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Chapter 115 Cool!

Chapter 115 Cool!
Chen Feng followed Li Yunlong to Yangcun for a drink.

After getting the list of ammunition consumption, it was a full 50 rounds of ammunition. Chief Li Datuan was really a good dealer.

Agree with Li Yunlong on the delivery time of 20 cannons and ammunition.

Chen Feng left Yang Village with Yan Shuangying and his men.

In Yangcun, Li Yunlong, who was drunk during the banquet, sent Chen Feng away, and he became more sober.

He is floating now when he walks, with a total of 20 cannons, he never thought his dream would come true!
He really wanted to sleep, so Brother Chen Feng sent him a pillow.

Don't say please drink a meal, just invite a hundred meals, or even call Chen Feng his father, Li Yunlong hesitates for a second, it is a disrespect to the 20 cannons.

20 cannons, cool!

Now Li Yunlong is just waiting for the transport plane to drop 20 cannons tomorrow.

Back at the regiment headquarters, Li Yunlong looked at the dozen or so large boxes in the inner room and fell into deep thought.

3 flamethrowers and 3 bazooka rocket launchers that are as powerful as a 105mm caliber howitzer.

The flamethrower was nothing. Regarding the bazooka, Chen Feng told Li Yunlong during the banquet that it must not fall into the hands of the devils, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Opening the box, Li Yunlong picked up the instruction manual of the bazooka and studied it for a while.

Although I can't read all the words, there are patterns, two soldiers and a bazooka team, Li Yunlong can understand it at a glance.

Moreover, the data performance parameters and precautions for use are also marked.

Li Yunlong closed the door and shouted: "Tiger!"

"Yes!" The guard Huang Erhu ran in from the outside, straightening up.

Li Yunlong said: "Go and call Liu Dali for me."

"Yes!" Huang Erhu turned around and walked out.

Within two minutes, Liu Dali, the platoon leader of the guard, walked in with a pistol in his arms, walked up to Li Yunlong, and gave a military salute with a snap.

"Reporting head, Liu Dali is reporting to you!"

Li Yunlong said.

"Xiao Liu, go to Lao Wang of the logistics department and get 50 submachine guns and 5 rounds of submachine gun bullets from the warehouse."

"Take the guard platoon to send these weapons and ammunition to Podi village headquarters and hand them over to the deputy chief of staff."

The guard company of the Eighth Route Army headquarters is equipped with a small number of submachine guns, but they are Thompson submachine guns made in Jin Dynasty. The American Thompson submachine guns imitated by Yan Laoxi's Taiyuan Arsenal have poor reliability, jams are common, and there are not many bullets.

When the deputy chief of staff said that, Li Yunlong willingly took out 10 rounds of ammunition and 100 submachine guns to the headquarters.

After all, the safety of the head of the headquarters is also very important.

"Yes!" Liu Dali straightened his body and walked outside.

After this is arranged.

Li Yunlong shouted again: "Tiger!"

Huang Erhu: "Here!"

l Li Yunlong said: "Go and call Lu Yingjun!"

Li Yunlong returned to the inner room of the regiment headquarters and sat there not long before Lu Yingjun's voice sounded outside the door: "Report!"

"Come in!" Li Yunlong said.

"Leader!" Lu Yingjun bent over and opened the door curtain and walked in with a determined look on his face.

Lu Yingjun has now fully integrated into the new regiment. The battle to wipe out the Black Island United and take down the county a few days ago was a rare big scene for Lu Yingjun.

Although Lu Yingjun has participated in many battles and has very rich actual combat experience, it is the first time he has achieved such a great result.

Lu Yingjun is very satisfied, because this is the front-line combat unit he dreamed of, and only here can he display his true talent.

"How is your research on the book "Special Forces Special Training and Combat Manual"?" Li Yunlong asked.

Although the soldiers of the Sword Special Unit are all thorns, they are all Li Yunlong's treasures, and the distribution of supplies and ammunition is at the top of the regiment.

The food is the best in the whole group, and the batch of training bombs is also the most.

"Reporting head, the research is almost done."

"Now our Lijian special team, according to the training method in this book, tie sandbags every morning and evening for a 10-kilometer cross-country run."

"Train marksmanship in the morning, special operations sign language at noon, combat and combat sign language in the afternoon, and cultural lessons in the evening."

"We will also arrange training on demolition, vehicle driving, the use of various firearms and mortars, and mounted shooting."

"That's right." Li Yunlong said with a satisfied expression, "Special soldiers must be proficient in everything. They are called special forces if they are omnipotent. They are not called special forces if they are only proficient in one thing."

"But having said that, it's true if you just talk and don't practice fake moves, just practice and don't talk about stupid moves."

"You mean..." Lu Yingjun's eyes lit up and said, "We don't need to ask you to go to the enemy-occupied area to poke the devil's nest while our sword squad is training?"

"That's right." Li Yunlong nodded.

"Thank you, Captain!" Lu Yingjun beamed with joy.

"Don't be beautiful first." Li Yunlong glared, "I can give you a certain degree of autonomy, but you need to report to me every time you take action, otherwise I don't know where to find you when there are combat missions."

Hehe smiled, and Li Yunlong said again: "Also, all the good things you got from the devils should be handed over to the regiment headquarters."

"Yes, I promise not to take it privately, and hand it all over to the regiment headquarters!" Lu Yingjun immediately expressed his opinion.

"Wait until you guys have really trained this batch of special forces." Li Yunlong said, "Let's continue to recruit team members."

The Lijian special unit is a test product of Li Yunlong. It is hard to say whether it can be really practiced, but judging from the battle against Qixian County, it performed well, and it has the shadow of a special soldier. The real special forces described are still far behind.

"Yes!" Lu Yingjun felt that his task was heavy, but also very challenging, but his character is to dare to challenge any difficulty, too simple would be boring.

It's very exciting to think about bringing a group of thorns, soldier kings, and the elite of the elite of the Eighth Route Army to fight against the elite of the little devils.

After a pause, Lu Yingjun said again: "Leader, before, I, Lu Yingjun, had no ability and no place to use it. The fault is that you think highly of me. From now on, I will give my head to you, leader!"

Li Yunlong didn't expect that Lu Yingjun would speak heart-to-heart words in such a rough manner.

"Good job, kind!" Li Yunlong nodded with satisfaction.

"I have a task for your Sword Squad." Li Yunlong pointed to more than a dozen boxes on the ground and said.

"Inside these boxes are new weapons that I bought from abroad at a high price."

"Flame throwers and bazookas."

"There is an instruction manual inside, the kind with pictures, which is easy to understand."

"Your task is to learn how to use these two new weapons."

"Just find a few devil's gun towers and try their power."

"Report to me immediately after testing the power. In addition, this bazooka must not fall into the hands of devils."

Of course, the new weapons obtained must first be learned by the Sword Squad, and then spread to the whole regiment.

This time, let them learn the skills first, try the power of this new weapon, and do some side jobs by the way.

Now each member of the Sword Special Team is equipped with an oriental horse, which can maneuver quickly and come and go like the wind!

"Yes!" Lu Yingjun straightened his body and looked at the dozen or so army green boxes with a curious look on his face.

At that moment, Lu Yingjun went back to the team headquarters, called 32 thorns from the team, and carried back all the new weapons.

The flamethrower given to Li Yunlong this time has no gasoline in addition to the gasoline in the nitrogen tank. The gasoline in each flamethrower can only spray fire for about 45 seconds.

Fortunately, the flamethrower is easy to operate, and you can master the skill of using it without wasting much gasoline.

The bazooka rocket launcher has 36 rockets, 30 of which are high-explosive bombs filled with gunpowder, and 6 are training bombs that can be used repeatedly without gunpowder.

Li Yunlong knew very well that the devil's intelligence department was not for nothing, so he built the sword special unit in a secluded yard at the end of the village, surrounded by several vegetable fields. Lu Yingjun led the soldiers to build two rows of sheep pens. A few lambs seized by Yushe's traitors were raised inside, and a few chickens were also raised. The sign at the door read: Production Base of the Logistics Department of the New Group. Lu Yingjun's external position is the director of the production base, and he usually trains The guns and guns are all in the back mountain of Yangcun, and the sound of the guns can't be heard far away even if there are mountains blocking them.

in the afternoon.

Zhao Gang, who had successfully escorted the horses and weapons to the brigade headquarters, returned to Yangcun.

In the inner room of the regiment headquarters, Zhao Gang drank his saliva and said with a smile: "Old Li, the brigade commander and deputy brigade commander kept praising you."

"What are you complimenting me on?"

Li Yunlong's expression changed, the last time the brigade commander praised him was several years ago.

Zhao Gang said casually: "The brigade commander praised you for fighting a beautiful battle, which dealt a heavy blow to the arrogance of the Japanese invaders, dealt a severe blow to the devil's iron wall encirclement policy, and also praised you for having a high level of ideological awareness and taking the initiative to hand over so much money." horses and armaments..."

The corner of Li Yunlong's mouth smiled slightly and said: "Come on, this is what your political commissar Zhao praised me for, but you are too embarrassed to say it, and deliberately said that the brigade commander praised me."

Zhao Gang smiled and said: "I found that you are really getting better and better, how did you see it?"

"It's very simple." Li Yunlong said, "In the words of the brigade commander, he dare not praise me, because once he praises me, I will definitely cause trouble for him."

With a laugh, Zhao Gang said: "It seems that the Brigadier understands you well enough!"

Li Yunlong said: "Old Zhao, let me tell you some good news. The first shipment of this business has arrived."

"Oh?" Zhao Gang's eyes lit up, "How many weapons and ammunition are there?"

Li Yunlong then said: "100 submachine guns, 30 light machine guns, 30 rounds of ammunition."

"I asked Xiao Liu to take 50 submachine guns and 5 rounds of submachine gun bullets and send them to the headquarters to equip the guard company in the headquarters."

Zhao Gang asked: "Then how do you plan to use the remaining 50 submachine guns and 30 light machine guns?"

(End of this chapter)

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