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Chapter 113 Two Treasures!

Chapter 113 Two Treasures!

That night, the soldiers of the entire Xinyi Regiment and the common people of several nearby villages were waiting early at the seats in the Guchang.

In some common people's houses in Yangcun, Mr. Wang, the head of Xinyituan's cooking squad, was busy cooking noodles with dozens of cooks.

Of course, it's not the all-horse banquet that Li Yunlong said. Although horse meat and food are a little richer now, they can't afford it.

Today's dinner is oil-splashed noodles, white noodles, oil-spiced peppers, and saozi are made with fresh horse meat stuffing, which is very generous.

Before the meal was ready, the smell wafted out of the kitchen and got into the nostrils of every soldier and common people.

Almost all the soldiers and ordinary people stretched their necks, swallowed, and their eyes were bright.

Usually there are not many opportunities to eat white noodles. Soldiers can still eat a good meal when they are fighting, but the life of ordinary people is even more difficult, and they can only eat a meal occasionally during festivals.

But the soldiers and common people could only watch helplessly, waiting for the cooking class to be delivered, and even Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang had to wait obediently in the middle of the seats.

Big pots of oil-splashed noodles were served as everyone was looking forward to.

Soon, there was the sound of noodle eating in the whole Gu Valley.

The Sword Special Forces just happened to sit at the same table with Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang.

The more than [-] members of the Sword Special Forces Team have not slept since they came back, and they went out to practice for ten kilometers in the wild, and their chests were already hungry.

At this time, it was like dozens of pigs feeding on food, gobbling up there.

Wei Dayong has the most exaggerated eating appearance, and he is not afraid of being burned. He picks up the bowl and pours the noodles directly into his mouth. Others chew the noodles and swallow them, but he chews the noodles casually and swallows them directly.

"Monk, pay attention to how you eat, everyone is a civilized person." Li Yunlong's mouth was watering. As the head of the group, he usually ate last.

"Captain, it's not that I haven't seen you eat, and your food is not much better than mine." Wei Dayong said vaguely while eating wildly.

In the past, people had a lot of food, and some even could eat one or two catties of grain in one meal. In fact, it was because there was too little oil and water in the meal, but they exercised a lot, so they could only get energy from meals.

When all the soldiers and common people were ready, Li Yunlong and Zhao just picked up the oil-splashed noodle bowls and started making.


After eating three bowls of oil-splashed noodles, I went back to the regiment headquarters and drank two or two wines.

Full of wine and food, Li Yunlong felt that the days of immortals were nothing more than this.

Li Yunlong sent Zhao Gang out to check the shop, checked the situation of the open and hidden whistle, and asked the guard Huang Erhu to guard the door, and no one was allowed to enter.

Take out the wooden box from the cabinet, open it with the key, and take out the radio communicator inside.

Then install the battery, turn on the switch, adjust the channel and wavelength, and after a while, you can see the green light on the communicator light up.

Li Yunlong held the microphone to his mouth in one hand, and put the receiver in the other hand to his ear: "Moxi Moxi, Moxi Moxi."

"Is it Boss Li?"

After a while, a young but energetic voice sounded in Li Yunlong's ear.

It was Chen Feng.

"It's me." Li Yunlong laughed and said, "Boss Chen, long time no see, I miss you so much!"

Chen Feng already knew from the system that Li Yunlong had completely wiped out the Heidao United team and the county seat.

Chen Feng was taken aback. He didn't expect Li Yunlong to make such a big noise. The newly equipped regiment had such terrifying fighting power.

Li Yunlong called at this time, he must want to receive the goods.

"Boss Li, you are welcome." Chen Feng said, "Boss Li, when you have time, I am ready to come to your residence to get the delivery order?"

"I have time anytime." Li Yunlong said, "Boss Chen can come whenever he wants."

"The weather should be fine tomorrow." Chen Feng said, "I'll come over tomorrow."

"Alright." Li Yunlong said, "Then I'll set up a banquet at home and wait for Boss Chen to attend the banquet."

The two exchanged a few more pleasantries, then hung up the call.

Li Yunlong took off the battery of the radio communicator, locked it in a box and hid it in a cabinet.

His stomach was too full, and he slept again during the day. Li Yunlong felt energetic all over his body.

In the courtyard of the regiment headquarters, he played a few sets of cutting-edge swordsmanship, checked the sentry post and check shop late at night, and then went back to the inner room of the regiment headquarters and fell asleep.

In the dream, Li Yunlong heard the voices of the brigade commander, division commander, boss, and the deputy chief of staff congratulating him on his fortune.

The whole person was startled suddenly, woke up from the dream, and found that it was already dawn.

After washing and eating, Li Yunlong asked the guard Huang Erhu to call Zhao Gang to the regiment headquarters.

"Old Zhao, have you written down the detailed battle process to report to your superiors?" Li Yunlong asked.

"I stayed up all night last night, and I have finished writing." Zhao Gang took out his notebook and handed it to Li Yunlong, "Leader, take a look and see if there is anything to add."

In fact, this is the work of the combat staff, but the new regiment does not have a combat staff, and the second battalion commander used to write the report. After Zhao Gang came, he took the initiative to take over.

Li Yunlong flipped through it pretendingly, political commissar Zhao's handwriting was so damn beautiful, and his own handwriting was like ants crawling.

Li Yunlong didn't know many of these words in the notebook.

"Okay, that's it." Li Yunlong returned the notebook to Zhao Gang, "I have nothing to add."

"By the way, yesterday I already negotiated with the brigade commander."

"This time we handed over 350 military horses, 20 rounds of ammunition, and 700 rifles to the brigade."

"I don't worry about being escorted by others. It just so happens that you have to hand in the report."

"Why don't you, Old Zhao, personally lead a battalion and escort these troops, horses, weapons and ammunition to the brigade headquarters?"

"Then let me do it." Zhao Gang nodded and asked, "Old Li, you have turned in so much this time, you must ask the brigade commander for benefits again, right?"

With a smile, Li Yunlong's mouth curled up and said: "Of course, our old Li is the one who makes a loss-making business. The brigade commander has promised that the recruits from the No. 400 teaching regiment will join our new regiment next month."

"You still can't change your face of a profiteer." Zhao Gang said angrily.

As famous as Li Datuan, he is the aggressive character of the local rich man in Shanxi. He puts all good things in his arms, and even the brothers' troops only take advantage of it and don't suffer.

Only the brigade commander can kill him.


Yangcun, on the valley field.

The soldiers of the first battalion took out the weapons and ammunition that had been put in storage yesterday, and put them on the horses with ropes.

"With 350 military horses, there can be no more and no less."

"One-third of the captured weapons and ammunition will be kept, and two-thirds will be sent to the brigade headquarters."

Li Yunlong looked at the military horses, weapons and ammunition sent to the brigade headquarters, and there was no sign of pain on his face.

Because labor and capital have more and better...

There is no need to use mule carts, a full 350 military horses are enough to transport these weapons and ammunition.

In addition, Li Yunlong also asked the cooking team to prepare more than 1000 catties of fresh horse meat, which was also sent to the brigade headquarters on horseback.

"So many horses, weapons and ammunition are sent to the brigade headquarters, the brigade commander will definitely leave you to drink."

Everything is ready, Li Yunlong said with a smile.

"Think it's all you?" Zhao Gang snorted, "Doesn't drink two taels a day, making you feel uncomfortable?"

Several recruits from the first battalion were whispering there.

"Our regiment leader's awareness is high. Last time, he took the initiative to support so many weapons and equipment in the brigade."

"This time, I took the initiative to support so many military horses and weapons and equipment in the brigade."

"That's right, Political Commissar Zhao even called on the whole regiment to learn from the regiment leader."

"Hehe, are you still enlightened?" Zhao Gang sneered with disdain and muttered, "This dog has to be enlightened, and the sun rises from the west."

"set off!"

The 350 military horses were led by the soldiers towards the entrance of the village. After leaving the village, the entire transportation team formed a long queue of about one kilometer.

After sending the transportation team out of the village, Li Yunlong went back to the regiment headquarters yard and waited for Chen Feng to come to his door.

After waiting for a short time, Yan Shuangying rode his horse to Yangcun, found Li Yunlong, and told him to take someone to the old place to collect the goods.

Li Yunlong was overjoyed, so he immediately asked Huzi to notify the cavalry company and bring 100 army horses to the village entrance to wait for him.

Sun Desheng arrived at the entrance of the village with 100 army horses from the cavalry company, and Li Yunlong took Sun Desheng and 100 army horses to the old place.

Now the new regiment still has about 350 horses. In addition to the cavalry battalion that is going to be expanded, more than 33 of them are allocated to the Sword Special Forces, and the other 20 are distributed to the battalion commanders and horses of the new regiment. The company commander and the regimental communications corps were each equipped with a tall horse.

When he arrived at the old place, Li Yunlong saw the airdrop box on the ground and the parachute above the airdrop box.

"Boss Li, Gong Xi Fa Cai." Chen Feng turned around, smiled and cupped his hands at Li Yunlong.

"Boss Chen, let's be happy together." Li Yunlong was about to give Chen Feng a big hug, but when he saw that the other party was the first to bow his hands, he bowed his hands back.

Chen Feng said straight to the point.

"This is the first shipment, 100 Bobosha submachine guns and 7.62 rounds of 10mm submachine gun ammunition."

"30 Bren light machine guns, 7.92 rounds of 20mm machine gun ammunition."

"Boss Li can ask his subordinates to take stock first."

"I can trust my brother." Li Yunlong turned his head with a smile on his face and shouted, "Sun Desheng!"

"Yes!" Sun Desheng walked over and straightened up.

"Let the brothers load!" Li Yunlong shouted.

"Yes!" Sun Desheng turned around and shouted, "Start loading!"

The faces of the soldiers of the cavalry company were filled with the joy of harvest. They stepped forward to open the airdrop box, took out the box containing bullets and guns, and carried it on the horse's back with hemp rope.

According to the 1500 rounds of bullet boxes produced by the system, 30 bullets are only 200 boxes.

30 rounds of ammunition sounds like a large amount, but in fact it was distributed to 2000 members of the Xinyi Regiment on average, and each soldier only had 150 rounds of ammunition in total.

When the Japanese army was in combat, each soldier carried 120 rounds of ammunition, and there was a relatively complete logistics supply mechanism to replenish ammunition for combat soldiers.

Of course, if these bullets fall into the hands of the Eighth Route Army, they will definitely kill more devils and reduce more casualties of the Eighth Route Army.

Li Yunlong turned around and said enthusiastically to Chen Feng: "Brother, I made a small fortune recently and prepared bolognese at the regiment headquarters. Brother, please be sure to appreciate it."

The corner of Chen Feng's mouth curled up and said: "Brother, we are not in a hurry about drinking, brother, let me show you two treasures first."

(End of this chapter)

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