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Chapter 116 The brigade commander made a fortune in tears!

Chapter 116 The brigade commander made a fortune in tears!

In addition to the cavalry company, machine gun company, artillery company, heavy machine gun company, sword special unit, engineer platoon and guard platoon directly under the new regiment.

The three main battalions are all three-three systems. The three battalions have a total of 9 companies, 27 platoons, and 81 squads.

The first battalion and the first company already have a submachine gun, and the first company has 9 squads, 81 minus 9, that is, there are still 72 squads that are not equipped with submachine guns.

Li Yunlong plans to distribute the 50 submachine guns newly put into storage to the squad level for use by the squad leader.

Of course, there are still 22 squads that do not have submachine guns, but the problem is not too big, because the number of machine guns in the Xinyi regiment is saturated now.

It is absolutely possible to have a light machine gun for each squad, and the firepower level of the squad platoon can be raised immediately.

In an infantry squad, the principal and deputy squad leader are in command, and the rest are divided into machine gunners, ammunitionists, riflemen, and some squads also have grenadier soldiers.

When it is necessary to concentrate the firepower, it can also quickly gather all the submachine guns and light machine guns.

In terms of firepower alone, the new regiment has already surpassed the second-rate Japanese infantry regiment. As for the quality of individual soldiers, the soldiers of the new regiment still have a lot of room for improvement.

When the 20 machine guns are equipped and 50 rounds of ammunition are in place, Li Yunlong is confident that he will fight head-on with the Japanese elite infantry regiment.

The next day, at the appointed time, Li Yunlong took 200 army horses and 10 mule carts to the old place to wait early.

Chen Feng did not come forward, he let Yan Shuangying take full responsibility for the handover.

A formation of 5 transport planes and 5 fighter jets flew overhead, and then large and small airdrops came down with parachutes like dumplings.

Li Yunlong looked at the machine guns that fell one after another, with a smile on his face full of anticipation, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

Zhang Dabiao and the veterans involved in the transportation all grinned.

Judging from the number of airdrops, this time is better than any previous one.

The 20 cannons that landed freely with parachutes were extremely eye-catching. Most soldiers didn't see them beating little devils with their own eyes, but almost all of them saw the little devils' bodies torn apart by them.

"Hahaha..." When all the airdrops landed, Captain Li walked towards the cannon with a happy smile on his face.

The closest thing to him is a dual-mounted Oerlikon 20mm machine gun, with two barrels on one base. When the iron is pressed lightly, two shells are shot out at the same place almost at the same time, and the power is super doubled.

"My darling, there are 20 cannons in total, Commander, we're getting rich again!"

As Li Yunlong's number one confidant, Zhang Dabiao followed behind him every step of the way, laughing presumptuously.

Li Yunlong sighed: "It's just that the 20mm shells are a little less, this time there are only 4800 rounds."

But after thinking about it, Chen Feng reimbursed him for the 20mm shells consumed in the battle and training last time, wiped off the change, and sent 200 more 20mm shells.

Add up to 1 rounds of shells, a total of 24 machine guns, and each machine gun can be distributed to more than 400 rounds.

After doing the math, Li Yunlong's mood immediately improved again.

"Big Biao." Li Yunlong said, "When you will transport the weapons and ammunition back to Yang Village, you will take a dozen soldiers and hide five machine guns and 5 rounds of ammunition for me."

Li Yunlong recently set up a secret warehouse again, which even Zhao Gang didn't know about.

The brigade commander's intelligence work was so powerful that Li Yunlong had to hide it.

"Understood, head, don't worry about my work!"

Zhang Dabiao understood immediately, and said with a cocked corner of his mouth.

Li Yunlong commanded the troops to carry most of the weapons and ammunition on the army horses.

Then 5 machine guns and 10 rounds of ammunition were separated, loaded on a mule cart covered with a parachute, and prepared to be transported to a secret warehouse.

After everything was over, Li Yunlong cast a hidden look at Zhang Dabiao.

Zhang Dabiao immediately understood and nodded to express his understanding.

"Go back to Yangcun!" With a wave of Li Yunlong's hand, the soldiers led the horses and headed towards Yangcun, and the transportation team formed a long queue.

Zhang Dabiao deliberately lagged several hundred meters behind the transport horse team, hanging far behind.

More than half an hour later, at the sun-drying field in Yangcun.

Li Yunlong pointed to the weapons and ammunition that had not been unloaded from the army and said to Zhao Gang.

"How about Political Commissar Zhao?"

"As soon as our old Li made a move, he brought in 15 machine guns, 40 rounds of ammunition, and more than 5000 rounds of 20mm shells."

Zhao Gang's face was also filled with uncontrollable joy: "Old Li, we've made a fortune!"

Li Yunlong said casually: "You, the political commissar, are also working hard to get several million catties of grain for our regiment."

"Where can I get millions of catties of grain?" Zhao Gang said, "You, Li Yunlong, want to see how much I, Zhao Gang, are worth, so chop it up and take it to the devils for grain."

"How much is your head worth?" Li Yunlong said disgustedly, "I heard that Yoshio Shinozuka offered my head at 10 yuan."

After a pause, Li Yunlong said: "Old Zhao, help us to calculate the total. This time we have a lot of weapons and ammunition in the warehouse. What should we do so as not to attract the attention of the brigade commander?"

"I don't know." Zhao Gang said, "Even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you. Your egotism really needs to be changed. From tomorrow...no, from today onwards, I will give you two political lessons every day! "

"It's not interesting for you to be a political commissar." Li Yunlong said with disgust.

As soon as he finished speaking, the guard Huang Erhu trotted over and gave a military salute: "Report to the regiment commander, the brigade commander asked you to answer the phone!"

"Damn it!" Li Yunlong shuddered, "The Brigadier called so soon?"

"It stands to reason that it shouldn't be? We just brought back the weapons and ammunition, and the brigade commander knew it so soon?"

"How did he know it was so fast?"

"Lao Li, hurry up and answer the phone, don't keep the brigade commander waiting." Zhao Gang said with a smile, "You can't hide if you want to."

"Old Zhao, go and answer the brigade commander's call." Li Yunlong said, "Just tell the brigade commander that Li Yunlong is out, and the brigade commander asks you about weapons and equipment, and you just pretend you don't know."

"I won't take it." Zhao Gang said, "In order not to say something wrong, let the brigade commander kill all the weapons and ammunition today."

Li Yunlong thought about it too. The brigade commander reached out to ask for equipment. With Zhao Gang's character, he would give the brigade commander whatever he wanted.

In desperation, Li Yunlong had no choice but to walk quickly to the regiment headquarters, and Zhao Gang quickly followed.

Walking into the inner room, seeing that the phone on the table had been connected, Li Yunlong picked it up and put it to his ear, saying, "Hello, brigade commander."

The brigade commander's business came from the other end of the phone.

"Li Yunlong, you kid can do it, and made a fortune without making a sound!"

Hearing this, Li Yunlong's face turned bitter, the brigade commander really knew it was over.

What kind of shit is making labor reports again?

Li Yunlong wept and said: "Brigade Commander, others say that you are as good at intelligence as you are at war. I didn't believe it before, but I have seen it today. Brigadier Commander, your intelligence work is too good. I just brought things back here. You received the news and called, Brigadier, I am convinced, the real Brigadier."

386 Brigade Department.

When the brigade commander heard Li Yunlong's words, he was a little stunned.

Quickly holding the microphone with his hand, he turned to look at Deputy Brigadier Han who was listening.

The brigade commander really didn't know that Li Yunlong had made a fortune today. He only heard that Li Yunlong made another batch of weapons and equipment yesterday, but the amount was not very large.

In addition, Li Yunlong just handed in 350 military horses and equipment for a core regiment yesterday, as well as 20 rounds of ammunition.

Therefore, the brigade commander really didn't want to call Li Yunlong's autumn wind today. He made this call today simply to ask how much weapons and equipment Li Yunlong earned yesterday.

Otherwise, the brigade commander would tell Li Yunlong in the first sentence, Li Yunlong, I wish you a fortune.

The brigade commander didn't expect that Li Yunlong would blew himself up on his own initiative.

Deputy Brigadier Han hurriedly said: "Brigade Commander, this kid must have gotten rich again, hurry up and scam him."

The brigade commander let go of the microphone, put the phone back to his ear, and said with a cocked corner of his mouth, "I just received the news too. Tell me honestly, how many weapons and equipment have you put into storage today?"

Since you blew yourself up on your own initiative, don't blame me for beating your autumn wind.

Li Yunlong's face turned into a bitter melon: "Not much, just 15 20mm machine guns, more than 5000 20mm machine gun shells, and 40 rounds of bullets."

On the other end of the phone, the brigade commander and deputy brigade commander Han's eyes widened when they heard the number reported by Li Yunlong.

Li Yunlong even faintly heard the sound of breathing on the phone.

The brigade commander's voice was gradually raised, and his tone was a little excited: "Li Yunlong, what did you just say? 15 cannons, 40 rounds of ammunition?"

Li Yunlong sighed.

"Oh, Brigadier, why are you pretending?"

"Didn't you already know?"

"Just tell me how much you want. Old Li still has some spare cannons and bullets. It's no big deal to support the brigade headquarters."

Where does the brigade commander know exactly how much weapons and ammunition Li Yunlong received?

The brigade commander asked again: "Yesterday, I heard that your boy also received a batch of weapons and ammunition yesterday. Tell me honestly, how much did you receive yesterday?"

Li Yunlong said.

"There were not many yesterday, just 100 submachine guns, 30 light machine guns, and 30 rounds of ammunition."

"By the way, the deputy chief of staff also robbed 50 submachine guns and 5 rounds of submachine gun bullets."

The brigade commander laughed and said on the phone: "Li Yunlong, it seems that I want to congratulate you on getting rich again, hahaha!"

"What kind of money are you making, the poor will soon..." Li Yunlong said, "Look, brigade commander, you are here again. If you want to rob, just tell us how much."

"You are on the right track." The brigade commander laughed, "I don't ask you for more, you just need to send me 12 machine guns, 3000 rounds of 20mm shells and 40 rounds of bullets to the brigade headquarters. .”

"The first rank of the official is crushing people, well, I recognize the brigade commander." Li Yunlong had no choice but to say.

After hanging up the phone, Li Yunlong glanced at Zhao Gang who was listening.

Suddenly, Li Yunlong frowned, and said in surprise: "Old Zhao, why do I feel something is wrong? The brigade commander seems to be cheating on me?"

"You just realized it now?" Zhao Gang laughed. "Obviously, the brigade commander doesn't know about our weapons and ammunition storage today. The brigade commander is cheating on you."

"It's all your own fault. The brigade commander hasn't asked you yet. Who told you to admit it as soon as you came up?"

"Damn!" Li Yunlong suddenly said depressed, "What a crime!"

(End of this chapter)

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