A total of 2123 grenades are consumed."

"The 70mm shells consume a total of 25 rounds."

"A total of 20 rounds of 367mm machine gun shells were consumed."

"The total consumption of 60mm mortar shells is 219 rounds."

"That's about it. See if there's anything else you want to add?"

Li Yunlong took the notebook over and looked at it. Zhao Gang's handwriting was very neat. He nodded and said, "I have nothing to add, so that's it."

It's nice to be able to reimburse ammo.

Before long, our old Li will be able to store 80 rounds of ammunition.

Brigadier, do you think our old Li has suffered a blood loss?

In fact, our old man earned blood.

Ha ha…

Li Datuan thought happily.

 I highly recommend my friend's new book "I Got You", the author is a fair and beautiful young lady, suspenseful reasoning type, very good-looking.

(End of this chapter)

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