I am helping

Chapter 137

Chapter 137

In Taiyuan, the headquarters of the Japanese First Army.

Commander Shinozuka Yoshio is reporting to Miyano Michiichi the cage policy implemented in Shanxi.

It was for this reason that Miyano Doichi came here to test and inspect the implementation of the policy of the First Army on behalf of Commander Tada Hayao of the North China Front Army.

Hideyoshi Kusuyama, chief of staff of the First Army, and Kazuki Yamamoto were on the sidelines.

After Shinozuka Yoshio finished speaking, Chief of Staff Kusuyama Hideyoshi pointed at the map of Shanxi with a thin stick.

"General Miyano, at present our First Army has followed Commander Tada's order to build a large number of railways, roads, strongholds and bunkers in the jurisdiction."

"And in strict accordance with the commander's deployment, build a stronghold every 10 miles on the road and every 5 miles on the railway."

"In the plains and lake areas, the Chinese people were driven to dig new river ditches and divide the Eight Route bases into several small pieces."

"At present, the deployment of strongholds along Tongpu Road and Zhengtai Road has basically been completed, and the Baijin Railway is about to be completed."

"After the completion of the Baijin Railway, we also plan to build the Linhan Railway to divide the two bandit areas of Taihang and Taiyue on the Eighth Route into four, so as to facilitate the encirclement and suppression."

Miyano Michiichi nodded while sipping Biluochun: "I came from Tongpu Road by train, and it was true that I was not attacked by the Eighth Route guerrillas. It can be seen that the defensive deployment of General Shinozuka and Mr. Reported by the Commander."

Shinozuka Yoshio said bluntly: "It all depends on Commander Tada's clever cage policy. I'm just waiting to execute orders."

Gongye Daoyi looks at the Yuliao Highway that goes deep into the hinterland of the Taihang Base.

"General Xiaozuka, the imperial army has lost control of the Yuliao Highway, what are you going to do?"

The road from Yangquan to Yushe via Pingding, Heshun, and Liao counties was the deepest road for the Japanese army to break into the Taihang base area.

The Japanese army attempted to extend the road to the southwest and connect it with the Baijin Railway via Wuxiang, so as to divide the Daxing area and flexibly mobilize the troops of Zhengtai and Baijin.

Therefore, Shinozuka Yoshio will never give up control of this highway.

At the same time, Shinozuka Yoshio knew very well that the Eighth Road would never let it go, so he dispatched a large-scale force overnight to destroy the strongholds and artillery towers on the Yuliao Highway.

"I plan to build reinforced concrete strongholds, gun towers and bunkers on this road."

"In order to regain control of the Yuliao Highway and firmly control it."

Shinozuka Yoshio said while clenching his fists.

"When the Linhan Railway is completed, the road from Yushe to Wuxiang and then to the Baijin Railway will also be successfully opened."

"At that time, our troops will be able to freely enter and exit the Eighth Route Base along roads and railways."

"Our troops, armored vehicles, artillery and military supplies can be continuously transported to southeast Shanxi through railways and roads."

"It won't take long to attack and sweep the Taihang and Taiyue bandit bases with this method..."

Yoshio Shinozuka was talking vigorously, but Kazuki Yamamoto couldn't listen anymore.

"With all due respect, General, this is just wishful thinking on your part."

"I don't think the so-called cage policy can trap Eight Routes and their bases at all."

Kazuki Yamamoto's tone was cold, and he interrupted Shinozuka Yoshio's words mercilessly.

Although this is very offensive, but for the benefit of the entire Great Japanese Empire, Yamamoto has to say it.

Yoshio Shinozuka's speech came to an abrupt end, and he was a little stunned.

"Yaga, Yamamoto-kun, do you know what you're talking about?" Chief of Staff Kusuyama Hideyoshi scolded.

Kusuyama Hideyoshi has long disliked Kazuki Yamamoto, and no one cares about this guy except Yoshio Shinozuka.

Relying on Yoshio Shinozuka's favor, Kazuki Yamamoto contradicted him many times in meetings, which made him unable to step down.

This time, Kusuyama Hideyoshi couldn't bear to confront Commander Shinozuka in front of Major General Miyamoto.

Michimoto Miyamoto couldn't help but look sullen, he, the Chief of Staff of the North China Front Army, also offered advice and suggestions on the cage policy proposed by Hayao Tada.When Kazuki Yamamoto said this, he was simply saying that the prison cages made by spending a lot of financial and material resources and deploying a large number of troops are rubbish, pointing at the noses of Miyano Michiichi and Tada Hayao and saying that they are rubbish.

"I'm sorry, General!" Kazuki Yamamoto paused.

Kazuki Yamamoto and his secret service team participated in the Battle of Nomenkan. After that, no other general wanted him. Only Yoshio Shinozuka took in Yamamoto and his secret service team and was very interested in his special operations. As the saying goes Chollima often has Bole, but Yamamoto respects Shinozuka Yoshio very much.

Seeing Kazuki Yamamoto's apology, Yoshio Shinozuka didn't pursue it, fearing that this guy would offend Major General Miyamoto again, he waved his hand and said, "It's okay, Yamamoto-kun, you should step down first."

"Hi!" Kazuki Yamamoto paused and prepared to go out.

"Wait." Miyano Michiichi stretched out his hand to stop him and said, "Yamamoto-kun, please tell us your opinion on our North China Front Army's recent battle in North China."

As soon as the cage policy was implemented, the North China Front Army Command agreed that under such a tight blockade, the Eighth Route Base Area, which was short of supplies, would show signs of fatigue, but the fact is exactly the opposite. Judging from the feedback from various places, there are enemies everywhere. And the resistance is getting fiercer.

Miyano Michiichi really wanted to know, what went wrong?
Kazuki Yamamoto turned around and said:

"With all due respect, General!"

"The biggest problem with the cage policy, or the biggest flaw, is the lack of defense and the lack of offense."

"In the past, the attacking troops of the Imperial Army and the Imperial Association Army entered the so-called base areas to sweep, and the Eighth Route Army that could still pursue them fled everywhere, and were forced to abandon their base areas, and fled in pieces. After the imperial army left, the Eighth Route Army returned to the base area. "

"With the current cage policy, the Imperial Army and the Imperial Association Army have dispersed most of their forces into tens of thousands of strongholds and artillery towers, greatly dispersing their superior forces."

"In this way, the Eighth Route Army can frequently attack weak defensive points while gaining respite in the base area."

"Although the scale of each battle is small and negligible, it can add up to more, and the water will form the sea."

Miyano Michiichi said: "Yamamoto-kun, you say that the troops are dispersed, which is a fact that cannot be denied, but as long as the cage is stabilized, troops can be mobilized from various places, and the troops can be concentrated to carry out a dragnet-like division and sweep. The Eighth Route Army cannot escape. , then the law and order in North China can be completely eliminated.”

"The crux of the problem is." Kazuki Yamamoto said in a deep voice, "The deputy commander of the Eighth Route Army is known for his tough character. He will never sit still and watch the formation of the prison cage and the destruction of the Yuliao Highway. It’s just the beginning, there should be bigger actions in the future.”

"Then Yamamoto-kun thinks, how to break the situation?" Miyano Michiichi asked with an expression.

"It's not difficult to break the situation. Our North China Front Army only needs to innovate its tactics, form a large number of elite small units, equip them with sophisticated weapons, and then go deep into the hinterland of the bandit area. The air force will cooperate with the execution of the beheading operation against the eight-way regiment-level and above command organizations..." Yamamoto Kazu Wood said.

"Yamamoto-kun." Kusuyama Hideyoshi sarcastically said, "You're promoting so-called special operations again."

"Looking at modern warfare, which battle that determines the outcome is not fought by a large army?"

"Small commando special operations is nothing more than a hack."

Kazuki Yamamoto glanced at Hideyoshi Kusuyama, and he didn't even bother to refute this kind of officer with a rigid mind and corrupt thinking.

Miyano Michiichi also nodded and said: "With the current strength of the Eighth Route Army, it is impossible to launch a small-scale battle like the Yuliao Highway at most, and it is impossible to completely destroy the cage."

Just when Yoshio Shinozuka was about to express his opinion.

"Your Excellency, General!" Communications Staff Toshimatsu Kasai walked in, holding a telegram in his hand.

"The Fourth Brigade reported that the strongholds and artillery towers around Liao County were attacked by eight groups. Within one day, 4 strongholds and 19 artillery towers were destroyed."

"Master Takeshi Honda in Liao County led his troops to reinforce, but was defeated by the Eighth Route Army. Taketake Honda asked for reinforcements!"

"Nani?" Yoshio Shinozuka said in disbelief, "How many imperial troops have you lost?"

After a pause, Yoshio Shinozuka said, "Give me the telegram."

Seeing this, Shinozuka Yoshio was stunned on the spot.

The telegram said: This morning, the strongholds and artillery towers around the county seat of Liao County were attacked by the Eighth Route Army. Within a day, 4 strongholds and 19 artillery towers were destroyed. In the new regiment of the elite 386 brigade, Takeo Honda personally led more than 400 imperial soldiers and more than 400 imperial alliance troops to the reinforcements. In the end, only more than 100 imperial soldiers and dozens of imperial troops returned to the county.

Takeo Honda speculated that the Eighth Route would attack the city with large-scale armed forces in the next step, so he asked for tactical guidance from the Fourth Brigade and the Taiyuan Headquarters.

In the telegram, Takeo Honda did not dare to mention that the 4 infantry guns and 4 mortars were seized by the Eighth Route. If the brigade commander and Yoshio Shinozuka found out, Takeo Honda would be fired from his post at least, or ordered to cut himself into seppuku. Apologize.

"Xinyituan, Li Yunlong?" Shinozuka Yoshio's tone was dark.

"Who is Li Yunlong?" Miyano Michiichi asked with a slight expression on his face, "There seems to be no such person among the senior commanders of the Eighth Route Army."

Shinozuka Yoshio said: "This person is the head of the Xinyi Regiment of the 386th Brigade. Ben Masao believes that the attack on the surrounding strongholds and artillery buildings in Liao County is the Xinyi Regiment."

"It's just the head of the district." Miyano Michi waved his hand. "There is nothing to be afraid of."

"Miyano-kun, don't underestimate Li Yunlong." Yoshio Shinozuka said, "Sakata died at the hands of Li Yunlong, and he even ate up two full-staffed Kwantung Army squadrons with the strength of the reinforced battalion. Li Yunlong was also responsible for all the Yu Sui of the brigade, and Li Yunlong's new regiment also participated in the Yu Sui of the Black Island Cavalry Regiment, and Li Yunlong led his troops to capture Qixian County."

"Yamamoto-kun was also defeated by Li Yunlong." Kusuyama Hideyoshi added.

Kazuki Yamamoto: "???"

"Huh?" Michiko Miyano narrowed his eyes, "Is there such a brave and skilled fighter in the Eighth Route Army? Mr. Xiaozuka, do you have any details about this person?"

"Not yet." Shinozuka Yoshio said awkwardly, "Li Yunlong's position is relatively low, and my intelligence department has not yet collected detailed information about this person."

"Okay then." Miyano Michiichi said, "When I return to the headquarters, I will order the intelligence department of the North China Front Army to collect information on Li Yunlong."

Shinozuka Yoshio said: "Then I would like to thank Miyano-kun."

As for what Kazuki Yamamoto said, the Eighth Route Army is likely to take bigger actions, neither Yoshio Shinozuka nor Doichi Miyano took it to heart.

In the final analysis, the Xinyi Regiment is only the most elite unit of the Eighth Route that has achieved this result, and the other Eighth Route units are not worth mentioning.

(End of this chapter)

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