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Chapter 134 How many shells are there in the 8-way?

Chapter 134 How many shells are there in the eight roads?

"Then I'll make a long story short." Li Yunlong looked serious, "I'll give you a task for the Sword Squad now, go around the back of the hillside and kill the devil's artillery position for me."

"We have scouted the reverse slope of that hillside in advance, and behind it is a cliff close to 20 meters high."

"Others can't go up, but it's not a big problem for your Sword Special Forces."

"What you have to pay attention to is, try to go as far away as possible, so as not to be discovered by the devils in the front stronghold."

"Yes!" Lu Yingjun declared, "The Sword Squad promises to complete the task!"

Li Yunlong waved his hand: "Go!"

Lu Yingjun galloped down the slope, and ran quickly towards the location of the Sword Special Team.

The members of the White Sword Special Team were impatient. The first battalion was fighting lively in front, the second and third battalions protected the left and right wings, and the White Sword Special Team had nothing to do.

Each team member had a military horse beside them, and when they saw the captain galloping over, their expressions changed.

"Get on the horse!" Lu Yingjun quickly ran to his horse, and quickly turned on the horse with a stride.

Li Changshun asked, "Captain, is there a mission?"

Lu Yingjun said: "The commander asked us to go around and take out the devil's artillery position."

"Hey, that's a good job." Wei Dayong grinned, "Let's stab the devil in the ass."

"Let's go!" Lu Yingjun gave an order, and the team members rode military horses towards the left direction of the stronghold.

In order not to be discovered by the devils in the stronghold, the Sword Squad needs to go around for several kilometers. At this time, the advantage of the Sword Squad equipped with military horses is reflected, which can greatly save the physical strength and time of the members of the Sword Squad.

On the front of the battlefield, under the cover of artillery fire, the devils and puppet soldiers charged towards the battlefield of the first battalion with their rifles in hand.

The Japanese and puppet troops did not charge mindlessly like in the TV series, but scattered widely, approaching the position of the first battalion in a skirmish line.

This group of devils are also very thieves, basically following behind the puppet army's buttocks, try to be in the same line as the puppet army soldiers in front, so it is difficult to be hit by bullets.


Subsequently, Zhang Dabiao ordered to open fire.

Immediately, the three companies of the first battalion fired at the puppet troops and devils who rushed up.

From the very beginning, Zhang Dabiao did not hide and used all his firepower.

Da da da, da da, da da da...

Gunshots rang out like popping beans, and a dense rain of bullets immediately poured towards the puppet army at the front. Even if the puppet army scattered widely, they fell down in pieces.

In addition, the artillery company covered the devils hiding behind the puppet army with artillery fire. Let alone the devils bombarded the firepower with grenades, the devils were already like mud bodhisattvas crossing the river.

The first wave of attacks by the puppet army and the devils was easily repelled, and the corpses of the puppet army lay in front of the first battalion.

As soon as the devils and puppet troops retreated, the devil artillery on the reverse slope immediately started to work, and the artillery fire began to sweep across the position of the first battalion.

Stone box stronghold, in the cannon building.

"Your Excellency, the Eighth Route Army has strong firepower and has established a solid defensive position."

A staff officer reported to Takeo Honda what he had observed in the probing attack.

Takeo Honda's face was also a little dignified at this time, the firepower of this Eight Routes was really beyond his expectation.

In his opinion, the eighth route and one battalion in front have at most five or six machine guns, which is enough.

However, the fact is that he just saw more than 100 flames protruding from the Eighth Route Army's position, and the puppet army of more than 200 people was caught off guard and more than half of them were killed or injured.

What the hell, is this eight-way equipped with more than 100 machine guns?

In fact, there are about 30 machine guns in the first battalion, and the other tongues of fire are mainly the submachine guns of the assault company.

With such a strong firepower from the Eight Routes, it is impossible to eliminate the Eight Routes from the front with the strength of the troops in his hands.

The fortifications of the Eighth Route Army have been dug, and there are very few Eighth Route Army that can be killed by artillery fire, not to mention that the Japanese army does not have unlimited shells.

Moreover, the artillery positions of the eight routes on the reverse slope are too great a threat to the Japanese and puppet troops attacking from the front.

If you can kill the eight-way artillery position on the reverse slope...

Thinking of this, Takeo Honda ordered.

"The artillery continued to fire half a base of ammunition to the eight-way position."

"The first squadron attacked from the front, and the second and third squadrons attacked in a roundabout way."

"The Royal Association Army cooperates in the attack."

Suppressing artillery fire, diverting infantry from the frontal attack, and attacking from the flanks, Takeo Honda showed his military qualities as a major in the Japanese army.

After the Japanese army discovered that the tactics of artillery bombarding infantry and infantry rushing, and infantry rushing after artillery bombing were ineffective, the Japanese army often adopted a flanking attack strategy.

The devil's artillery observer received the order from the flag commander, and the artillery continued to fire. Amidst the rumbling sound, patches of mud and fog were raised on the position of the first battalion.

The artillery fire has not stopped, there are more than 100 puppet troops and more than 100 devils in the front, attacking the position of the first battalion with rifles.

Behind the devils attacking from the front, more than 100 devils and more than 100 puppet troops on the left and right flanks detoured towards the hillside where the artillery position was located.

The devil knew that there was no way to hide from the observers on the top of the opposite mountain, so he swaggered and attacked the two wings of the opposite mountain.

But the devils did not expect that Li Datuan had already prepared on the two wings for the arrival of the devils and puppet troops.

The two companies of the second battalion and the third battalion each established temporary positions on the flanks and set up firepower points.

Moreover, Li Yunlong also placed 11 cannons on the two wings separately, and each battalion was also equipped with 4 bazooka rocket launchers.

Facing the devils and puppet soldiers rushing forward without concealing their whereabouts, the soldiers of the second and third battalions of course entertained them friendly with weapons.

All kinds of light and heavy machine guns, machine guns, bazookas, and rifles greeted the devils and puppet soldiers.

At the beginning, the devils and the puppet army tried to stabilize their position and find a cover to fight back, but the devils and the puppet army soon tasted the terrifying power of machine guns and bazooka.

The 20mm machine gun shells fired smashed the devils into pieces of flesh and blood. After the shells crushed the devils or puppet soldiers, they continued to fly forward, reaping the lives of the devils and puppet soldiers.

The bazooka, which is comparable to the power of the 105 howitzer, flew into the crowd of devils and puppet soldiers with a long tail flame, and it exploded into a large area.

Under the powerful firepower, the puppet army collapsed first, turned around and ran wildly, unable to muster the slightest courage to resist.

Although the devils had a high level of fighting literacy, they couldn't hold back the puppet army who took the lead in fleeing, and retreated one after another.

During the rout, many devils and puppet troops were shot in the back, and almost half of the devils and puppet troops on the left and right flanks were lost.

The enemy attacking from the front was not much better. In the face of the gunfire from the gun tower and the powerful firepower of the first battalion, the losses were more serious than those of the left and right wings.

"Ba Ga, how is it possible?"

"Why does the Eighth Route Army still have so many shells? How can it have such strong firepower?"

Seeing that the three attacking troops on the left, center and right were defeated almost simultaneously, Takeo Honda looked as if he was constipated.

This eight way is too evil...

With the strength of 400 Japanese troops and 400 imperial association troops in his hands, it is enough to defeat a regiment of the Eighth Route Army. In his knowledge, a regiment of the Eighth Route Army has less than 10 bullets per soldier on average, and almost no artillery shells. The reason for daring to take the initiative to attack with inferior forces.

Could it be that Li Yunlong's new group is on the opposite side?The more Takeo Honda thought about it, the more he had this possibility.

The name Li Yunlong is also very famous in the First Army of the Japanese Army, and Li Yunlong is well known in the Fourth Brigade, because the Sakata Regiment, which belonged to the Fourth Brigade, was defeated by Li Yunlong.The commander of the Fourth Brigade, Mitake Tsuda, asked the soldiers to remember the name Li Yunlong, not because he wanted to worship him, but because he wanted the soldiers to remember that one day Li Yunlong's head must be cut off, washed and nailed to the pillar of shame The Fourth Brigade.

Judging from the intelligence, Li Yunlong's Xinyi regiment is known for its ferocious firepower.

Thinking that the opponent was most likely Li Yunlong, Takeo Honda heaved a sigh of relief, and the loss of this battle was not so uncomfortable.

After all, the elite of more than 3000 people under the command of Sakata Nobutetsu were defeated, not to mention a few hundred people in his area?

On the soil slope opposite the Shixia stronghold, there is the temporary headquarters of the new regiment.

Seeing the heavy casualties of the devils and the puppet army, they hurriedly retreated to the stronghold.

"Captain, the devil's three axes are finished." Zhao Gang said, "It's time for us to attack."

Li Yunlong looked at the sky and said unhurriedly: "It's still early, don't worry, we have plenty of time to play with devils today."

Now the new regiment has 70mm infantry guns, 75mm field guns, and bazooka rocket launchers from each battalion that pose a threat to the Devil's battery.

Needless to say, the bazooka must be fired at least within 300 meters of the gun tower to have a chance to hit the gun tower, while infantry artillery and field artillery are best able to aim and shoot directly at the gun tower.

The premise of aiming and shooting is absolutely safe, but the devils still have artillery positions, so they will not watch you aim and shoot.

When the sharp sword detachment kills the artillery array on the reverse slope, it is time for the new regiment to attack.

Therefore, the key to whether the stronghold can be removed today is to see whether the Sword Squad can successfully remove the devil artillery position on the reverse slope.

The remaining hundreds of devils and puppet troops began to build fortifications in the stronghold, posing a long-term confrontation.

After about 15 minutes like this, suddenly there was a rumbling sound like thunder from the opposite side, and then Li Yunlong saw a large piece of gunpowder smoke rising above the stone box stronghold through the telescope.

Li Yunlong smiled happily: "Haha, it should be the devil's shell that was detonated. It seems that the Sword Squad has succeeded."

"Pass my order, the artillery company will immediately cover the stronghold with artillery fire!"

The soldiers of the artillery company who received the order were indifferent. The most frequently heard order during this period was artillery coverage.

A moment later, there were continuous and rapid muffled noises from the artillery battery position, and the dense shells pierced through the rising and falling gunpowder smoke, passing over the road with a sharp whistling sound.

Zhao Gang saw in the field of vision in the optical sight that the Japanese army's heavy machine gun positions piled up with dozens of sandbags on the left were hit by several shells. The box stronghold was shrouded in fire and gunpowder.

"How many shells are there on the eighth road!?"

Devils and puppet soldiers wailed in the Shixia stronghold.

 Begging for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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