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Chapter 124 Let the Cannonballs Fly!

Chapter 124 Let the Cannonballs Fly!

At midnight, outside the Lijiagou stronghold.

Behind a dirt slope one kilometer away from the stronghold.

Zhang Dabiao raised his binoculars and looked towards the stronghold. The light beams from the two searchlights were like two huge light sticks, sweeping around non-stop.

The range of the searchlight is only about 400 meters, but even with the spotlight, the devil's sentinel can see up to 200 meters, which is not bad.

While observing, Zhang Dabiao asked a soldier next to him: "Xiao Wang, have you noticed anything in the past two days?"

"Report to the battalion commander, apart from about 100 devils entering the Lijiagou stronghold, there is no other situation."

"That's good." Zhang Dabiao put down the binoculars and said to Wang Chengzhu, "Commander Wang, Commander He, you can set up the cannon."

"Yes!" The artillery company commander Wang Chengzhu and the machine gun company commander He Jie responded in unison, turned around and left.

All 7 machine guns from the machine gun company were brought in, as were the 60 mortars, 75 infantry guns, and [-]mm field guns from the artillery company.

He Jie quickly selected the cannon position, a flat ground 800 meters away from the stronghold.

The effective range of the Oerlikon machine gun is 914 meters, and 800 meters is also the effective range of the Type [-] heavy machine gun. However, the machine gun has a protective shield, which can effectively block the bullets fired by the Devil's light and heavy machine guns.

"The gun mount, two gun wheels, and the cradle, hurry up!"

On the artillery position not far from the machine gun company, Wang Chengzhu shouted in a low voice.

Behind him, more than two dozen soldiers were unloading the field guns and infantry gun mounts, gun wheels, and cradles from mule carts or mule backs, and installed them in designated positions in turn.

The bare cannon of this Italian field gun weighs 1160kg. Although it has iron wheels, it is very inconvenient to walk on mountain roads.

After arriving at the battlefield, it was reassembled. Although the [-]nd infantry artillery was relatively light, it was handed over to mules and horses, which greatly saved the soldiers' physical strength.

More than a dozen big-bodied soldiers quickly unloaded the field artillery from the mules.

Watching the movements of the field artillery squad, Wang Chengzhu nodded without a trace.

When he selected artillery, he chose almost all strong soldiers.

"Gunscope gunscope." The field artillery squad leader said, "Be careful, whether you can hit it accurately or not depends entirely on it!"

I saw that the artillery soldiers moved swiftly and without sloppiness at all. Even though it was pitch black, the 75mm field gun was quickly assembled by the soldiers in the dark.

After 5 minutes, a 75 field gun and a 1 infantry gun stood on the artillery position.

On the side of the position, more than a dozen 60mm mortars have already been erected, the muzzles are pointing directly in the direction of the stronghold, and even the shooting elements have been adjusted.

At the rear of the team, the soldiers in the ammunition platoon unloaded various shells from the mule cart or the mule's back and placed them three meters behind the gun positions.

The main gunners of the infantry artillery squad and the field artillery squad were close to the gun mirrors, and quickly turned the cradle, and the elevation angle of the gun barrel was slowly turned, pointing to the devil's gun tower.

The searchlights strafing around on the gun tower provided the gunner with good shooting parameters.

The second gunner behind him brought the shells, and the third gunner took them and stuffed them into the barrel, and then closed the gate.

"Report to the battalion commander!"

"Field artillery at the ready!"

"Infantry artillery at the ready!"

"Mortar ready!"

"The machine gun is ready!"

100 meters away from the front of the artillery position, Zhang Dabiao and the soldiers were crawling, covering a large area in darkness, and the orderly came up from behind with a rifle to report.

Listening to the orderer's report, not only Zhang Dabiao, but even the veterans of the first battalion were stunned.

Just a few months ago, the entire new regiment had only 3 mortars, and it has only been three months since the new regiment had everything from mortars, machine guns, field artillery and infantry artillery.

There are still a lot of them, and there are enough shells. This is simply a battle of wealth.

"Okay!" Zhang Dabiao said in a heavy and forceful voice, "Give me the order to fire freely."

"Yes!" The messenger moved backwards.

After the messenger left, Zhang Dabiao raised his mouth and said loudly to the soldiers: "Let's not worry, we have more than [-] cannons for cover."

"Let the shells fly for a while!"

Now that the rear cannon has been set up, even if the devil finds out, it will be fine.

It is about 700 meters away from the stronghold, and the machine gun bullets have become very scattered, posing little threat to the soldiers.

Zhang Dabiao took out the shelling gun, loaded the bullet, and put his hand on his head, ready to throw the cap at any time.

In the rear, He Jie, commander of the machine gun company, and Wang Chengzhu, commander of the artillery company, both received orders to fire freely.



He no longer hesitated at the moment, almost screaming and giving the order to fire at the same time.

The whistling sound of the artillery shells tearing through the quiet night sky instantly, the first round of more than a dozen shells fired fell in the Lijiagou stronghold, and the metal bullets with the breath of death passed through the air, making a terrifying thunderous explosion sound , the Lijiagou stronghold was immediately enveloped by fireballs and gunpowder smoke.

Zhang Dabiao and the soldiers lay on their stomachs tightly against the ground, their heads turned slightly, their eyes looked at the top of their heads, and then at the stronghold on the opposite side.

The shells fired by various types of artillery streaked across the night sky in orange-red ballistics that were visible to the naked eye like hail.

In order to achieve the suddenness of the shooting, the mortar did not conduct a test firing in advance, but directly covered the stronghold with artillery fire.

Field guns and infantry guns are aimed at the gun towers with precise shooting.

The Lijiagou stronghold suddenly fell into a panic. The devils and puppet soldiers ran around in the stronghold, and many devils and puppet soldiers were directly killed by the shells.

A flare was fired from the stronghold, illuminating the surrounding one kilometer like daylight.

"Taijun, Taijun, there are eight roads outside!"

"It's dark, and there are many cannons!"

"Looking at the situation, I'm afraid that a division from the Eighth Route Army has come, so hurry up and ask for help from the county seat, Taijun!"

In the main gun building of Lijiagou, the company commander of the puppet army, wearing a yellow leather military uniform and a holster of a pistol, saw a large black road outside with the help of flares. He was so frightened that he dropped his binoculars and ran to the devil The second lieutenant approached.

In the cognition of the company commander of the puppet army, let alone a regiment of the Eighth Route, even a brigade of the Eighth Route does not have such powerful artillery fire.

"Baga! What are you panicking about?" Second Lieutenant Guizi yelled at the machine gunner, "Shoot, shoot!"

When the assistant shooter pressed the spring plate on the Type [-] heavy machine gun, the main shooter immediately pushed the bullet into the chamber, and then pressed the firing weight, the heavy machine gun immediately trembled and fired randomly towards the outside, as if the heavy machine gun Sound can be bold.

At the same time, the light and heavy machine guns in the small cannon building and the bunker that formed the corners of the cannon building also screamed wildly, spewing out long tongues of flame.

Second Lieutenant Guizi seemed calm, but in reality he was in a panic.


A 70mm artillery shell hit the cannon building and exploded. Although the cannon did not penetrate the five-story firebrick building, it blasted a washbasin-sized pit on the outer wall of the cannon building.

And the entire blockhouse was shaken for a while, the second lieutenant of the devil and the company commander of the puppet army standing inside slumped on the ground, and the explosion sound of the shell hitting the blockhouse was like a drum beating in the ears, making everyone in the blockhouse The brains of the devils and puppet soldiers are buzzing.

Second Lieutenant Guizi hurriedly stood up, walked to the phone, picked up the phone and quickly turned the handle.

Then put it to your ear: "Mossi, Mossy, Mossy, Mossy!"

Second Lieutenant Guizi looked happy: "Please help me pick up the Liao County Gendarmerie immediately!"

After a while, the phone was connected. Kato Jiro spoke very fast and panicked: "This is the Lijiagou stronghold. I am Kato Jiro. This place has been attacked by the Eighth Route Army. Please support immediately, please support immediately!"

"Nani? How many people came from the eighth route? What equipment do you have?"

"There is about one regiment of the Eighth Route Army, carrying a large number of mortars and infantry artillery!"

Just after hanging up the phone, Jiro Kato immediately shook the handle again, shaking people to the Gendarmerie in Yushe County, and his speaking skills were the same as before.

The company commander of the puppet army knew some Japanese. Seeing Jiro Kato hang up the phone, he hurriedly asked in a crying voice: "Taijun, there is a brigade from the Eighth Route Army, why do you only say one regiment?"

Kato Jiro cursed quietly in broken Chinese.

"Baga, you idiot!"

"There are 5000 people in a brigade of the Eighth Route, do the county gendarmerie dare to come to help?"

"Hey, Taijun is wise, Taijun is wise!" The puppet company commander thought about it, rolled his eyes, and said hastily.

"Humble job, let's go down and let the brothers kill the eight roads fiercely. When the reinforcements from the county come, they will definitely wipe out the eight roads!"

He frantically flatters and expresses his opinion, but what he thinks in his heart is that if the battle situation is not good, he will run away immediately, saving his life is the most important thing.

The Lijiagou stronghold is built on the edge of the cliff of the highway. Although it can effectively prevent the enemy from the front and rear, it is equivalent to cutting off one's own retreat. Once the rope is ready, oil the soles of your feet as soon as you find something is wrong.

There are more than [-] puppet troops in the artillery building, all of which are stationed on the second floor.

After finishing speaking, the company commander of the puppet army walked to the second floor. Because of his panic, he fell and ate shit when he went down the stairs.

Seeing the flustered appearance of the company commander of the puppet army, a sergeant next to him approached Jiro Kato and said, "Captain, at this critical moment, I'm afraid these guys from the Imperial Association Army are unreliable, do you want to?"

While talking, the devil soldier made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Kato Jiro's eyes flashed fiercely, and he nodded slightly: "Mr. Katsumura, take two soldiers to watch and hold the Imperial Association Army. If they dare to make any changes, they will be executed immediately!"

"Hi!" Devil Sergeant Cao ordered two soldiers, and hurried to the second floor with rifles in hand.


An infantry artillery shell hit the outer wall of the cannon building again, and the three devils rolled down the stairs while the cannon building shook violently.

"Report to the squad leader!" The sentinel on the top of the turret hurried down to report, "The small turret has been bombarded and collapsed!"

"Nani?" Kato Jiro said in a hurry, and hurried to the shooting hole, ready to observe the situation of the small gun tower.

Suddenly, the devil's machine gunner operating the Type [-] heavy machine gun's head exploded without warning. It really exploded. The whole head was gone. It was so red and white that it sprayed Kato Jiro's face. The headless corpse was uncontrollable. Crouching on the ground, the devil's deputy shooter turned pale with fright when he saw this scene.

Kato Jiro looked back and saw the bowl-sized bullet hole on the inner wall of the gun tower, his eyes widened suddenly, his face full of horror.

(End of this chapter)

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