I am helping

Chapter 119 The power of new weapons!

Chapter 119 The power of new weapons!
At night, Lu Yingjun lay on the top of the mountain, carefully observing the terrain of the gun tower, and Wei Dayong leaned beside him, reporting the situation to Lu Yingjun.

"Captain, last night my two brothers and I secretly shot the devil's gun tower and tested the firepower of the gun tower."

"The enemy has two machine guns, one is Czech and the other is crooked. There are no heavy machine guns."

"A squad for the puppet army, and a squad for the devils, with no more than 30 troops."

Li Yunlong sent flamethrowers and bazookas to the Sword Special Forces.

Lu Yingjun allowed most of the team members to master the use of flamethrowers and bazooka rocket launchers in the shortest possible time.

The flamethrower is easy to operate, but the conditions of use are relatively harsh. It must be within 20 meters of the enemy to have a killing effect. Moreover, the person operating it is also very dangerous. Once the nitrogen tank is hit, it will inevitably burn itself.

Although the maximum range of the super bazooka rocket launcher can reach more than 800 meters, the effective range is about 200-300 meters, and the proficiency of the shooter who launches the rocket launcher is relatively high.

After reporting to Li Yunlong, Lu Yingjun led the sword special unit and rode to Yuliao Highway at night, planning to find the devil's gun tower to test the power of flamethrowers and bazookas.

This power test was conducted under top-secret circumstances, only Li Yunlong and the Lijian Special Forces knew about it, not even political commissar Zhao Gang.

As early as last night, Wei Dayong and two team members stepped on the ground ahead of time.

"Where is the nearest reinforcement?" Lu Yingjun asked, "How long will it take?"

"The only place where reinforcements can get here is the county seat of Liao County." Wei Dayong said, "It's more than twenty miles away, and it takes an hour for the devil infantry to arrive."

"But I see that there are ruts on the ground, and the ghosts in the county have tricycles and large trucks. The time will be much shorter, and it will take half an hour."

"These devils have become spirits. They buried the telephone wires in the ground. We couldn't find them."

Lu Yingjun glanced at Wei Dayong in surprise, this kid was quite meticulous in his scouting.

"Half an hour... is enough for us to take down this blockhouse." Lu Yingjun said in a leisurely tone.

When he was in the Southern Hebei Military Region, he dealt with most of the devil's blockhouses. There are not as many mountains in southeast Jinan as there are in southern Hebei. During the battle in the devil's bunker, Lu Yingjun stretched out his hand to pull out the light machine gun that was firing inside the bunker, and pulled out the gun and the devil from it.

Lu Yingjun has his own method for pulling out the bunkers and gun towers of the devils.

When he was in the Southern Hebei Military Region, the communication company he led pulled out many gun towers and bunkers, but the sacrifice was relatively large because there were no weapons at hand.

If there is a strong attack, casualties are likely to occur, because war has its own unique laws, and casualties are inevitable.

The head of the regiment often talked about that each of the members of these sword squads was his treasure, and they wouldn't change it even for the battalion commander.

With vagueness, Lu Yingjun raised his binoculars and carefully looked at the terrain around the blockhouse, and a plan emerged in his mind.

"However, our task this time is to test the power of new weapons, there is no need to take down this gun tower."

Lu Yingjun called the captains of the three battle teams over. The first to third team captains were Wei Dayong, Wang Xikui and Li Changshun respectively.

Each combat team includes 11 captains and 10 team members. Each team has a sniper and a Bren light machine gun, and the rest of the team members are equipped with submachine guns.

The four gathered together, and Lu Yingjun picked up a branch at his side, and drew a simple sketch on the ground in a flat place.

"Now, let me assign combat tasks."

"Our Sword Squad currently has three combat teams."

"Our plan is divided into three steps. First, the third battle enters from the west side to a position 400 meters away from the gun tower."

"Then the third combat team stops here and prepares for fire suppression. The light machine guns of the first combat team are used by the third combat team."

The distance of 400 meters is far beyond the effective shooting range of submachine guns. Only light and heavy machine guns can implement fire suppression.

Li Changshun nodded. At 400 meters, he could try to use a sniper rifle to kill the machine gunner in the blockhouse, but he needed a good position and angle, and he couldn't guarantee a 100% hit.Of course, the same goes for Wang Xikui and Cao Jinwang.

Lu Yingjun continued.

"The second combat group moved into a position 400 meters away from the gun tower on the north side."

"Your task is the same as that of the third combat group, responsible for suppressing firepower and attracting firepower."

"The first combat team carried bazookas and flamethrowers into a range of 200 meters from the east side of the gun tower, waiting for an opportunity to test the power of the new weapons."

In the entire Sword Squad, Wei Dayong has the best performance in operating the bazooka, so the task of testing new weapons is entrusted to him.

After Lu Yingjun finished talking about the plan, he threw the branch and scanned the crowd: "The bazooka can fire up to 3 rockets. Regardless of whether we can kill the gun tower, we will retreat."

"Do you understand their respective tasks?"

The three of them shouted in a low voice: "Understood!"

The three squad leaders returned to their respective combat squads and issued combat missions to the team members.

About 3 minutes later, more than [-] figures quietly slid down the slope and slowly moved towards the watchtower.

At a distance of 500 meters, Lu Yingjun raised his hand and made a special operations sign language backwards, and everyone immediately stopped moving forward and hid in the darkness.

Lu Yingjun raised the Zeiss binoculars to look again, this time the distance was closer and he could see more clearly.

This is a standard devil medium-sized gun tower with a cylindrical structure. Through the dim light in the gun tower, you can see that the dense walls are covered with eerie shooting holes, which means that the walls are thicker, with at least three layers of fire bricks, and the top floor The shooting hole is about the same size as the two floors below, which means that there are no heavy machine guns in this blockhouse.

There are also trenches set up by devils and puppet soldiers outside the gun tower. It goes without saying that there are traps such as mines and bamboo thorns buried in the trenches, and there is a circle of barbed wire above the trenches.

The firepower of this defensive turret and two light machine guns is enough to discourage a battalion of the Eighth Route Army, which lacks ammunition and fortified weapons.

Putting down the binoculars, Lu Yingjun made two more combat signs, and the team was divided into three small streams from a pool of water, and slowly flowed towards the gun tower from different directions.

During the whole process, the infiltration formation of the special forces for mutual protection was strictly followed, and the communication between the team members was all conveyed in sign language.

The third and second combat teams quickly reached the position of 400 meters from the west and north.

Li Changshun and Wang Xikui each made combat sign language, and the team members stopped one after another, each found a hidden position and lay down, raised their guns, and aimed at the direction of the gun tower.

And Lu Yingjun followed the first combat team, and quickly touched the position 230 meters away from the gun tower from the east.

Wang Wang Wang --

At this moment, the big yellow dog in the blockhouse suddenly barked.

Lu Yingjun and the first combat team immediately lay down on the ground to hide. The devils and puppet soldiers cut down all the crops and trees within a kilometer radius, and the ground was bare.

This is why Lu Yingjun chose to attack at night, because it is too easy to be exposed during the day.

The searchlight on the turret suddenly turned on, and a huge beam shot out from the top floor of the turret, which was extremely dazzling under the blurred night sky.

However, the moment the searchlights were turned on, a gunshot sounded almost simultaneously from the west and north sides of the blockhouse.

Li Changshun and Wang Xikui fired at almost the same time. With two crisp sounds of "ding ding", the searchlight shattered and the night sky returned to darkness.

With the sudden gunshots, the devils and puppet soldiers in the gun tower were frightened for a while.

Da da da, da da, da da da...

About ten seconds later, two long tongues of flame erupted from the firing holes of the gun tower, and the bullets splashed out like money.

The third and second combat groups also fought back without showing any weakness. Wang Gen of the third combat group produced a big tumor grenade, pulled the matchlock and threw it forward, and then threw out the second and third grenades leisurely.

Explosions occurred continuously outside the gun tower, and the sound of gunfire was also like popping beans. They were responsible for suppressing and attracting firepower. Naturally, the louder the movement, the better.

Immediately there was the sound of crackling bullets on the gun tower, and the devils and puppet soldiers inside panicked, and immediately separated the two light machine guns, shooting one to the north and the other to the west.

The sound of machine guns, submachine guns, and explosions of grenades soon intertwined. The two sides fought very lively, but no one hit anyone.

Just when Wang Xikui and Li Changshun were looking for a suitable angle and sniping point, they sniped at the point of fire of the Devil's machine gun in their respective directions.

Lu Yingjun and the first combat team took advantage of this gap and crawled forward for more than 30 meters to a distance of 200 meters from the gun tower.

"Captain, right here." Wei Dayong whispered to Lu Yingjun in a low voice.

The target of the gun tower is very large, and it is a fixed target, with a distance of 200 meters, the hit rate of hitting it with a rocket launcher is very high.

300 meters is not impossible, but it is night and the visibility is too low. It takes luck to hit the gun tower in front of you, and the hit rate is not high.

"Okay!" Lu Yingjun turned his head and said, "Cover!"

A group of team members spread out in an arc, prostrated themselves on the ground, and raised the guy in their hands.

Wei Dayong then removed the two disassembled bazooka rocket launchers from the back, assembled them at a very fast speed, opened the bipod, and then opened the vertical pole at the front of the shoulder rest.

He quickly put it on the ground. Wei Dayong has practiced this set of movements dozens of times, and he is very skilled.

Duan Peng took out a high-explosive armor-piercing bomb from the ammunition box, pulled out the safety pin, and then loaded the rocket into the barrel, and then took out the wire from the tail of the rocket and connected it.

Duan Peng patted Wei Dayong on the shoulder, indicating that the loading was complete and the launch was ready, and then he avoided the fan-shaped area behind the rocket as quickly as possible to prevent being burned by the high-pressure gunpowder gas sprayed from the rear of the rocket launcher. Various precautions are written.

Wei Dayong prostrated himself on the ground, put his shoulder against the shoulder rest, turned on the optical sight, and slowly adjusted the scale in front to 150 meters.

Holding the handle with his right hand, putting his index finger on the trigger, and holding the pole with his left hand, Wei Dayong's eyes flashed fiercely, and he pulled the trigger without hesitation after aiming at the gun tower.

After a strange noise, the rocket quickly shot out of the rocket launcher, and a dark red trail of the rocket flashed across the dark night sky in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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