I am helping

Chapter 120 The power is really big!

Chapter 120 The power is really big!

The fired rocket stayed in the air for about two seconds.


The rocket precisely hit the Devil's Tower at a distance of 200 meters, and with the violent explosion like thunder, the Devil's Tower was instantly shrouded in flames and gunpowder smoke.

The entire blockhouse collapsed like a shattered turret, rubble and rubble flew across, and then the flames and smoke turned into a ball of fire that burst upwards.

As the smoke and dust dispersed, the devil's gun tower became dead silent, and the original two machine gun firepower points all misfired.

"I hit it!" Seeing this scene, Wei Dayong grinned and let out a low cry.

Lu Yingjun immediately raised the Zeiss binoculars and looked intently at the devil's gun tower.

Through the blurred vision, I can see that the devil's gun tower that was originally built on the side of the road has been turned into a broken ruin.

"This power..." Lu Yingjun shrank his pupils slightly, put down the binoculars, and looked a little stunned.

This is a medium-sized gun tower. Although it is a masonry structure, if it is bombarded with infantry artillery, it will take at least six or seven consecutive hits to collapse.

But with this bazooka, it can be killed in one shot?
Lu Yingjun looked at the bazooka a few meters away, with a shock and surprise on his expression that no one else could see.

During World War II, the bazooka had an effective armor-piercing capability of 130 mm, while the thickness of the tiger tank armor was only 100 mm.

The super bazooka produced by the system has an armor-piercing ability of 280mm, and the rocket is loaded with nearly 1kg of strong TNT gunpowder. Coupled with its excellent armor-piercing ability, let alone a masonry structure, it is an ordinary reinforced concrete fortification It is also vulnerable in front of it.

The rocket bomb just now penetrated the defense of the gun tower, directly entered the gun tower and exploded, blowing up the entire gun tower, killing all the devils and puppet soldiers inside.

The power is comparable to a 105-caliber howitzer, which is not an exaggeration at all.

After the rocket hit the turret, the team members on the west and north sides were too far away to see what was going on, and continued to fire for a while. Seeing that the devils did not fight back, they stopped shooting one after another.

"Forward!" Lu Yingjun made a tactical sign language forward.

The team members stood up one after another, held their weapons, and kept fighting formation and moved towards the gun tower.

Entering from the suspension bridge, it didn't take long for Lu Yingjun to lead the first combat team to the gun tower. At this time, the gun tower had been blown down, and there were broken bricks and stones everywhere under his feet.

The team members who only got close to see the situation of the Devil's turret were stunned, with their mouths slightly opened, and they were in a daze for a long time.

Just this stuff, how powerful is it?
How long has it been?

Not five minutes yet?

A medium-sized turret was taken away?

"Ma Jucai!" Lu Yingjun called back.

A team member named Ma Jucai walked forward to the front of the crowd with an M2 flamethrower on his back, and raised the spray gun to aim at the ruins of the gun tower.

Ma Jucai pressed the control valve and the ignition trigger, and the flame immediately spit out and turned into a long fire snake, which spread to the blockhouse in an instant, and penetrated into the interior of the blockhouse along the gap between the bricks and stones. There was a heart-piercing scream, and some devils and puppet soldiers were set on fire.

This gun tower is more than ten meters high and has three floors. The rocket hit the second floor. The bricks and stones on the second and third floors were blown down to block the doors and shooting holes, but there were ghosts and puppet soldiers on the first floor. not dead.

Ma Jucai held the flame gun and sprayed it for more than ten seconds, only to stop when he heard the explosion of bullets and grenades from inside the gun tower.

At this time, Wang Xikui and Li Changshun arrived with the second and third combat teams.

One by one looked at the blockhouse that was bombarded by a rocket in front of them, their eyes widened.

Lu Yingjun took out his pocket watch and checked the time. The entire battle took less than 5 minutes. It is estimated that the devils hadn't had time to ask for help from the county seat, and the speed was a bit outrageous.

Slap!With a flick of Lu Yingjun's hand, the pocket watch automatically closed with a crisp sound, and it was put into his pocket.

"It's too early to go back now, let's pull out two more turrets."

Of the 3 rockets brought out to test their power this time, only 1 was used, and the remaining 2 were useless.

It's not a loss to exchange 1 rocket for a devil's turret!

"set off!"

With a wave of Lu Yingjun's hand, the team members quickly disappeared into the darkness.

He didn't even bother to clean the battlefield.

After taking office, Jun Tada, the North China Front Army, implemented a cage policy of exhausting the lake and fishing. Important highways such as Zhengtai Road set up a stronghold every 10 miles, railways set up a stronghold every two or three miles, and the Yuliao Highway also set up a stronghold every 10 miles. There is a gun tower.

Under the leadership of Lu Yingjun, the Sword Special Forces used rocket launchers to take down three gun towers around the county seat of Liao County overnight.


Early the next morning, Liao County Gendarmerie.

"Your Majesty, the three blockhouses of Dalu Village, Dashitang, and Matian on the Yuliao Highway were attacked overnight overnight. All the imperial troops in these blockhouses were smashed!"

"None of these three blockhouses made a call for help to the county seat last night. According to reports from the imperial army who went to investigate, all three blockhouses were blown down!"

At the Gendarmerie Headquarters, a staff officer reported the news that made his scalp tingle to Gendarmerie Captain Takeo Honda.

Overnight, three blockhouses on the Yuliao Highway were pulled out without a sound, and nearly 3 Japanese soldiers died in battle!

Takeo Honda's cold sweat flowed down with a bang, and a stream of cold sweat flowed down his back and into his groin.

As for the imperial association troops who died, Takeo Honda didn't care at all, they were just a bunch of dogs, and they died when they died.

"Can you tell what kind of weapon Hachiro is using?" Takeo Honda asked quickly.

It is not uncommon for the artillery towers on the highway to be attacked by the Eighth Route Army, and some of the artillery towers were also taken down by the Eighth Route Army. The Japanese army was not passively attacked. According to the tactics of the Eighth Route Army, the defense of the artillery towers was continuously strengthened, and tactics were innovated, such as digging trenches around the artillery towers, and clearing the surrounding area of ​​the artillery towers. All hidden locations within 1 kilometer, forming fast mobile units, etc.

But like this time, the blockhouse was destroyed without even making a call for help. This is the first time Takeo Honda has encountered such a weird situation.

Balu must have used weapons of mass destruction...

The mortar and 105mm cannon were immediately denied by Takeo Honda.

Mortars have limited damage to gun towers, and the 105 caliber cannon... whether the eight roads have it is still a question.

Even if you have it, the entire Eighth Route Army is also one of the few, and the shells are even more pitiful. Wouldn't it be a waste to use 105 caliber cannons to attack artillery towers?
The Eighth Route Commander certainly wouldn't do that.

Although infantry artillery can also pose a threat to the artillery towers, it is absolutely impossible for these artillery towers to call for help.

Did Eight Routes use 75mm mountain guns or field guns?

"It's not clear yet, but traces of being baked have been found in every gun tower. The specific situation will have to wait for the imperial army who went to deal with the aftermath to come back!" The staff officer responded.

Takeo Honda asked again: "Have the other fortresses been attacked?"

Every day, the combat staff of the gendarmerie will make a telephone call to each artillery building.

"All have been contacted!" The staff officer replied, "None of the other blockhouses have been attacked!"

Takeo Honda breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately widened his eyes suddenly, with a look of horror on his face.

The rest of the blockhouses were not attacked, which means that Eight Routes only attacked these three blockhouses, and none of these three blockhouses was spared!

one hit one quasi...

Big trouble.

"Baga! Road!" Takeo Honda slapped the desk violently, and all the utensils on the table shook.

hiss!Damn it!

Accidentally applied too much force!

Takeo Honda's palms turned red in an instant, and his entire arm trembled slightly. He took a deep breath, trying to suppress the boredom in his heart.

People are so unlucky that they get stuffed between their teeth when they drink saliva.

He suddenly understood why many Japanese military officers liked to slap their subordinates. Slapping was not as painful as slapping a table.

Glancing at the staff officer's cheek, Takeo Honda resisted the urge to slap him.

"Send an order to withdraw the imperial army in the highway blockhouse to the stronghold, leaving only the imperial alliance army in the blockhouse."

"Order all the turrets and strongholds to strengthen their defenses, and call the county immediately if they are attacked!"

"Hi!" The staff officer paused, glanced at Takeo Honda's palm, and walked quickly to the door.


In Yangcun, Xinyi Regiment Headquarters.

"Report!" Lu Yingjun's voice sounded outside the door.

"Come in!" Li Yunlong said.

Lu Yingjun bent down and opened the curtain and walked into the inner room of the regiment headquarters.

"Are you back?" Li Yunlong looked at Lu Yingjun and hurriedly asked, "How was the battle last night?"

The corner of Lu Yingjun's mouth twitched slightly: "Commander, do you think we killed a few blockhouses last night?"

Li Yunlong's expression changed, and his eyes widened: "Did you really kill the blockhouse last night?"

After making an OK gesture, Lu Yingjun chuckled: "We killed three devil medium-sized gun towers last night, and there should be 100 Japanese and puppet troops wiped out."

"Unfortunately, we only brought three rockets last night."

"If there are enough rockets, our Sword Squad could take down all the gun towers outside Liao County last night!"

"My God?" Li Yunlong stared wide-eyed, "No. 30 of your Sword Squad took down three gun towers last night, didn't you brag to me?"

"What's there to brag about?" Lu Yingjun said, "Isn't it just three blockhouses?"

Li Yunlong asked: "Are there any casualties in your unit?"

"No." Lu Yingjun said, "Not a single casualty."

After a pause, Li Yunlong asked: "That thing is like a big speaker, is it really so useful?"

Although I have seen its power last time, it is very powerful, but Li Yunlong has no idea whether it is easy to use or not.

"It's really powerful." Lu Yingjun smiled and said, "A distance of 200 meters, one cannon and one cannon tower, commander, why don't you give me the rest of the rockets? The whole end of the gun tower can be dropped."

Now there are only 30 rockets in total, and each one needs to be approved by Li Yunlong himself.

"You kid can't just play in a daze." Li Yunlong said, "Last night, the devils will probably be on guard tonight, and they will go after a while."

"Yes!" Lu Yingjun nodded and said, "Anyway, the devil's gun tower can't escape, we will visit after a while."

"Our Eighth Route Army may have a major operation during this time." Li Yunlong touched his chin and asked, "Is this thing suitable for a large amount of equipment?"

(End of this chapter)

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