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Chapter 135 Let's Get Rich!

Chapter 135 Let's Get Rich!
Time rewinds 5 minutes.

Lu Yingjun led more than [-] team members to move quietly to the cliff behind the Shixia stronghold.

The horses were tethered in a nearby grove.

The mountains in the southeast of Shanxi are relatively barren. Even though it is summer now, the mountains have a gloomy hue.

At the bottom of the cliff, everyone could even hear the muffled sound of the devil's artillery above the cliff.

Approaching the bottom of the cliff, Lu Yingjun made a sign language to Wei Dayong, the three team leaders, that the first combat team came first.

Wei Dayong, Duan Peng, and 10 members of the first combat team quickly took out the flying claw hook and climbing rope, swung them a few times in their hands, and then threw them upwards.

With a slight sound of ding ding ding, the flying claw hook was firmly hooked to the rock on the top of the cliff, and then the team members pulled the climbing rope vigorously to ensure that the flying claw hook was completely fixed.

The first combat team pulled the rope with their hands, stepped on the rock wall, and climbed up like agile apes.

These flying claw hooks and rock climbing ropes were also seized from the devils, and they are very useful. The cliff at the end of Yangcun Village has also become the best rock climbing training ground for the Sword Squad.

Wei Dayong and Duan Peng were the first to climb to the edge of the cliff. They held the climbing rope with one hand, and their heads and the German MP40 stuck out almost at the same time.

There is no devil sentinel on the edge of the cliff. The devil's artillery position is located 150 meters away from the cliff. The short grass and trees are distributed irregularly. Occasionally, a few trees with the thickness of a bowl block the devil's view of the cliff. .

Wei Dayong and Duan Peng grabbed the climbing rope and jumped lightly. They were already standing on the top of the cliff, and the members of the first team on both sides climbed up one after another.

Since he was not discovered by the devils, Wei Dayong led the first combat team to alert immediately, covering the second and third combat teams to come up.

The devil's artillery was still frantically firing at the position of the first battalion, unaware that the scythe of death was approaching their necks.

At the cliff, more than [-] team members were ready. Following Lu Yingjun's forward sign language, the three combat teams moved towards the devil's artillery position in battle formation.

Because the Devil Artillery felt that this place was absolutely safe, the Devil Squad with only a dozen or so people was responsible for protection.

There are only about 100 gunners, artillerymen, and devils as guards.

The first person to discover Eight Roads was a ghost ammoman. He turned around carrying the ammunition box and saw several gray figures appearing in the grass of the artillery position.

startled him.

Before he could yell out, a high-speed spinning bullet hit his forehead, and the huge impact made the devil fall on his back.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of gunshots rang out sparsely. No bursts of fire could be heard, only a mess of single-shot gunshots.

Although the firepower did not appear to be intensive, almost every gunshot had a devil down, and almost without exception, the devil was shot in the eyebrows.

A dozen devil guards were all killed in one encounter, and the rest was to call the devil artillery one by one.

Most of the devil artillerymen were not equipped with weapons, and only a few were equipped with pistols. When they were defenseless, they could only be slaughtered in front of the special forces who were all super shooters.

The entire battle lasted less than 1 minute, and the Devil's artillery was wiped out, leaving no one alive. The Sword Squad successfully occupied the artillery position.

Four 4-type infantry guns and 4 81-type [-]mm mortars were seized by the Lijian special unit.

Behind each gun, there are also many shell boxes.

Looking at 4 Type 4 infantry guns and [-] mortars.

"What should we do now?" Wei Dayong asked while holding a submachine gun, "Captain, shall we withdraw?"

"Captain, we can't withdraw!" Wang Xikui was anxious, this withdrawal meant blowing up the artillery that had just been seized.

"Yeah, we can't withdraw!" Li Changshun also said, "If the head of the regiment knows that we have blown up 8 cannons, wouldn't he be so heartbroken?"

The three team leaders and a group of team members looked at Lu Yingjun.

Lu Yingjun was thinking quickly in his mind.

It is absolutely impossible for the devils who have lost their artillery positions to be the opponents of the new regiment.

If you want to keep these cannons, you can only quickly occupy the commanding heights of Shixia Mountain, and attack the Shixia stronghold with the regiment leader on both sides.

But how can we notify the head of the regiment as soon as possible that the devil's artillery position has been taken by us?

At this time, most of the devils in the stronghold already knew that something had happened to their artillery position, and there was still some distance between the artillery position and the top of the mountain, so he needed time to rush.

Immediately, Lu Yingjun looked at the ammunition boxes on the ground.

Immediately he ordered: "Monk, detonate the shells in those boxes and send a message to the group leader and the others."

"The rest immediately follow me to occupy the commanding heights!"

"Yes!" Wei Dayong straightened himself up.

Lu Yingjun led his men towards the commanding heights on the top of the mountain to kill.

Wei Dayong turned his head and said, "Duan Peng, Wang Gensheng, you two each carry a box of shells and follow me."

The three of them each moved a box of 70mm shells to an open space, pried open the box with a bayonet, and put 9 shells together.

"Go farther away." Wei Dayong took out a big tumor and said, "Be careful not to be broken by the shrapnel."

"Captain, let me do it." Wang Gensheng hurriedly stopped Wei Dayong.

"That's okay, Gensheng, you come." Wei Dayong knew that Wang Gensheng was a good pitcher, so he said immediately.

Wang Gensheng, Wei Dayong and Duan Peng ran towards the top of the mountain for more than 30 meters. Wang Gensheng took out a large tumor, pulled the matchlock and threw it in the direction of the shell pile, then turned and ran to the top of the mountain without looking at it.

Turn back with confidence.

The big tumor landed precisely on the pile of shells, and then there were several loud bangs, and a mushroom cloud that turned into gunpowder smoke rose suddenly.

Wei Dayong, Duan Peng and Wang Gensheng immediately ran to the top of the mountain.

The three of them were all excited when they smelled blood, and they were afraid that all the devils would be killed.

Before Lu Yingjun and the others ran to the top of the mountain, Li Yunlong, who heard the explosion and saw the gunpowder smoke, ordered the artillery company to fire at the Shixia stronghold.

The shells fell on the Shixia stronghold one after another, and the devils and puppet troops on the front slope had no time to reinforce the reverse slope. The Sword Squad took this opportunity to occupy the commanding heights and formed a condescending trend towards the Shixia stronghold.

Li Yunlong, who saw this scene through the binoculars, couldn't help but twitched his mouth: "It seems that the Sword Squad not only completed the task, but also captured the devil's artillery."

"Haha... 4 Type 4 infantry guns and [-] mortars."

"Old Zhao, let's get rich."

"How do you know that the Sword Squad captured the devil's cannon?" Zhao Gang also saw the Sword Squad appearing on the top of the mountain in the scope.

"The reason is very simple." Li Yunlong said, "If the devil blows up all the cannons before he dies, there will definitely be more than the little movement just now."

"What's more, if the devils blow up all the cannons, there is no need for the Sword Squad to occupy that commanding height."

"Now that Lu Yingjun has occupied the commanding heights, it means that the Sword Squad is protecting those cannons."

"It seems to make sense." Zhao Gang nodded and said.

"Give me the order!" Li Yunlong turned his head and shouted: "Push Laozi's infantry artillery and Italian artillery to the front, aim at the devil's artillery tower and blast his mother!"

"The mortars come directly to the front and provide artillery support to the Sword Squad!"

Li Yunlong figured it out with his toes, and the devils would definitely counterattack next, trying to regain the artillery position.

The stone box stronghold that lost its artillery support can only be eaten by the new group.

The members of the Sword Squad are Li Yunlong's treasures, and every member would not be replaced by a battalion commander, so Li Yunlong naturally would not begrudge the shells.

After the devils lost their artillery position, the artillery company of the new regiment had no scruples and let go of their hands and feet completely.

First, the infantry artillery and field artillery were drawn by mules to the position of the first battalion, and a dozen mortars were moved forward to the top of the slope to build an artillery position in front of the devils.

Here you can have a panoramic view of the front slope of the entire stone box stronghold, and the gunner can get the most out of it.

At the same time, in the stone box stronghold.

The Eighth Route Army temporarily stopped shelling, and the devils and puppet troops in the stronghold were able to breathe for a while.

When he learned that the artillery position had fallen, Major Takeo Honda's mentality almost collapsed on the spot.

Takeo Honda thought it would be safe to set up the artillery position on the reverse slope, but he didn't expect Hachiro to climb up from the cliff.

Could it be that Balu has three heads and six arms?

So smooth cliffs can climb up?

A staff officer hurried up from the stairs, paused at Takenan Honda, and said, "Major, there are two pieces of news, one good news and one bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Takeo Honda said, "I want to hear the good news first."

The staff officer said: "The good news is that the Banner Commander reported that the Eighth Route Army did not blow up the mortars and infantry artillery!"

In order to transmit information conveniently and quickly, Takeo Honda's orders are all conveyed by the flag commander through the semaphore.

The devil's shooting parameters and shooting parameters on the reverse slope were also conveyed by the observers and flag commanders on the top of the mountain. After seeing the artillery position being attacked, the Eight Routes came to the top of the mountain again, and the devil's observers and flag commanders slipped away directly. up.

"Yoxi!" Takenao Honda's face relaxed, as long as the eight roads did not blow up the artillery, there is still a possibility of snatching it back.

"What about the bad news?"

"The bad news is..." the staff officer paused and said, "The Eight Routes attacking the artillery position occupied the commanding height of Shixia Mountain!"

Takeo Honda's expression darkened and he asked, "How many troops are there in the Eight Routes attacking the artillery positions?"

The staff officer said: "According to the report of the observers, there are about 30 people in the Eight Routes, but these Eight Routes use all automatic firepower, and their marksmanship is extremely accurate."

"Our artillery and guards were all killed in less than 1 minutes!"

"Hachi!" Takeo Honda said angrily, "Immediately mobilize soldiers to destroy this group of Eight Routes and take back the artillery position!"

"Hi!" The staff officer suddenly nodded, then walked towards the stairs, and quickly disappeared in the stairwell.

Soon the Japanese army staff organized its forces, and a commando composed of more than 100 devils and puppet troops attacked the top of the mountain with rifles in hand.

Takeo Honda also walked out of the gun tower and used binoculars to observe the position occupied by the Eighth Route Army at the commanding height behind the stronghold.

The crossfire composed of 1 Type 2 heavy machine gun and [-] crooked light machine guns overwhelmed the eight roads on the top of the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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