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Chapter 125 Stronghold and Gun Tower!

Chapter 125 Stronghold and Gun Tower!
In Liao County, the Dashiya Paolou on Yuliao Highway.

Lu Yingjun led the commando to crawl forward in the dark.

This stronghold is only 6 kilometers away from the county seat, and there is a medium-sized stronghold about 3 kilometers between the Dashiya stronghold and the county seat.

It didn't even take half an hour for the devil's reinforcements to arrive here.

Although a company of soldiers and engineer platoons used sparrow warfare and landmine warfare to block the attack, but the mission of this battle was not limited to this gun tower, so it had to be resolved quickly.

It is still a familiar fighting method, using most of the troops and firepower to attract the devil's firepower and attention from different directions.

Lu Yingjun led a combat team to approach the gun tower quietly from the flank.

It is worth mentioning that Wei Dayong is a really quick learner, and he was able to hit a hundred shots with a bazooka at a distance of 200 meters after firing a few training rockets.

With the same amount of training, as the captain, Lu Yingjun can only be confident in the 150-meter position, while the other players need to hit the 100-meter position.

Therefore, this time Lu Yingjun will arrive at a distance of 150 meters from the gun tower and use a rocket launcher to launch rockets.

At the position of 200 meters, Lu Yingjun signaled to Li Changshun behind him: "Turn off the searchlight."

This distance is the experience summed up from many battles. If it exceeds this distance, it will be easy to be seen by the devil sentinel on the gun tower.

Li Chang picked up the 98k sniper rifle by the way, pulled the bolt to push the bullet into the chamber, put the butt of the gun on his shoulder, and then pulled the trigger.

Sudden gunshots broke the tranquility of the night, and the searchlight on the top of the devil's gun tower burst with a ding.

As soon as the gunshot sounded, the feint attacking troops on the other two sides immediately poured their firepower towards the devil's gun tower.

The gunshots rang out like popping beans, and the bullets hit the gun tower with crackling sounds.

The devils and puppet soldiers in the blockhouse immediately exploded, and after a while, the two light machine guns in the blockhouse screamed wildly.

Fire against the machine gun firepoints in the other two directions.

This black light is blind, the two sides can only see the flames of the other side's machine gun fire, and then shoot there according to their feelings.

Taking advantage of the attraction of the devils and puppet soldiers in the turret, Lu Yingjun led the combat team to stand up, bow and run forward.

Only when he was within 150 meters from the Devil's Tower, Lu Yingjun gave the order to stop, took the bazooka out of the box, and began to prepare for launch.

The ammunitionist took out a rocket from the ammunition box and pulled out the safety pin. When he was about to reload, the gunfire in the gun tower suddenly stopped.

"Grandpa Balu outside, stop fighting, we surrender!"

"Grandpa Balu outside, stop fighting, we surrender!"

Some puppet soldiers shouted out from the gun tower, their voices were full of panic and fear, and even their voices were trembling and crying.

Lu Yingjun was stunned for a moment, and ordered to temporarily stop reloading.

It would be great if the gun tower could be taken down without bloodshed.

The power of this rocket is too great, half of the gun tower will be gone in one shot, and most of the weapons and ammunition inside will also be blown up.

In the other two directions, seeing that the devils in the blockhouse did not shoot, they also stopped shooting, and faintly heard the sound of begging from the blockhouse.

"Come out and raise your gun above your head!"

"Don't kill with guns!"

Those who shouted were soldiers from the other two directions.

Lu Yingjun and the soldiers around him did not speak, and they would not easily reveal their position. What if the puppet army pretended to surrender?

Not long after, the lower door of the blockhouse was pushed open, and more than a dozen puppet soldiers came out of the blockhouse holding guns, and several puppet soldiers held torches.

Lu Yingjun raised his binoculars and looked towards the devil's gun tower. The puppet army was terrified, trembling there, not like a false surrender.

Moreover, a Czech-style light machine gun with a crooked handle was also taken out and placed under the gun tower.

It seems that the puppet army killed the devils in the gun tower in order to survive, and then surrendered.

In fact, Lu Yingjun's guess was correct. The three blockhouses including Dalu Village were taken away overnight, and even the devils and puppet soldiers inside were burned to coke.

The devils were afraid that the Eighth Route Army would come to attack the artillery building again. The captain of the county gendarmerie sent most of the devils to the stronghold, leaving only a maximum of three devils to guard.

There were only two devils in the Dashiya gun tower. Not long after the battle started, the puppet soldiers knew that surrender was the only way to survive, so they worked together to kill the two devils, and then waved the white flag to shout to the Eight Roads, but it was dark, and the Eight Roads outside No white flag in sight.

Lu Yingjun has also encountered this situation before. It is not surprising or unexpected that this group of puppet soldiers turned around and aimed their guns at their ghost father in order to survive.

The next thing became simple, the puppet army became prisoners, two machine guns, more than 10 rifles and more than 2000 rounds of ammunition were captured by the Eight Routes.

After a loud bang, the gun tower and the corpses of the devils inside were blown to pieces.

This battle not only saved a rocket, but also captured a batch of equipment.

After taking down one of the gun towers, Lu Yingjun led the commando on horseback and rushed to the next devil gun tower.


at the same time.

Ant Ditch Tower in Yushe County.

The gun tower was built on a soil slope 200 meters away from the road to monitor the road and ensure the smooth operation of traffic.

However, at this time, the gun tower had been bombarded into ruins by Wei Dayong at a position of 200 meters.

The soldiers surrounded the gun tower, and Wei Dayong simply and quickly taught the backbone elites of each battalion the experience of taking down the gun tower.

"Actually, it's very simple to take down the devil's gun tower."

"Use two light machine guns to attract the attention of devils and puppet soldiers in the gun tower from two different directions."

"Use it again, big horn bazooka." Wei Dayong patted the guy on his hand, grinning slightly, "Shoot a cannon from 200 meters away, and send the devils and puppet soldiers to the west!"

There was a roar of laughter from the soldiers. They looked at the bazooka in Wei Dayong's hand and couldn't help licking their slightly chapped lips.

It was this guy who looked like a big trumpet, and it was incredible that he actually blew up the devil's blockhouse with one shot.

The eyes of the soldiers are a little hot, and they can't wait to operate it themselves, but currently there are only two bazookas in the new regiment.


"Go to the next blockhouse!"

Wei Dayong looked cold and stern, and with a sudden wave of his hand, the soldiers rushed towards the next gun tower. There was a sound of horseshoes in the night, and it disappeared quickly.


At the same time, in Liaoxian County, the Japanese Gendarmerie.

"Your Excellency, Major, the Lijiagou stronghold and the Dashiya gun tower are calling the county town for support at the same time!"

"The Lijiagou stronghold was attacked by a regiment from the Eighth Route, and the Dashiya artillery tower was attacked by a battalion from the Eighth Route!"

"The Eight Routes attacking the Lijiagou stronghold carry heavy firepower such as mortars and infantry artillery!"

It was the staff officer wearing glasses and Takeo Honda, the gendarmerie captain, in the same office, and the staff officer reported the news to Takeo Honda.

Takeo Honda's face was extremely ugly, and his scalp couldn't help but tingle.

It's okay for the Eight Routes to attack during the day, but it's a surprise attack at night. Who knows if the Eight Routes are engaging in the trick of encircling the spot again?

What if the dispatched reinforcements are ambushed by the Eight Route Army?
Reminiscent of the three blockhouses being taken away the night before yesterday, Takeo Honda's face became cloudy for a while.

For a while, it was unclear whether the main goal of the Eighth Route was the artillery towers and stronghold fortifications on the road, or whether it was setting the Japanese army in the county as a trap.

Another staff officer wearing glasses hurried in with an ugly expression and paused.

"Major, Second Lieutenant Kato from the Lijiagou stronghold has just reported that in addition to infantry artillery and mortars, the Eighth Route is also equipped with 75 caliber mountain artillery and machine guns."

"The two bunkers and the small artillery towers have been destroyed by the eight-way artillery fire!"

"Second Lieutenant Kato personally called and asked to send troops to help immediately, otherwise the Lijiagou stronghold will be in danger!"

"Nani? 75 caliber mountain cannons and machine guns?" Takeo Honda stood up suddenly when he heard this, his face was full of disbelief.

Could it be that the eighth road used 75-caliber mountain artillery and machine guns the night before yesterday to destroy the three gun towers?

ding ding ding-

The phone on the desk rang, Takeo Honda picked it up immediately, and put the phone to his ear.

"Moxi Moxi, this is the Liao County Gendarmerie."

A deep and cold voice came from the phone: "Honta-kun, I am Itatsu Naozu."

Itatsu Naochun was the captain of the Yushe County Gendarmerie, and like Takeo Honda, he belonged to the Fourth Brigade and both had the rank of Major.

"Hi Itatsu-kun." Takeo Honda said, "Call me so late, what's the matter?"

Itatsu Naosumi said casually: "Honta-kun, have you received a call for help from Second Lieutenant Kato?"

Takeo Honda nodded.

"I also just received a call from Kato-kun for help."

"The Dashiya gunhouse in our defense area was also attacked by eight routes."

"Nani?" Itatsu Naosumi said in astonishment, "The Ant Ditch gun tower in our defense area was also attacked by eight forces!"

The two were stunned at the same time, and the only sound of each other's heavy breathing could be heard on the phone.

After a while, Takeo Honda said in a deep voice, "Banjin-kun, the goal of the Eighth Road is the fortification of the entire Yuliao Highway!"

Itatsu Naosumi also said: "The Eight Routes are likely to come out in full force, and they are well-equipped and well-prepared. Now you and I are leading our troops to help, and we are likely to fall into the trap of the Eight Routes!"

"Tonight's battle situation has exceeded expectations. It is not something I can handle. I suggest asking Major General Tsuda for tactical guidance!"

"I agree!" After finishing speaking, Takeo Honda hung up the phone with a snap.

Afterwards, Takeo Honda looked at the two staff officers: "Immediately send a report to the head of the brigade that the artillery towers and strongholds on the Yuliao Highway in our defense area have been attacked by the Eight Routes on a large scale, and I request tactical guidance!"

"Hi!" After a pause, the two staff officers walked out quickly.


Lijiagou stronghold.

The small artillery building and the two blockhouses have been destroyed, and the barracks in the stronghold were riddled with holes by mortar bombs, leaving only the large artillery building still struggling to support it.

The eight-way infantry artillery, machine guns, and field artillery were all aimed at the cannon tower and bombarded wildly.

The devil's machine gunner's head was blown off just now, and a stray bullet from a 20mm machine gun shot in from the machine gun hole.

In order to provide the gunners with a good view, the mortars of the Eighth Route Army continued to fire flares in the direction of the stronghold.


There was a violent explosion, accompanied by the vibration of the turret, and a shell hit the turret, shattering a large part of the outer wall.

(End of this chapter)

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