I am helping

Chapter 138 This is a single big deal!

Chapter 138 This is a single big deal!

It was the third day that the new regiment took down the strongholds and artillery towers around the county seat of Liao County.

Political commissar Zhao Gang went to the division headquarters for a meeting.

And today, it was also the day when Chen Feng delivered the goods. Leader Li Datuan had been waiting at the entrance of the village early.

This time it was equivalent to 31 cannons, and he chose 21 bazookas and 10 cannons.

Adding the original 14 bazookas and 16 cannons, the new regiment has 35 bazookas and 26 cannons.

Among them, 5 machine guns were hidden and not on the bright side.

The firepower is simply terrifying.

It was not until noon that Chen Feng's transport team appeared on the mountain road in front of the village entrance.

Li Yunlong hurried forward to meet him, and the guard Huang Erhu quickly followed behind him.

Seeing Li Yunlong approaching with a battering gun, Chen Feng jumped off the mule cart, cupped his hands and said, "Boss Li, congratulations on getting rich."

Chen Feng was really afraid that if he didn't pay attention, Li Yunlong would give him a bear hug. Li Yunlong's clothes were dirty no matter whether it was winter or summer. This guy didn't pay attention to personal hygiene.

Although the military uniform worn by Zhao Gang is also old, it is very clean.

Li Yunlong cupped his hands, and then said: "Brother, can you change the word next time, the word Gong Xi Fa Cai, it makes me panic when I hear it."

"Then I'll just say congratulations, not getting rich."

Chen Feng said with a suppressed smile.

He knew that Li Yunlong had made several fortunes with him during this period, and the brigade commander must have robbed him a lot.

Li Yunlong could hear the shadow of the words Gong Xi Fa Cai.

"It's so good." Li Yunlong looked at the transportation team behind Chen Feng, secretly pleased, but his expression remained the same, "Brother has worked hard all the way, and every time I let you deliver the goods, please come inside."

Chen Feng was also polite and walked towards the regiment headquarters.

Li Yunlong turned his head to Liu Dali, the leader of the guard platoon, and ordered, "Xiao Liu, take someone to unload all the weapons and ammunition, and move them to the warehouse."

There's a little too much this time.

21 bazookas, more than 600 rockets, 10 machine guns, 3000 machine shells, and more than a dozen mule carts alone, the room next to Li Yunlong's regiment couldn't fit them.

After finishing the order, Li Yunlong quickly walked to the inner room of the regiment headquarters, and Chen Feng sat cross-legged on the kang without seeing him.

When Chen Feng saw Li Yunlong coming in, he asked, "Why don't you see Commissar Zhao?"

"Commissioner Zhao went to a meeting."

Li Yunlong was a little jealous, and the younger brother asked Political Commissar Zhao, did he want to see Political Commissar Zhao that much?
Also, the last time I gave gifts to political commissar Zhao, I didn't give gifts to Lao Li. Is it because Lao Li has a bad relationship with you?

Li Yunlong first ordered Huzi to let the cooking team cook a few dishes, and then he sat cross-legged on the kang.

Poking his hand, Li Yunlong asked faintly: "Brother, did you come here empty-handed again this time?"

"What empty-handed?" Chen Feng was taken aback, "Didn't all the goods be given to you?"

"I'm talking about gifts." Li Yunlong said, "Last time you said you would definitely do it next time. Isn't this the next time you said last time? Why didn't you see it? You must have hidden the treasure on your body. Hurry up." Take it out and let the old man take a look."

The large-caliber sniper rifle that Chen Feng gave Zhao Gang last time made Li Yunlong drool with envy in his dreams.

Chen Feng said inwardly, he forgot to bring out Li Yunlong's shotgun when exchanging weapons and equipment.

"Did I say that? Brother, you must have heard it wrong, right?" Chen Feng was taken aback. He remembered that he hadn't said that.

Hey, this person forgets the old love when he has a new love.

Li Datuan said in a sour tone: "It's fine if you don't have a gift, but the shell gun can be used at once."

Chen Feng felt a little funny, isn't it just a large-caliber sniper rifle, and Captain Li became jealous.

Chen Feng said seriously: "A mere gun is nothing, I brought you a big gift this time."


"What a big gift, quickly show it to me?"

Li Yunlong's eyes widened suddenly, and his expression was also slightly happy.

Good guy, I really brought a gift.

Let me just say, how could Brother Chen Feng forget me as an old brother?

"It's no fun to make small troubles all the time, so my big gift this time is a big business." Chen Feng said unhurriedly, "It depends on whether you dare to do it, brother."

Li Yunlong said: "Brother, you don't know me very well now, just say something boastful."

"There is nothing in this world that our old Li dare not do. Give me one or two divisions, and I will dare to fight Taiyuan."

"As long as the price you give is right, brother, I'll hit whoever you ask me to hit, no matter what."

"Very good." Chen Feng was very satisfied with Li Yunlong's attitude of beating devils.

After a pause, Chen Feng continued: "The 11th Army of the Japanese Army is preparing for a new round of offensive against the Fifth Theater, preparing to attack the Yichang area. According to intelligence, the 7th Tank Regiment of the Japanese Army stationed in Mongolia will take off in three days. The train goes south along Tongpu Road to participate in the Japanese campaign against the Fifth Theater.”

"The business this time is to kill the Japanese Seventh Tank Regiment?" Li Yunlong asked.

"That's right!" Chen Feng nodded.

"How much is the price?" Li Yunlong asked hurriedly.

"Two mountain artillery battalions." Chen Feng said, "24 American-made M1A1 75mm mountain artillery."

Hearing this price, Li Yunlong's eyes widened and his breathing became a little short.

Oh my god, there are a total of 24 75mm mountain guns...

"What about the shells?"

"How many shells are there?"

After all, he had seen the big scene, and realized that he had lost his composure, Captain Li's expression quickly returned to normal.

"Two base numbers." Chen Feng said, "One gun has 1 base number of shells and 1 rounds, and 100 guns has two base numbers of shells, which is 24 rounds."

Immediately afterwards, Chen Feng took out a photo of the M1A1 American-made 75mm mountain gun from his pocket and handed it to Li Yunlong.

The introduction said: "This American-made 75mm mountain gun is more powerful than the Japanese Type [-] mountain gun and has a longer range than it. It has tires and can be disassembled for transportation, which is convenient for mountain warfare."

"How about it, do you dare to do it?"

Li Yunlong stared at the photo in his hand, did not agree, but asked: "Do you have any specific information about the Seventh Regiment of Chariots?"

This bone looks like a lot of meat and is very fat, but it must be a hard bone. Li Yunlong also has to evaluate whether Xinyiqiu can eat it.

Chen Feng took out a piece of information he had prepared long ago and handed it to Li Yunlong, and said:
"The commander of the seventh regiment of Japanese tanks is Takao Maeda, and the total strength of the regiment is around 1000."

"The total number of tanks is about 50, including 30 medium-sized Type 20 tanks and [-] Type [-] light tanks."

"50 tanks..." Li Yunlong frowned, "That's a lot."

"Don't dare to do it?" Chen Feng said, "The bazooka and machine guns in your new regiment's hands are the tanks of the Tianke devils, and the devils' tanks are notoriously thin-skinned. , It’s no different from the ones made of paper, these 24 mountain cannons are just like picking up for nothing..."

Li Yunlong waved his hand and said: "Of course I want 24 mountain cannons, but the devil's tanks will not stop there and let us fight for nothing, and the devil's tanks will also fight back. Let me think about it again. If I don't do it well, this may be a pen A loss-making deal."

"How about it..." Chen Feng said, "If you agree, I will reimburse all the ammunition for this battle, and I will also give you a copy of the precision shooting method of the mountain cannon and the map used for the precision design method of the whole Shanxi."

Li Yunlong glanced at Chen Feng, then stared at the photo of the mountain cannon in his hand, frowning slightly.

Chen Feng said again: "If I don't dare to do it, I'll ask other people. There should be people who want to do it at this price."

"Don't, don't, don't." Li Yunlong was a little anxious when he heard that, "It's too embarrassing for you to give it to someone else for such a big business."

He pretended to be hesitant, just to see how much Chen Feng could offer.

Hearing that Chen Feng might give this business to someone else, he became anxious on the spot.

"So?" Chen Feng asked, "You want to take this business?"

"Lao Li took over this business!"

Leader Li Datuan's tone was firm, with an expression of being in a hurry with whoever was fighting with labor and management.


After lunch, Chen Feng led the motorcade to leave Yangcun.

In the afternoon, Zhao Gang returned to Xinyi Regiment and told Li Yunlong about his meeting at the division headquarters.

The 129th Division was preparing to launch a large-scale combat operation against the Japanese Baijin Railway in two days.

However, considering that the Xinyi Regiment had just fought two battles in Liao County and needed to rest, and that this battle was mainly to scrape the railway tracks and destroy the enemy's railway lines, the division did not allow the Xinyi Regiment to participate in this raid.

When Li Yunlong heard this, he was a little anxious.

"How do you say you are a political commissar?"

"Not only did we not get the main attack mission, but we didn't even get the feint mission."

"Others are playing lively on the railway, and our Xinyituan sits on the bench behind."

"If you want me to say, our Xinyi regiment can't get a fight because you, the political commissar, are too cowardly in front of the teacher."

"What are you afraid of? Why don't you dare to fight with the teacher?"

Although it is exactly what Li Yunlong wants if he can't win a battle this time, Li Yunlong feels that Zhao Gang's character is too straightforward.

If you don't grab the main attack mission, it will be someone else's.

Zhao Gang glared without showing any weakness: "The teacher made such a decision, of course he has his considerations, what are you talking about, those who don't know think you are fucking the teacher."

Li Yunlong said: "It seems that next time there is such a meeting, labor and management have to go in person. Where does labor and management go, and see who dares to compete with labor and management for the main task?"

"Okay, okay." Zhao Gang said, "Then you go, labor and management are too lazy to run."

After taking a sip of water, Zhao Gang was about to say something, but he saw Li Yunlong staring at the map, looking a little excited?
This is not normal.

This time the new regiment did not win a battle. On the way back to the regiment headquarters, Zhao Gang was ready to quarrel with Li Yunlong. This order from the division headquarters should make the competitive leader Li very upset. Swear at people when they catch them, after all, what this group likes most is to attack.

Resting at the station, how can you get excited if you can't eat a bite of meat?
What's more, it's very disrespectful to Li Yunlong to just make a few complaints and then stop the drums.

At first, Zhao Gang thought that Li Yunlong would take advantage of the fact that the devils and puppet soldiers in Liao County were beaten and disabled, and wanted to take the opportunity to take Liao County.

Leader Li was staring at a map of the whole territory of Shanxi on the table at this moment. Looking carefully, Zhao just discovered that several positions of the Tongpu Railway on the map had been marked by Li Yunlong with a red pen.

Tongpu Railway?

Zhao Gang couldn't help squinting his eyes.

Isn't this bastard trying to rob the army?

(End of this chapter)

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